[3.5] FACETANK THE WORLD | Instant Leech! 8k+ life, 2.5m+ Shaper DPS Double Strike

Lynz wrote:
Very nice guide man, You worked hard in this detailed guide, Played this league so far: Frostblades, RF Chieftain, RF Jugg, Cyclone Slayer, but this is the most fun build. Thanks for all your work. Gonna paste my gear, hope you can advice me!.
Dang that gear is...solid. I prioritized life a lot more on the jewelry/boots than you I think to get that 9k life pool (the flat phys isn't super appealing considering how much we already get from VDS). The only thing that stands out to me is your abyss jewel is pretty bad. The flat fire doesn't scale and the phys roll is pretty small. Attack speed if you've crit recently is actually the best roll you can get, and crit multi and flat phys with claws are the next best mods. The rest are just small but expensive adjustments, like a double corruption on weapon, 10% more implicit multi on offhand, 21/20 VDS gem. Your chest is amazing.

YYakovliev wrote:
Really cool guide, PsychicMuffin!

Can you add in the leveling section a couple of useful uniques we can use until we transition into the final setup. Thanks.
Yeah that's a pretty good idea. I'll do some updates soon with all the delve stuff coming out.

darthfelix wrote:

1) What about taking the Single Damage Setup without Ancestrall Call and Melee Splash and going for Reave for clearing, just switching to Dual Strike for Bossfights? You don't need other Gem Colors and the AoE of Reave should be much better...

I actually think this is a great idea. Reave makes clearing much faster and clear speed is the only downside I see in this build.

We already have to swap 2 support gems for clearing so swaping just the active skill is an improvement. Leech will work differently I suppose (ony half will be instant) but we're only talking about minions not bosses. Unless someone comes up with a good reason not to, I plan to test this setup in Delve.
Oh yeah it's totally legit, I personally love Reave. The problem is I hate gem swapping and when your gear gets good enough to where you can easily clear T15 bosses with reave...you can also clear them without swapping gems on VDS so I personally just left it as is. If you do run the reave I honestly just recommend swapping the offhand sword for a scepter so you don't need dps on your offhand and you don't lose half your instant leech. Scepters aren't as good but it's not TOO big a deal and if you care that much you can set up a weapon swap maybe? I'd just use the scepter though, it'll work fine.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Aixx wrote:
TheWriter wrote:

Serpentscale GauntletsQuality: +20%
Armour: 93
Evasion: 93Requires Level 43, 34 Str, 34 Dex
25% increased Damage over Time
+(20-30) to Strength
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
(25-40)% increased Attack Damage against Bleeding Enemies
Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing 5% of
their Maximum Life as Physical Damage
25% reduced Bleeding Duration

str =some life, Impulsa like aoe explosion, inc attack damage against bleeding enemies. The "Red Storm" is inferior, by like, a lot.

Well, now after checking Path of Building I can say that the rare Gloves version is better in terms of DPS and you wont even lose life.
I used PsychicMuffin's level 95 PoB link and with that setup he has 9100 life and 2.342M Single Target DPS. Then I respecced 3 random 5% increased max. life nodes and used these points to get "Red Storm".
I crafted some rare gloves (all tier 2 mods, so it can be even higher..) with 80 life, 46 strength, 13% attack speed and 4-7 Phy. Damage to Attacks and used them instead of Haemophilia.

Now I still have 9100 life but 2.530M Damage instead of 2.342M. Which is pretty nice for like 0 effort.

Like you already wrote Haemophilia has the following mods

25% increased Damage over Time
+(20-30) to Strength
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
(25-40)% increased Attack Damage against Bleeding Enemies
Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing 5% of
their Maximum Life as Physical Damage
25% reduced Bleeding Duration

->25% increased Damage over Time is okay but worse than Attack Speed or flat Physical Damage
->20-30 Strength (10-15 life) is nothing compared to what rare Gloves can have (100 life +).
->Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding, with Red Storm you also have 25%.
Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing 5% of their Maximum Life as Physical Damage
Thats not the OP Inpulsa Elementalist thing. However the sound of it is nice lel.
With ~13% increased attack speed your clearspeed will be even faster (Whirling Blades)
->25% reduced Bleeding Duration, well that should be a bad mod but who really cares.

And then you still get 30% increased global physical damage from Red Storm which adds 4,3% total DPS (in his case).
The reason Haemophilias are so important and I will never ditch them is the bleedsplosions, straight up. Yes I talk a lot in the guide about getting the bleed chance, and you can blow 3 points to get bleed and get that life back on gloves, but honestly the build's biggest weakness is clear speed. We are a namelock melee, AND we are relying on ancestral call melee splash to clear. I don't know if you've ever played that style build to clear, but you leave leftovers a lot and it's pretty annoying. It's not a problem for most builds however as they just run herald of ash and problem solved...but all of a sudden I want to run BM and we're stuck leaving a bunch of random mobs behind. I would never ditch haemo gloves unless I could run herald of ash or some other explosion effect to clean up the clearing.

As for delve stuff, I don't actually plan on playing in delve really as I went hard a few leagues in a row and I think december's expansion will be killer. That being said, that means I actually have MORE time for quick updates and maybe some testing in standard to make updates to the guide, and it seems to be staying popular so I'll see what I can do.

Nickolai20599 wrote:
Looking forward to trying this one in Delve, got one question though.

So I just quickly went into the PoB to see how you got a whopping 9k life, and well, 260% and good life rolls does wonders clearly. But I realized that you use bloodmagic and no auras, after reallocating the 5 points quickly we get the following changes:

35% Increased maximum life
Blood Magic


16& increased maximum Life
16% increased Evasion Rating
20% increased Critical Strike Chance

With that we lose roughly 500 life, but gain some damage. (Worth noting that with 6 points we could go for the Finesse node and linked ranger life nodes for some attack speed, more max life and evasion rating.)

We do also primarily gain the ability to use auras, such as hatred and herald of ash. PoB displays after this a rough 600k dps increase from 2.3mil to 2.9mil, which is roughly a grand 25% damage increase at the cost of 1/18th of our life pool. And if you don't mind dropping herald of ash, you could fit in a blasphemy curse, assassins mark with power charge generation is good damage (not sure how the build supposedly gains power charges without it, although power charges is ticked in POB), temp chains, enfeeble etc.

But I imagine the counter argument to this is that we don't need more damage, and the lifepool being larger gives us more room to start insta leeching. Since your life pool could be considered just a massive buffer with the leech, the bigger the better.

That turned out to be pretty long, but my question with that in mind is basically, why blood magic?

EDIT: After some reading I realize this has been touched upon already and I feel like an idiot. Also saw that the power charge gen comes from the corruption, sad times that double corrupting won't be in for one league atleast.
Yep I did touch on this in comments, but honestly there's a lot of comments so I don't blame people for not reading them all, it's nbd =P. That said you landed right on the money with a few of those points. I had of course looked at most of the aura comparisons but I just didn't care that much about the damage vs 500 life, and even things like blasphemy curses or defensive auras like grace just weren't that big of a deal in the end. The Purities argument really ends up pretty strong though. The improved itemization and defenses from dual purity + AA resulted in 300 less life in my build but fairly noticeably better mitigation. When I played with the tree it ended up like you said, drop the 6 points for BM, and actually don't go to that whole south area at all and go to ranger start instead. This gives us a fat stack of damage from those tree nodes, plus we get a hidden damage buff of not losing 8% of our damage on full life bonus due to blood magic interaction. Icing on the cake is easier swap to kaom's roots! I honestly think that version of the build is better and the only downside is we lose a few QoL gems since we need room for auras. Unfortunately I've been traveling a lot (Dota 2 TI 8 was awesome!) so I haven't actually tested it, and I want to test it before actually changing the base guide.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Sounds good haha. After some thinking, I'd imagine that the purity setup (even if arguably on the same level or slightly better than the other path towards the end) is probably much better from a league starter perspective. Since you don't need to worry as much about resistances early on. Heck, if you do have two resistances capped, run the third as a purity and then throw in a Hatred for some extra damage during early maps before you can afford decent gear. Probably going with that path after brief consideration.
Last edited by Nickolai20599 on Aug 26, 2018, 10:12:06 AM
PsychicMuffin wrote:
The Purities argument really ends up pretty strong though. The improved itemization and defenses from dual purity + AA resulted in 300 less life in my build but fairly noticeably better mitigation. When I played with the tree it ended up like you said, drop the 6 points for BM, and actually don't go to that whole south area at all and go to ranger start instead. This gives us a fat stack of damage from those tree nodes, plus we get a hidden damage buff of not losing 8% of our damage on full life bonus due to blood magic interaction. Icing on the cake is easier swap to kaom's roots! I honestly think that version of the build is better and the only downside is we lose a few QoL gems since we need room for auras. Unfortunately I've been traveling a lot (Dota 2 TI 8 was awesome!) so I haven't actually tested it, and I want to test it before actually changing the base guide.

Sounds solid, can you give the link to your current build with the purities so we can test it also. Thanks.
YYakovliev wrote:
PsychicMuffin wrote:
The Purities argument really ends up pretty strong though. The improved itemization and defenses from dual purity + AA resulted in 300 less life in my build but fairly noticeably better mitigation. When I played with the tree it ended up like you said, drop the 6 points for BM, and actually don't go to that whole south area at all and go to ranger start instead. This gives us a fat stack of damage from those tree nodes, plus we get a hidden damage buff of not losing 8% of our damage on full life bonus due to blood magic interaction. Icing on the cake is easier swap to kaom's roots! I honestly think that version of the build is better and the only downside is we lose a few QoL gems since we need room for auras. Unfortunately I've been traveling a lot (Dota 2 TI 8 was awesome!) so I haven't actually tested it, and I want to test it before actually changing the base guide.

Sounds solid, can you give the link to your current build with the purities so we can test it also. Thanks.

Something like this probably http://poeurl.com/b2ew
400 less life with the same damage. With less resist pressure on gear life can go up a bit, not to the level of BM of course. But survivability should be better with the higher max resists and AA.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Thinking of giving this a try in Delve. Thanks for the very comprehensive guide! Looking forward to the patch notes before I make anything final. But, I think this is the one !
Going to do this build as a Jugg for Delve HC. I’ll start with swords to farm lab for a week, amass wealth and then swap to claws for the juicy instant leech and then start delving and bossing.
After read the pathnotes for delve, it seems we can go with this build, or I´m wrong?...
Why do you use the gem '' blood rage '' on weapon and gloves?
Last edited by ArrX8 on Aug 29, 2018, 1:41:18 AM
Yeah, it seems we're fine with this build. I'm wondering about two things: changes to passive tree and whether including herald of purity is worth it. Kind of a newb in this game still so I'd appreciate some advice on this :P
I enjoy creating thematic builds, that are still perfectly functional!

- [3.25] (CONCEPT) Master of Blades - Death by a Thousand Impales: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3533232
- [3.25] The Undying Vampire - Colin Robinson Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3438891

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