PvP Changes and Timeline
" Scorching ray need damage reduce per stack...or less stack damage The Holy Bible
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" agreed IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
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" Guys like this are why PvP balance is sooooooooo bad. You do realize people play builds without rare items, without dual wielding etc..etc.. People should be allowed to play more then 1-3 ways in PvP that would be the definition of balance....b a l a n c e. IGN: MullaXul
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there is no way to please everyone.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
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WOOO its happening bois!
IGN - Xukai
Mirror Service - /1046531 |
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true dat bro
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" You'll be shocked how quickly people stop wanting to sell hall of the grandmasters once you're set up with this. "That's nice cupcake" ~ Rlowe, 1984 - RIP in pieces, least we 4get
"""Everyone is an asshole and I'm awesome" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016" ~ philophil, 2016" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016 "Fuck." ~ Rlowe, 2017 "...post-ironic thread..." ~ Rlowe, 2017 |
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The usual solution to bypass shitty design: using another shitty designed skill... until they nerf the shit out of it.
If ever Block and dodge is not adressed it will only favorise mirror weapons for 2h users as they ll be the only one with the damage and the mod to support 15% leo. And even with that good luck bypassing 81% block gladiators using Aegis or ES regen tank aegis blockers. It s insanely hard to roll a 2h weapon that can possibly get the 15% leo craft and have more than 400pdps and like Mulla mentioned a lot of people use unique weapons for some reasons. Poe Pvp experience
https://youtu.be/Z6eg3aB_V1g?t=302 |
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Block is not the main problem but recovery mechanics associated with it and all recovery in global in PoE.
Disabling or nerfing (pretty hard) all recovery mechanics in PvP (including life flasks, life/ES regeneration, ES recharging, life/ES on block, zerhpis etc) would be a solution. It worked in diablo 2 back in days when we played pvp in private leagues. There have been very limited recovery mechanics in diablo2 besides life flasks and those were banned in legit dueling (after 1.1). It have been working for many years with great success. Besides that block were reduced to 1/3 of its value while moving (walk/running been possible though). On the other hand 2h without block, dodge will be left in dust. The problem is that there´s no real advantage going 2h weapon (it was very different in d2 but still 90% of pvp builds were block builds unless using bow ofc). Last edited by Rakiii#5559 on Jun 27, 2018, 6:49:25 AM
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" 2h in Diablo2 was garbage compared to dual wield. Barbarians and Assassins were far better with 2 weapons equipped because of the way Whirl Wind break points and hits per spin worked. Many Assassin skills were just flat out better this way too with the exception of kick... Many 1h also had the same or superior range to 2h weapons...that's how bad the balance was regarding 1h vs 2h. As for recovery mechanics, again if we ignore regeneration and frost bomb interactions. Only the most extreme of trolls have intolerable levels of regeneration and if GGG properly destroys how much damage automated defenses do...they will then lack any form of real threatening damage. Also damage in this game even after 3.4 will be high enough to warrant forms of regeneration/healing...do I agree with it? no. Is it necessary given the diversity of builds and damage output vs logical defenses? ya, unfortunately some builds simply can't compete at all unless they can heal in some way. I started this game using 0 life flasks because of Diablo2, after having people heal vs me constantly with no fucks given or requiring to heal myself to avoid getting killed in 1 hit and a breeze in my general direction (small enough window to heal where I had under 100 life from 1 hit)...I realized this game won't work without it. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jun 27, 2018, 5:35:42 PM
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