[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Guffinn wrote:

That said jan1ss: you can't use a Foil as a Statstick, that completely defeats the purpose as Reave AND BF will use Both Hands to attack. You need to get either an axe or Sceptre.

So thats why my attacks were so inconsistent,still good enough for breezing trough t10 maps.
Thanks mate
Shaper was a breeze with my mediocre items :p This build has been really fun! My next goal is uber elder
up! i've set my char to public if you can take a look, don't worry about the weird passive tree xd i was a noob, and i had like 30 not used passive point until my friend told me it was after uber lab for the ranger start thing xd
My update:

Did lvl 92 yesterday and i am working atm on completing my red maps in my atlas.
I picked the +life in my tree, because damage is not a problem.

Did 3 guardians without problems. My T16 Chimera map was with triple damage, ele weakness, lower res, unique deals XX% damage, + attack speed... Could not finish him, because i got one shotted a few times.

Bought a 6L Belly which is a huge boost in single DPS. My Delve LVL is atm ~250 and still no problem with your build. Dropped the golem :-)

My next upgrade will be 2 abysall sockets on my gloves + jewel.

Still have a lot of fun!
Perce79 wrote:
look again. Your filter says 'increased' not 'reduced.' So even though the search works and fines reduced Elemental damage, that is not what the drop-down says. Many people are not going to find it when they type in the word 'reduced.'
wild that does not matter when you give them the link, it matters for people who get the drops and are trying to price them accordingly. bet a lot of people get rid of them thinking they are completely valueless because of this.

Yeah, it does, but that's just how it was implemented. Maybe there was a plan for a mod to be actually increased Elemental Damage Taken instead of only reduced, or have a range that goes from negative to positive like Ventors.
You just put in a negative Value into the search Box.
I won't stray away from the official Trade Site at this point :P

MicoXD wrote:
Shaper was a breeze with my mediocre items :p This build has been really fun! My next goal is uber elder

Glad to hear that mate!

Just make sure to grab Kaoms Roots, Purity of Ice, and maybe some Items from the Bossing Segment.
Also, replacing that right Ring of yours might be possible. It's actually pretty good due to Phys, high Accuracy and Cold Damage, but there might be some cheap better ones out there. Just check the available Rings from time to time.

Gl on the Journey to Uber Elder :)

Koko64 wrote:
up! i've set my char to public if you can take a look, don't worry about the weird passive tree xd i was a noob, and i had like 30 not used passive point until my friend told me it was after uber lab for the ranger start thing xd

Yo dude, ty for making the chars public :)

First of all, recraft that Cast Speed on your Sceptre to Global Crit Multi. Up to 27% Multi for basically "free" is a nice DPS increase.
Unspec that upper left Jewel Socket at the Scion Area. We only take that for the Might of the Meek Setups, those 4 Points used getting there are not that efficient (1 Point more than for example the Jewel Socket with the Proj Damage above Acro).
I also recommend unspeccing that one Jewel Socket with the INT Nodes, and getting Heartseeker and Assassination next. 3 Point Jewel Sockets should be taken after we've hit every important Cluster on the Passive Tree.

Other than that, your Gear looks perfectly fine for your Level. Just remember to Upgrade Rares from time to time. Just go get some Boots with Life on them please :P And go get an Abyss Jewel with Life on it for your Tombfists, Trade Links are all included (take one from the Endgame Gear Section).
But pleaaaase use a different Flask Setup. All of them are outlined in the Gear Section. Sulphur Flask is incredibly weak, a Diamond would be a tremendous Upgrade. And Bismuth and Ruby Flasks shouldnt be needed as well.

Don't forget to socket a Frostbomb somewhere for a big DPS increase on Bosses. Explained in the Gem Section.

Other than that, obviously get your Uber Lab done :P

Hope that gives you a point to start from mate :)

OberstGruber wrote:
My update:

Did lvl 92 yesterday and i am working atm on completing my red maps in my atlas.
I picked the +life in my tree, because damage is not a problem.

Did 3 guardians without problems. My T16 Chimera map was with triple damage, ele weakness, lower res, unique deals XX% damage, + attack speed... Could not finish him, because i got one shotted a few times.

Bought a 6L Belly which is a huge boost in single DPS. My Delve LVL is atm ~250 and still no problem with your build. Dropped the golem :-)

My next upgrade will be 2 abysall sockets on my gloves + jewel.

Still have a lot of fun!

Thanks for sharing your progress! And very glad that you still enjoy it :)

Gz on the Upgrades. I'd maybe look into grabbing a 2 socket Tombfist next, for that nice Life Increase and some Damage as well.
Other than that, from now on it's only about min maxing Rares for you :)

And yeah, Chimera can be rippy. Not the Chimera himself, but the adds (especially the Snakes). I can only say to dodge around a lot/alwawys stay on the move during Add Phases.
And don't blow your Flasks the instant Chimera pops up, check if he goes into a Smoke Phase first. If he does, you might want to activate a Quartz and Taste of Hate during it to get some Avoidance and Mitigation if the Mods are rippy.

Gl and hf progressing towards Uber Elder :)
Hello guys, hope you are having luck today.

Im a little confused about frostbomb, should I level or not? In the gem links section it is said to keep it at level 1 because there are no benefits to level it up, but on Uber Elder tips it is advised to make sure Frost Bomb is at 11. Wasnt frostbomb used to just apply a debuf, does the damage matters at level 11?

The mana cost doesnt seem to get absurd, I dont understand why it shouldnt be leveled earlier or when to start to level it.

ps:sorry if it is hard to understand me, im a bit anxious today and maybe repeating myself to much idk
Last edited by wackygoose on Sep 26, 2018, 12:03:44 PM
wackygoose wrote:
Hello guys, hope you are having luck today.

Im a little confused about frostbomb, should I level or not? In the gem links section it is said to keep it at level 1 because there are no benefits to level it up, but on Uber Elder tips it is advised to make sure Frost Bomb is at 11. Wasnt frostbomb used to just apply a debuf, does the damage matters at level 11?

The mana cost doesnt seem to get absurd, I dont understand why it shouldnt be leveled earlier or when to start to level it.

ps:sorry if it is hard to understand me, im a bit anxious today and maybe repeating myself to much idk

The Levels add nothing beneficial at all. Sure, the bomb does a bit more Damage, but that is totally negligible since we don't sacale that at all.
Frostbomb is only there for the Debuff like you said, and that is always the same.

The answer to your Question is in the Part that you read:
Using Kaoms makes you lose Gem Sockets. To keep your CWDT setup for the insane Survivability from Arakaali, you need to replace your Ancestral Protector + Inc Duration with CWDT + IC.
Depending on your Sockets, you might need to socket your Frostbomb with CWDT. If that's the case, make sure your Frostbomb is Level 11, so that you can still selfcast it.

Level 11 is only required if you need to place the Frostbomb into a Link with CwDt (which can happen if socket space gets iffy), since otherwise you wouldnt be able to selfcast it anymore as it would be supported by CwDt. But a Level 1 CwDt can't support a Level 11 Frostbomb, and you can use it whenever you want.
Last edited by Guffinn on Sep 26, 2018, 12:10:11 PM
okay i'll try to fix all of this! thank you again <3
Guffinn wrote:

Big gz mate :)

Happy the Build works out for you! Anything that feels off so far?
I still strongly recommend a different mapping and bossing Setup, especially in terms of Flasks, but you do you I guess :P

Yoo. So yea ive already got mapping flasks up and running. They are super useful when running double beyond elder UGS with like 40% pack size XD. A few questions. I have not fully invested into 6l reave yet. Do you think it makes a big difference? Right now im running it in the pseudo and even switch out my rings for ventors and a HH and i do just fine in elder UGS. Level 93 now.

So i farmed that HH to sell, and dropped 3 watchers eye that sold for around 4-5ex each, and an unnatural instinct which sold for 8 lol. Hence got some MASSIVE upgrades

I actually snagged that claw for like 18ex which is crazy cheap i feel. And that scepter! I finally used my mirror. Gave me a 1.6mil dps boost lol. I have 2 empty sockets in my bubonic trail on my bossing setup, i havent tried AW or frostbomb yet and they barely feel even necessary, you think i should add both to the bubonic sockets?

Also the golem feels pretty useless, i use it exclusively for uber elder/delve bosses and they just die anyway. Maybe replace it with something else?

Overall very happy with where i am, but i think i might need more attack speed? I'm not sure, what do you think? Right now im looking for an amulet/second ring with more life but enough DPS but primary target right now is a 6l belly with a 50% reduced crit damage corruption since they seem to be pretty damn useful in delves.

Edit: Not to hijack but i have a pretty nutty stat stick im selling if anyone making this build is interested. PM if you are.

Last edited by Petfo0d on Sep 26, 2018, 3:48:46 PM
Guffinn wrote:
sh0ckzz wrote:
Hey mate, thanks for the build! Its working out pretty decent in ssf, just wouldnt recommend it as a league starter.

I couldnt get a belly yet, but I managed to 6link an okayish elder chest with 120 life, phys dmg taken as fire and high res but I fucked up with the chest base. I used an evasion base and now im struggling to get the colours right. So far I´m working with a 2red 2blue 2green. So i got 4 offcolours and im not convinced that i can get the 5th. In that case, what would you suggest is the best green sup gem for this setup ? Currently im running Cold Pen as my 6th link, the others being BF- Ele Focus- conc effect- ele dmg- melee phys.

Thx in advance :)

Hey dude, glad to hear that! And especially cool to hear from someone playing SSF :)

Like I say in the SSF Notes, it can be kinda rough to pull it off decently since you need some specific Item.
For a 2G2B2R Link, you would replace Melee Phys with Cold Pen. So you are right on that :P Melee Phys is considerably better tho, so if you could hit it one day that would be awesome. Also, Faster Attacks is closely behind Cold Pen (especially against Normal Bosses or on maps without ele Resist Mods), so if that feels better for you I'd consider it.

I ususally would recommend you some things to upgrade to/replace your stuff with, but given that you're on SSF that's kinda rough :P
But one thing to consider is crafting Rings or Amulets with any

that you have. You won't get as much Benefit as from WED, since your Statstick is Fire + Random, but with 90% Cold Conversion it's pretty damn close.
Just get one or 2 Steel or Opal Rings and try to craft on that maybe.

Other than that, go replace your Mana Flask with a Diamond :D
And drop the Quicksilver for a Quartz or Granite or Stibnite for added Survivability, and roll an Immunity on it. We really don't run on this Build.

Hope this covers about everything, gl and hf on your SSF adventures :)

Thanks for your recommendations and taking time with my stuff ! :)

Especially pointing out my flask setup was rly helpful! I just forgot about them after I hit maps :D

I usually never replace quicksilver tho, i find it too much of a QoL in a lot of the endgame maps which u just have to run in SSF (Selffounders cant be choosers) but this time i made an exception :P
Your build is still rly enjoyable with many highs (yesterday i tanked through a full duration Tul´s ice spray on an ele weakness map) but late game wise i´ve got some problems occuring. Im beginning to struggle with accuracy (currently 81%), which makes mid level (≈ 280) delves and T15+ maps somewhat dangerous. So i tried fossil crafting some amu and got this monstrosity instead :D

So in order to wear this I now need to find some life, fire res and still the missing accuracy. SSF adventures for real :P

How far do you think the "classic" setup of your build can go in delves? I read your thoughts on it, but I have my doubts on how good it will perform due to lacking dmg mitigation on higher delves, as is somewhat reflected when u browse poe.ninja for BF scions... also wanna point out that the current top5 of these are wearing Loreweave, so I think you might wanna reconsider that :)

Other then sharing that, I just wanted to emphasis how big of a deal the inc aoe helmet really is, I dont recall you mention it in the gearing section, but I feel it makes mapping so much more enjoyable compared to just the 5link...

Have a nice day ! =)

Edit: gonna start crying soon :X
Last edited by sh0ckzz on Sep 26, 2018, 5:55:50 PM

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