[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Guffinn wrote:
Petfo0d wrote:
So i dumped a TON of currency on to the character and i'm absolutely loving it though i need levels and probably need to itemise a bit better. Also dont have currency for any mirror fee yet XD I have like 8ex remaining, what do you think i should upgrade? Also i'm like 2 doctors away from a HH so if i get that and sell, what should i mirror? Theres a claw up and an offhand. Think the claw would be better, not sure. Anyway thats going to take some time, so which of my current pieces should i focus on improving??


Hey mate, glad to see you're enjoying the Build :)

That's some nutty gear, yeah.
A few things to note:
Ideally you want 10% ele Pen on your Bubonics, thats the best Enchant for Bosses (and thats where we use them).
For mapping just get rare Boots with Life, Res and Attack Speed if killed recently (ideally).
Also, I see you are currently not using any Bleed and Curse Immunity for mapping? There is really no reason to use the full DPS Flask Loadout for mapping, shit dies anyways. Just go get the mapping Setup (ToH + Atzirtis + Diamond (Freeze) + Quartz (Bleed) + Stibnite (Curse). That will make mapping a lot more safe and comfortable.
Other than that, Level 80 is god damn low :D Go get to 90 or so, grab Vaal Pact and more Life Nodes next.

On the Topic of Rares, Onslaught Torc is an awesome Amulet for DPS, but I would never go for an Amulet with below 60 HP. You really gotta get some more Life.
Kinda the same thing for Torment Coil: awesome Damage, biiit low Life. But that one is more bearable.
And you can get Abyss Jewels with more Life as well, some of them are very low rolled.
You won't really reach great Life Levels with Rolls like that.

But most importantly: get the mapping Flasks in Order, and go Levelling :D
Theres a lot of Stuff still missing from your Tree.

With reagards to mirroring Stuff, just check which one is better in PoB.
At this point I wouldnt go for a Claw with less Attack Speed than yours tho. It will feel worse.

Let me know how that goes for you :)

Its so hard to get amulets with enough damage AND life! For the amulet i really needed to shore up my lightning res which is why i went for it. Idk if im not searching right or what, but there dont seem be any with JUST the right stats, either i lose a lot of life or a lot of dps. I have a corrupted blood jewel for the bleeds and i have a stibnite with curse removal! I dont feel like i really need phasing atm, but maybe as i play ill realise why you say its necessary ^^. Could you link me some rings/abyss jewels that you think are better than what i have currently? I used what you posted in the guide but right now i want whats better than mine and since you have a better idea about the stats would help me loads if you could find some XD
Dozle7 wrote:
Bought Watcher's Eye with 39% convert to cold and felt OP lol. anyway planning on upgrading my helmet, what do you prefer? rare with innervate and Area effect or Tempest Binding? Thanks again. Cheers!

I think he already explaned the differences and what would be a perfect helmet ( Rare with inner+AoE+Ele Dmg).

My opinion: If you are using reave for the clearskill, go for the AoE, its pretty awesome, on delve encounters Im just sitting there holding right click when the rest of the room is exploding xD.
ThngsLikeThis wrote:
OK, bought new Boots, a new statstick and a new belt .. (swapping back and forth so my resistances stayed maxed.. ^^ Stressful :) ) so I could finally get rid of those +30 strength and int nodes.

Used them so I could buy 2 Might of the Meek.

About 6 Ex left.. what´s next? Is the 6 link Belly a priority? BF still feels smooth in the 5 link.

thanks in advance again. :)

Gz on the Upgrades!

I'd recommend dropping that Life Flask for a Taste of Hate. This Build really doesn't need a Life Flask, and taste offers 16.2% Phys Mitigation as well as juicy Damage. Really no reason not to use it.
Other than that, the next step would probably be the 6link, yeah. The rest of your Gear is looking really solid, and a 6link is a tremendous DPS increase.
Maybe go look for a perfect Atziris Promise, it's a small, but cheap, upgrade and the numbers look nicer :P

Don't forget you can always sell your 5l Belly for a bit after you got a 6l one, if you decide to buy instead of self fuse. Gl :)

Dozle7 wrote:
Bought Watcher's Eye with 39% convert to cold and felt OP lol. anyway planning on upgrading my helmet, what do you prefer? rare with innervate and Area effect or Tempest Binding? Thanks again. Cheers!

Gz on the nice purchase :)

I personally prefer Innervate, there is a section in the FAQ that goes over it.
Other than that, your Rares need some love. Your Amulet and Right Ring could be significantly better for a small investment, and maybe recraft the Life on the Left Ring to be 40+ :P
All of your Abyss Jewels are very bad, go grab some from my Trade Links. They are set up for 35+ Life and all our Beneficial Stats.

I also recommend modifying your Tree a bit, go have a look at the Tree Segment again anc check the "no meeks" Trees.

Other than that, keep on going mate! Glad you're having fun :)

Petfo0d wrote:
Its so hard to get amulets with enough damage AND life! For the amulet i really needed to shore up my lightning res which is why i went for it. Idk if im not searching right or what, but there dont seem be any with JUST the right stats, either i lose a lot of life or a lot of dps. I have a corrupted blood jewel for the bleeds and i have a stibnite with curse removal! I dont feel like i really need phasing atm, but maybe as i play ill realise why you say its necessary ^^. Could you link me some rings/abyss jewels that you think are better than what i have currently? I used what you posted in the guide but right now i want whats better than mine and since you have a better idea about the stats would help me loads if you could find some XD

Haha, buying Rares can be a struggle, yeah :P

But consider this: what is "enough" Damage? If you got "only" 4 Million Shaper DPS, that's already enough to instantly phase Uber Elder. I'd rather go for the Survivability.
Same reasoning for the Quartz Flask: it's not for the Phasing obviously (tho that is nice as well), it is for the 10% Spell and Attack Dodge! Full DPS Flasks are significantly overkill for mapping, you can go with only 3 or 2 DPS Flasks and still one shot Trash in T16s. Just drop one for the added Survivability from Dodge, only for mapping :)

As for the Rings etc.: It's not the DPS Stats that's the problem like I said, it's the Life. You just don't have enough flat Life in my Opinion to reach a comfortable HP Number. If you're fine with it, go ahead, it's your Char. But I really recommend getting at like 6.3k for mapping or so, it's not that hard.
Just check the Trade Links from time to time, maybe set up a Live Search that notifies you if something pops up.
But I don't know the market in Delve atm as I don't play there, Rings are historically a bit hard to come by. Don't expect to find the perfect Setup in one day, might take a bit for Items to pop up :)

All in all your Gear is obviously really good, I just recommend going for a bit more Life and some Survivability from the Quartz. And theres obviously still more Levels to get :D

wackygoose wrote:
Dozle7 wrote:
Bought Watcher's Eye with 39% convert to cold and felt OP lol. anyway planning on upgrading my helmet, what do you prefer? rare with innervate and Area effect or Tempest Binding? Thanks again. Cheers!

I think he already explaned the differences and what would be a perfect helmet ( Rare with inner+AoE+Ele Dmg).

My opinion: If you are using reave for the clearskill, go for the AoE, its pretty awesome, on delve encounters Im just sitting there holding right click when the rest of the room is exploding xD.

You took the words out of my mouth :D Now I replied for nothing.

Fuck me sideways. just ripped to an Offscreen Martyrs Grip DD. Niiiiiice.
Last edited by Guffinn on Sep 19, 2018, 6:38:26 PM
I finally transitioned to the after Ulab tree, phew,but im only 74 and still got two points left, is it normal? I aint complaining, but after I messed up im a little paranoid
wackygoose wrote:
I finally transitioned to the after Ulab tree, phew,but im only 74 and still got two points left, is it normal? I aint complaining, but after I messed up im a little paranoid

Gz on the Lab!

As for the Tree, if you don't see what to take, just grab a Life Node or something :P
From now on just work towards the endgame Trees.
Hey mate, thanks for the build! Its working out pretty decent in ssf, just wouldnt recommend it as a league starter.

I couldnt get a belly yet, but I managed to 6link an okayish elder chest with 120 life, phys dmg taken as fire and high res but I fucked up with the chest base. I used an evasion base and now im struggling to get the colours right. So far I´m working with a 2red 2blue 2green. So i got 4 offcolours and im not convinced that i can get the 5th. In that case, what would you suggest is the best green sup gem for this setup ? Currently im running Cold Pen as my 6th link, the others being BF- Ele Focus- conc effect- ele dmg- melee phys.

Thx in advance :)
Guffinn wrote:
peereiro wrote:

Great build, great guide. I enjoy playing it very much. There us only one thing. I sometimes get oddly one shotted, or cant survive standing in a mob pack in a t14-ish abyss. Is it the matter of low life? About 5.2k right now.

Can you look at my gear and advise me on what i should upgrade?


Hey mate, ty for the kind words :)

Yes, 5.2k is kiiinda low these days.
In terms of Survivability there are a few things:
2 Might of the Meeks will give 23% more max Life (and 30 or so flat Life) if used in the top left and bottom Scion Jewel Sockets. Check the Trees to see how thats done.

That might cost a lot tho, so here is some other Stuff:
Use a Tree like this for now: www.poeurl.com/b5Jd
Bit more Life, Vitality Void for stronger Leech, bit more Freeze Chance.
You can unspec Vitality Void and the 2 Nodes before if you feel you need more DPS.
Other than that, there is plenty optimization to be done for your Gear:
Your Left Ring could be better, with Phys AND Wed on it. Go check the Trade Links again, maybe Low Budget Endgame ones. More DPS = Survivability, in a way :P Right Ring can also be optimized.
Same goes for your Amulet, that one is preeeetty damn bad sadly. But I get that you need the INT I guess. An Onyx with max Blessed Implicit should do the Job too though (once you grab the 3 Point Jewel Socket with 20 INT).
You should swap to a Stygian Vise with the same Stats more or less, but put in an Abyss Jewel with 40+ Life and some offensive Benefits. Same thing again, go check the Trade Links.
You can get random Rare Boots with 100+ Life and Res pretty easily, so that's also a way to get more Life.

As for your Flasks, I recommend dropping the Life Flask for a Stibnite. The Blind is especially beneficial in Situations like these Abyss Rares you mentioned, where all of them will be blinded.
Replacing the Lion's Roar with a Taste of Hate offers significant Phys Mitigation (15%), as well as Damage, so that's also something to aim for.
And btw, that Atziris is pretty bad. A perfect, or one off perfect, roll should only be a couple of C right now.

That's all that comes to mind now, let me know how it goes :)

I tried some tweaks. Got myself a juicy 20% taste of hate and an almost perfect atziri. Which flask should i replace? Should i drop stibine and roll bleeding on another flask?

With your previous advice, gameplay became a lot easier, not struggling on t15 maps or bosses anymore.

Tried Guardians today. Corrupted. With bad mods... No reflect tho. I was getting one-shot each time i came in. Even the ads on Chimera were killing me all the time. Lost 3 maps :)

It happens, that i get instantly one-shotted...

Also, when doing elder, couldnt keep up with killing mobs, they killed shaper :( PoB shows 380k shaper dps...
Last edited by peereiro on Sep 20, 2018, 4:18:09 PM
ty :)

im going for the claw nodes, just need one more point for magpie.

Im at leavel 78~9, uncapped res around 60~50 but the life leech is so insane it isnt being a problem yet, im pretty surprised
^I recommend you spend some time/currency acquiring a mix of your primary flasks with different immunity rolls. I have double of every flask with a different immunity so I can mix and match depending on boss/map mods and it makes life much easier.

End game you'll want things like Topaz flasks etc as well.
I got 2.94 Ex right now, I dunno what to do. Im trying to buy boots from the link provided but there are just two and they never get online

ty for answer

ps: I almost vendored The Kins Path prophecy lol, I had 1,7 ex lying around and didnt know xD

Swanman8907 wrote:
^I recommend you spend some time/currency acquiring a mix of your primary flasks with different immunity rolls. I have double of every flask with a different immunity so I can mix and match depending on boss/map mods and it makes life much easier.

End game you'll want things like Topaz flasks etc as well.

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