[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

wackygoose wrote:

He is nice to everyone and make a great effort to not lose his temper. I already admire the guy

I was being tongue in cheek re: Guffin's self-admitted defensiveness over his build.
Perce79 wrote:
wackygoose wrote:

He is nice to everyone and make a great effort to not lose his temper. I already admire the guy

I was being tongue in cheek re: Guffin's self-admitted defensiveness over his build.

Now I get it. Didnt notice the humor hehe. Sorry if I offended you in anyway, not my intention
Last edited by wackygoose on Sep 28, 2018, 4:43:00 PM
Guffinn wrote:
HDTanel wrote:
Dude, I now put on all your recommended gear and it is DOG SHIT still lol. I am lvl60 and white mob packs even kill me easily, leech seems to have no effect, it gets my health pack up quickly but I don´t feel it ever like overleeches for more then 0.5sec.. so 0.5s buffer which is gone when I reach next pack.
I don´t understand how you can progress with this build.. just no way this can kill anything

No, you did not.

As of writing this, you're still missing tons of the League Start Gear. Not only Gear Uniques, also Flasks.
I won't tell you what you're doing wrong, it's literally all written out.

And as I said, others have had no problems. Be it SSF, as a 2nd Character ever, or as more experienced Players.
Everyone that played this Build either pushed into red Maps/Shaper easily, and some took on Uber Elder, and some people that don't bother with reading the Guide failed.

You may be the latter. Like I said dude, maybe this Build isn't for you.
You can not put your Failings on the Guide, when it's worked out dozens of times and you are saying you did everything as recommended, when you're still missing so much.
As a sidenote, there aree 28 Players Level 94 and above (lower ones don't get indexed) currently playing this Build (or a very similar one) in Delve SC:
+ some that made minor Variations in the Keystones or Skillchoices.
And then obviously some below Level 94 :P

This is not meant to attack you on a personal Level, even tho it might come off as that. If that's the case, I beg your pardon.
But as a matter of fact, you are simply failing at reading the Guide thoroughly and following it. That can happen, it's a wall of Text. But don't put your shortcomings on the Guide.

It's completely fine to admit that you couldn't follow this Guide and drop the Character. There are tons to chose from out there, and regardless of which one you end up with, I hope you have a good time with it :)

I did.
I am in maps now, it takes 1minute to kill beach boss, super squishy.. nothing to like about this build atm.. am I doing something SO DRASTICLY wrong?? What??
I have ALL your recommended starter gear on, ZERO damage, zero life.
What am I missing here???

Wasp for main hand
Moonbender for offhand
Helmet with Innervate
Rings both with Elemental damage 35%
Amulet with crit multiplier
Belt with elemental damage
All other stuff just resists, some life.
I am resists capped except one which is 71%.
1500 life
4link reave and flurry

Thing is that as I read this build should easily leech life OVER my life when I kill mobs.. but the damage is so low it never happens.

I have done 2 labs to get the most important lifeleech node.

I mean.. at this point with random rares I was already in red maps with trapper, just facerolled everything. This cant even kill beach mobs or boss average time.

So tell me WHAT is missing for this build to work like you are stating??? I should do enough DPS to kill bosses in few shots.. but it takes like 100 shots. And thats just bloody first white map...
even blue packs take 10-20shots to kill...
Mathils actual cat
Last edited by HDTanel on Sep 28, 2018, 8:38:37 PM
HDTanel wrote:
Guffinn wrote:
HDTanel wrote:
Dude, I now put on all your recommended gear and it is DOG SHIT still lol. I am lvl60 and white mob packs even kill me easily, leech seems to have no effect, it gets my health pack up quickly but I don´t feel it ever like overleeches for more then 0.5sec.. so 0.5s buffer which is gone when I reach next pack.
I don´t understand how you can progress with this build.. just no way this can kill anything

No, you did not.

As of writing this, you're still missing tons of the League Start Gear. Not only Gear Uniques, also Flasks.
I won't tell you what you're doing wrong, it's literally all written out.

And as I said, others have had no problems. Be it SSF, as a 2nd Character ever, or as more experienced Players.
Everyone that played this Build either pushed into red Maps/Shaper easily, and some took on Uber Elder, and some people that don't bother with reading the Guide failed.

You may be the latter. Like I said dude, maybe this Build isn't for you.
You can not put your Failings on the Guide, when it's worked out dozens of times and you are saying you did everything as recommended, when you're still missing so much.
As a sidenote, there aree 28 Players Level 94 and above (lower ones don't get indexed) currently playing this Build (or a very similar one) in Delve SC:
+ some that made minor Variations in the Keystones or Skillchoices.
And then obviously some below Level 94 :P

This is not meant to attack you on a personal Level, even tho it might come off as that. If that's the case, I beg your pardon.
But as a matter of fact, you are simply failing at reading the Guide thoroughly and following it. That can happen, it's a wall of Text. But don't put your shortcomings on the Guide.

It's completely fine to admit that you couldn't follow this Guide and drop the Character. There are tons to chose from out there, and regardless of which one you end up with, I hope you have a good time with it :)

I did.
I am in maps now, it takes 1minute to kill beach boss, super squishy.. nothing to like about this build atm.. am I doing something SO DRASTICLY wrong?? What??
I have ALL your recommended starter gear on, ZERO damage, zero life.
What am I missing here???

Wasp for main hand
Moonbender for offhand
Helmet with Innervate
Rings both with Elemental damage 35%
Amulet with crit multiplier
Belt with elemental damage
All other stuff just resists, some life.
I am resists capped except one which is 71%.
1500 life
4link reave and flurry

Thing is that as I read this build should easily leech life OVER my life when I kill mobs.. but the damage is so low it never happens.

I have done 2 labs to get the most important lifeleech node.

I mean.. at this point with random rares I was already in red maps with trapper, just facerolled everything. This cant even kill beach mobs or boss average time.

So tell me WHAT is missing for this build to work like you are stating??? I should do enough DPS to kill bosses in few shots.. but it takes like 100 shots. And thats just bloody first white map...
even blue packs take 10-20shots to kill...

Doesn't monster damage follow an exponential curve? With 2k life and 6 levels below the monsters you'll be fortunate to face tank a skeleton. At this point I'm as mystified as you are, but I think for very different reasons.

In terms of what you're missing, it seems almost everything! But if you take the time to read the advice given to dozens of other players on this thread you can easily find out what to do. e.g.
1. level up
2. life, life, life
3. spend the 15c on a tabula to 6link your BF
4. fix your flasks
5. if you want more out of your reave, 10c for a helmet with inc aoe
6. 50 other things you've not bothered to read...

Btw, if you read my post, I found that overleech only felt strong (to me! I can't speak for others) after uber lab and end game tree.

Please don't post again until you have done what 90% of the McFlurry builders have done and completely followed the guide and later advice.
Dude seriously, you arent paying attention enough when you are reading. You keep blaming it on the build, but it is obvious that the build isnt the problem, it is you that isnt following it correctly.

Took this from Guffin's quote " Not only Gear Uniques, also Flasks."

you are still using shitty life flasks, and also you dont seem to get the hang of Stat Priorities, you need to upgrade your rares which is a very cheap thing to do and it is written all over the guide that you need to upgrade you rares.

I will give you an example as to why you are doing bad in stat priorities, your helmet has innvervate? Sure, but increased stun and block recovery, reduced attribute reqs and increased effect of shock arent helping you.

You can get one with both Increased AoE+Hypo or Innervate and also increased effect of chill, it is a lot more offensive and will cost you only 7~10c atm.

Your rings are good defensively but have you bought them using the Low Budget Links? they are lacking add phys to attacks which makes a huge difference

Your amulet has only one offensive stat, again, you dont seem to be using the Low Budget Links

look at these cheap and better offensive amulets ( you dont need that much life earlier on )

your chest sucks bad, I told you about the tabula, try it... also a 5l from the provided links is costing 1 alch ( why you dont like to use them? )... getting a 5 linked Reave would improve your dps a whole lot

While farming Maps, going for a proper 6link for your Reave and socketing BF into the Helmet is an Option as well. BF damage will still be enough for any Bosses, but Reave might just cover a bit more Area with a 21 Inc Area.
(Vaal)Reave + Inc Crit Strikes + Inc Aoe + Multistrike + EdWA + DoFL
Last edited by wackygoose on Sep 28, 2018, 9:21:04 PM
Also please stop comparing it with other builds, Guffin is repeating himself, you were warned, this is harder and will cost you more than a trapper.

Ty for your advice, can you take another look at my build and see where I can improve atm..?
eaglecnt wrote:

Doesn't monster damage follow an exponential curve? With 2k life and 6 levels below the monsters you'll be fortunate to face tank a skeleton. At this point I'm as mystified as you are, but I think for very different reasons.

In terms of what you're missing, it seems almost everything! But if you take the time to read the advice given to dozens of other players on this thread you can easily find out what to do. e.g.
1. level up
2. life, life, life
3. spend the 15c on a tabula to 6link your BF
4. fix your flasks
5. if you want more out of your reave, 10c for a helmet with inc aoe
6. 50 other things you've not bothered to read...

Btw, if you read my post, I found that overleech only felt strong (to me! I can't speak for others) after uber lab and end game tree.

Please don't post again until you have done what 90% of the McFlurry builders have done and completely followed the guide and later advice.

Alright, started using flasks (never used them at all before) and bought all flasks needed, not the right rolls on some and Atziri is long way off but feels I can finally survive and bosses go down in.. 30attacks instead of 100 before. Tier2 maps atm. Also but on Tabula but really very small difference imo 4link vs 6link, plus tabula league start is too expensive to enjoy it.. but doable ofc but not a game changer item at all.
Mathils actual cat
How do you get higher conversion?
Currently I have 79% with Winter spirit and the one before it (40%)
And 39% from my watchers eye.
Or is 80% the max at endgame?
Rufus66 wrote:
How do you get higher conversion?
Currently I have 79% with Winter spirit and the one before it (40%)
And 39% from my watchers eye.
Or is 80% the max at endgame?

There is also Taste of Hate

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