PvP in 3.3.0 and Beyond

PVP balance LOL
IGN : Teknodartio
Last edited by Teknodartio#5289 on May 31, 2018, 10:41:12 PM
Well, attack skills requires Heavy investment in pvp to actually work. I believe currently zerphi is the main concern.

Builds that requires little investment yet is able to kill everything that comes at it.

I played almost all pvp builds. Traps/Kb/La/Ea/Vd/fireball/magma

I am surprised i didnt see magma orb on the list as Magma orb's range is absurd. Able to kill someone from one corner of sarn to the next

bear traps - too strong.

EA is fine, its just the flask.

Commandment of winter - all you need is a zerphi's flask and fast movement skills and u can just 1 shot anyone that hits you, scaled by spell damage. able to 1 shot 10-11k hp.

kinetic blast is weak without Heavy investment.

Conversion talismans - 100 (fire/light) taken as cold.

Volatile dead does too much damage and have too much seek range. ( volatile dominates 1v1 matches due to the size of the arena )

Alot of people complain about skills like kb or fireball doing too much damage. but the fact is that it requires heavy investment to make it work. A 1000ex wander vs a 30ex zerphi vd the latter still wins.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh#7305 on Jun 1, 2018, 6:42:53 AM
Rank 1 has spoken ^^
IGN : Teknodartio
Was going to say Arc Totems, but you said all things that have recently changed.
So I guess the only other one I can think of other then the one's mentioned would be Scorching Ray.
Support player XD Find my stream at https://www.twitch.tv/wigglymustache
I'm a league PvPer foremost so I don't know the extremes of what's broken as much as the standard folks do, but everything that comes to my mind is already on the chart.

I just want to add my voice to this post to say how much I appreciate GGG taking steps to address PvP again. There may not be many of us, but we think there's a lot of potential in PvP in Path and would love for it to be in a place that's more fair and accessible for other people to come play with us.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Profane Boon (ranger Pathfinder)
Pathfinder (scion ascendant)
Ryslatha (minor pantheon)

Flask charges are extremely limited on PvP, being able to gain charges from time allows a player to "pop" all their flasks for an optimal engage. After a failed engage or a win the Flask generating player can just run around until they have all flasks again making them gain a larger and larger advantage as the match continues.

This needs to be disabled in PvP or given a maximum amount of charges that can be generated in PvP
that is what makes pathfinder a flask acedancy.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh#7305 on May 31, 2018, 10:48:13 PM
Just make Flasks Refill in between rounds...
IGN : Teknodartio
then again, despite this being a good step towards pvp, most people will just boycott skills they lose to, instead of finding a solution.

End of the day it is how much you invest in the build, casual pver's with good/insane gear coming into arena is gonna die regardless and complain.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh#7305 on May 31, 2018, 11:03:46 PM
Last edited by Aodui#3921 on Sep 9, 2018, 4:27:46 PM

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