[3.6] Immune HOWA Jugg | CI 15k+ es | Insane dps | Indestructible | Uber Elder video up

This is the perfect place to cap your resistances. Other than that, focus on int, wed and flat es. Flat lightning damage is also fine

noob question, but what is wed?
Zeddzded wrote:
This is the perfect place to cap your resistances. Other than that, focus on int, wed and flat es. Flat lightning damage is also fine

noob question, but what is wed?

Weapeon Elemental Damage
Gaz2144 wrote:
Weapeon Elemental Damage

Your shield is bucking fonkers, btw.
I have +1 gem shapers gloves currently and level 3 Enlighten.

I do not have the 1% reduced mana reserved corruption for brute force solution and pure talent.

My question is, if I get a level 4 Enlighten and the Watcher's Eye, will I be able to run Clarity along with the other 3 Auras?

Zeddzded wrote:
I have +1 gem shapers gloves currently and level 3 Enlighten.

I do not have the 1% reduced mana reserved corruption for brute force solution and pure talent.

My question is, if I get a level 4 Enlighten and the Watcher's Eye, will I be able to run Clarity along with the other 3 Auras?

Probably. You'll likely need more max mana nodes on the tree though. Until you level up more just stay specced in Sovereignty. You can path to it on the right side if you need to free up a point.

You can get max mana and a jewel node on the left side of Scion:

Last edited by Gref#1923 on Jan 23, 2019, 3:01:56 PM
So im enjoying the build but i would like some input on my gear i dont have good gems so should i focus on a better shield or go for some good gems ?

naaltje wrote:
So im enjoying the build but i would like some input on my gear i dont have good gems so should i focus on a better shield or go for some good gems ?

You're characters are hidden from your profile.

300+ ES Helm and Shield. Just play Blade Flurry if it means giving up your MS enchant.

30+ Int/ES on Rings.

40+ ES and 1-70 Flat Lightning Damage Abyss Jewels. Any other useful affixes are a bonus but will cost a fuck ton. Otherwise, the kind I described are like 20c a pop.

Finish leveling, flipping, corrupting your skill gems.

Corrupt HoWAs and Coils if you can afford to.
Last edited by Gref#1923 on Jan 23, 2019, 4:07:22 PM
hankinsohl wrote:
grizzly40 wrote:
naaltje wrote:
Enjoying the build so far for the little time i played with it.

But i also read on reddit that the MS build would greatly benefit from pathing to point blank anyone using it in their current build and know if its worth to get it ?

Not worth it, if you need more damage go for celestial judgment and heart of thunder

I disagree. It's a matter of choice. Many players - knowledgeable players with years of POE experience - choose to path towards Point Blank. Such players tend to know exactly what they're doing and are not making a "noob" decision.

The key is knowing exactly what you're giving up should you choose to path to PB. Put your build into POE and see exactly what stats you get pathing to Point Blank versus not pathing.

You'll definitely end up with more DPS - probably on the order of 17% more pathing to Point Blank - but you'll be giving up roughly 5% ES and some resists and possibly other stats to do so.

Playing hard core though - I personally wouldn't path to PB - safety first in HC.

As for modifying the non-PB pathing to take more DPS nodes - you can modify the PB pathing in exactly the same way as you modify the non-PB pathing to match whatever DPS gain you achieve maintaining the 17% or so advantage in DPS of the PB pathing.

In other words, you can modify the non-PB pathing to take DPS nodes - at the cost of ES/resists/other stats - but you won't end up with as nearly as much DPS as you would have if you pathed to PB.

I would say that at high end gear - you are likely to have enough DPS that you won't want to path to PB (because with high-end gear your clear speed isn't going to be affected by DPS so much as it is by the intrinsic limitations of Molten Strike and Shield Charge).

At high end gear levels, more DPS won't help with clear speed; it will however make high end boss encounters go faster but that's so rare it's not worth giving up extra tankiness to achieve). At lower end gear, you might well want the extra DPS to make DPS-sensitive encounters easier.
Once you hit 10K ES, you won't be one-shot by almost any attack. At that point, if you are in a soft core league, you might well decide to up DPS at the cost of increased ES/other stats.

Hard core aside - where safety first is paramount - yes, ES/other stats beyond 10K ES are situationally valuable - very deep delving/really bad mods on T16 maps - but this is situational. Meanwhile, 17% more DPS is going to have a real noticeable impact on clear-speed/ease of completing DPS sensitive encounters - such as high level incursions where you really want to run them with increased AOE instead of Conc Effect and will be most comfortable doing so with higher DPS.

At really high levels of gear where DPS is very good regardless of missing out on the Point Blank pathing - then, yes, it makes more sense to take higher ES/resists/other stats instead.

But at lower gear levels - I maintain that it's very much a matter of choice. Some players really want to build tanky regardless of which league they're in - others want higher DPS. Build/path accordingly - neither preference is wrong.

In general i agree, but as you said, i don't think that having even more damage is in any way beneficial, i could push for something like 10k es and 2m shaper dps per ball (with ancestral call), but whats the point
I just swapped from BF version to Molten strike. Seems a bit better, havent tried any bosses yet except Aul depth 412 with 50% boost, until 40% of his hp I facetanked him, then got oneshotted by crystal ground xD
Anyways, my question here is how big dps boost gives the +2 helmet enchant? Would gladly take any other tips for MS version. Check my profile for gear and tree (dont wanna spam).
Any ideas on how to play this as ST instead of blade flurry?

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