[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

hammypants wrote:
How's the new jewel for unallocated nodes on the tree with this build?

Unnatural Instincts? It is an upgrade over 3 Meeks, albeit a minor and expensive one.
You slot it in to the top right Scion Jewel Socket, pathing through the Cast Speed Nodes, and keep the other 2 Meeks where they are in the Scion Area. The Bonus the Meeks provide also Work on the Nodes that Unnatural Instincts Grants.

We obviously unspec the 3 Crit Multi Nodes for that and save 3 Points.
Compared to three Meeks, its a 2% Attack Speed, 8% Life, 15 INT gain (and some movespeed/minionblock/etc. Which is all useless). And we lose 22 Crit Multi and 9 Allres.
That said, the 3 Points we safe can be invested into a Jewel Socket, to make Up for that loss easily.

So all in all its an Upgrade, but a costly one: the Jewel itself ist very pricey, and the new rare Jewel we need for the new 3 Point Socket will be an expense as Well.
Seeing that, I recommend it for endgame Upgrades only.

Hope that Covers it, gonna add it to the Guide later tonight when im Home :)
Alright I just hit 87, still havent found my last uber trial, its really frustrating at this point lol.

What would you upgrade next? I was thinking a better stat-stick that doesnt have such a high STR requeriment so I can respec the +30 STR node, then maybe work on rings and chest piece. A taste of hate maybe? I have 4ex atm.
So when I plugged it in to PoB for shaped stat sticks ones that gave extra cold damage showed higher dps by a pretty notable margin. Is the point just to get that extra damage or do we want elements that aren't cold in case we run into something that has higher cold res? Also, is the difference between maces and axes that much? I kind of prefer the look of axes but the mace elemental damage implicit seems hard to beat..

Also @Ishamz I feel your pain I'm close to 90 with near (or maybe over) 300 maps done and still haven't found my last trial. xD
Hey, it's been awhile since I have played, so I could use some help. I just hit maps on this char (level 68) and my damage is super low with Reave (basically can't clear trash) and only mediocre with BF.

I've tried getting a HoA for now like your guide says to add onto my Wasp's Nest for clear, and then swapping Moonbender for the HoA when I get to a boss, but the clear is actually even worse.

Any suggestions on some improvements that are glaring that I can make right now? Like I said, it's been awhile, so forgive me. I did read the guide, so don't think I am being lazy.
I get to the shaper and since it's first time i see him i get rekt(managed to kill him in 5 portals). Main problem was that i couldn't stop my bf fast enough to dodge with wb and get stunnet, after that i take second hit and die.
So i decided to change gear a bit. I get kaoms roots to prevent stuning, said farewell to evasion(it was pretty low anyway) and get some dmg reduction from basalt flask(in plans additional to basalt get taste of hate).
And i decided to drop 6-link helm for lighpoacher with 2 jewels(not best jewels right now dont mind them). It compensate res loss from boots and give a lot of useful things from jewels. Plan is to map with reave and swap to bf on tanky blobs.
After all that i got 7.4k life(probably 8k with better gear)
Could you tell me if i did smth wrong or missed some better alternative?
Build update:

well i started running elder UGS with 4 sextants finally, making ok money right now but character is still level 90 because im dying one-two times every other map due to either beyond spawns(2x abaxoth in 3 maps...) or just getting unlucky(a lot of lightning dudes for some reason lately for me) but the build does feel pretty good, still a lot of upgrades to be made but currently i think im either looking to get the might of the meeks or a new statstick first


been swapping last flask around a lot, using an instant heal life flask for now because sometimes i just have nothing to leech off of while health is draining

also have my watchers eye already in the tree
Guffinn wrote:
Heey, great to hear that! Very glad that you could take my Build to the hardest Boss in the Game :)

Ye, the Reservation of Hatred + Purity is rough. But from my experience it is no problem at all, as long as you have Blood Magic on your whirl.

Do you plan to keep going with the Char? The 3 Meek Setup (or 2 Meek + 1 Unnatural Instincts if you got money) is worth it at this point I think. Or better rares I guess :P

I'm definitely still going with this character. My Whirling is linked to faster attacks and fortify. Today I tried the Abyssus against Uber Elder for s**ts and giggles (Yes, I read what you think about it :P), it worked but it cost me 2 deaths. What's the Might of the Meek setup ?
Ishamz wrote:
Alright I just hit 87, still havent found my last uber trial, its really frustrating at this point lol.

What would you upgrade next? I was thinking a better stat-stick that doesnt have such a high STR requeriment so I can respec the +30 STR node, then maybe work on rings and chest piece. A taste of hate maybe? I have 4ex atm.

Hey mate, I know the Struggle :D

I recommend checking out "/global 820", the sharing Thread. People post their Trials there all the time. Maybe you find the one you need :)
Other than that, you can try to force it via the "Dream Trial" Prophecy.

As for your Upgrades: Uber Lab is honestly gonna be the biggest one for now :P
That said, a Taste of Hate will be awesome for everything. I would personally replace the Wise Oak for mapping with it. Only use Wise Oak on Bosses from then on.
Your Rares etc. all look in order, from now on it's about min maxing that stuff. Maybe look for some Rings/Amulet with Str on it to free up that Node :P

You seem to have made good progress, keep on going man :)

lnvisibleone wrote:
So when I plugged it in to PoB for shaped stat sticks ones that gave extra cold damage showed higher dps by a pretty notable margin. Is the point just to get that extra damage or do we want elements that aren't cold in case we run into something that has higher cold res? Also, is the difference between maces and axes that much? I kind of prefer the look of axes but the mace elemental damage implicit seems hard to beat..

The Point is just extra Damage, the Elements don't reaaaaally matter. That said, extra Cold is stronger because we lower the enemies Cold Res a lot with Frost Bomb.
Just use the best Stat Stick you can get for your Money :) Meaning, the one PoB tells you is best.
Just keep in mind that if you're looking at one with "X% of phys as extra as damage of a random element", PoB doesn't caluclate that. You need to edit the Item (click edit) and add 3 lines: "(X/3)% of phys as extra as cold/fire/lightning damage"

Your Char looks good btw, I just recommend getting Uber Lab done ASAP to save a lot of points :) Can be invested into more Life and Damage.

decyphier wrote:
Hey, it's been awhile since I have played, so I could use some help. I just hit maps on this char (level 68) and my damage is super low with Reave (basically can't clear trash) and only mediocre with BF.

I've tried getting a HoA for now like your guide says to add onto my Wasp's Nest for clear, and then swapping Moonbender for the HoA when I get to a boss, but the clear is actually even worse.

Any suggestions on some improvements that are glaring that I can make right now? Like I said, it's been awhile, so forgive me. I did read the guide, so don't think I am being lazy.

Yo dude, glad you came to get help :)

That said, you are missing a looooot of Stuff in terms of how to gear this Character.
First thing, there is really no reason to not have at least a 5link for your BF at this point of the League. They are suuuuper cheap, like 1c max probably.
Also, Reave only shines in a pseudo 5link. That's why I say we use a shaped Helmet with "supported by Innervate (or Hypothermia)", and socket the Reave in there.
Then you should pick up any 1 socket Tombfists and put a Murderous Eye Jewel in there for the free 10% more Damage from Intimidate.
After that, go work on your Rares. The Amulet is okay, but you will be able to get really cheap but decent rings and belts at this point.
As for your Flasks: drop the Mana Flask, you don't need it.
Same for the Quicksilver: you don't run with this Build to move, you use Whirling Blades. Replace one of these Flasks with an Atziris Promise, they are like 1alch or so.
And same for the Silver Flask: we get Onslaught automatically from the Raider Ascendancy, which you don't have somehow :D Go get that Lab done, maybe ask for a Carry if it's too hard. Raider is an awesome DPS Boost.

The Trade Links for any of these Items can be found in the "Progression Gear" Segment, that's also where I explain why, and that we should, use them :P

I don't understand your question I think:
What do you mean swap to Moonbender? You always have it equipped, there is no swapping required. And don't use HoA for Mapping, your only reservations there should be Hatred and Herald of Ice.
On the Topic of Gem Sockets, go get a Blood Rage and keep it up for mapping to generate Frenzy Charges.

Hope that gives you a point to start from :) You really should look over the progress Gear and get that stuff. It's all really cheap at this Stage of the League.
If you struggle with accumulating Currency, I can only tell you to watch some Guides on that.

Kasablank wrote:
I get to the shaper and since it's first time i see him i get rekt(managed to kill him in 5 portals). Main problem was that i couldn't stop my bf fast enough to dodge with wb and get stunnet, after that i take second hit and die.
So i decided to change gear a bit. I get kaoms roots to prevent stuning, said farewell to evasion(it was pretty low anyway) and get some dmg reduction from basalt flask(in plans additional to basalt get taste of hate).
And i decided to drop 6-link helm for lighpoacher with 2 jewels(not best jewels right now dont mind them). It compensate res loss from boots and give a lot of useful things from jewels. Plan is to map with reave and swap to bf on tanky blobs.
After all that i got 7.4k life(probably 8k with better gear)
Could you tell me if i did smth wrong or missed some better alternative?

Hey mate, you did nothing wrong :D

If you check out the "Endgame Gear" Segment, you will find a "Bossing" Spoiler at the end. In there I explain specific Setups for Bosses, and Lightpoacher is actually one of them :D
That said, I only recommend Lightpoacher for Endgame Bosses. For normal mapping it isn't needed at all, and the Reave+BF Setup feels extremely smooth IMO.

As for the BF Stuff: it needs getting used to. But you will get the Timings down once you have some experience. Never force a 6stack Channel if you need to Dodge, and always keep your Eyes open for Balls.

That said, your Character looks extremely solid!
Especially envious of that Unnatural Instinct Jewel, I really finally want one on Standard :D

One thing you can consider tho is, to drop the 2 4% Life Nodes above Revenge of the Hunted, and get Heart of Oak. It offers 28% Chance to avoid Stuns, and also 8% Life.

Hope that covers everything :)

Mtntech wrote:
Build update:

well i started running elder UGS with 4 sextants finally, making ok money right now but character is still level 90 because im dying one-two times every other map due to either beyond spawns(2x abaxoth in 3 maps...) or just getting unlucky(a lot of lightning dudes for some reason lately for me) but the build does feel pretty good, still a lot of upgrades to be made but currently i think im either looking to get the might of the meeks or a new statstick first



been swapping last flask around a lot, using an instant heal life flask for now because sometimes i just have nothing to leech off of while health is draining

also have my watchers eye already in the tree

Great to hear that you enjoy the Build :)

Gz on the Elder UGS push, it's a fun map to farm :D
If you struggle with Survivability, I would recommend going for 2 Meeks now. One in the top left, one in the down righ Scion Socket. They give a loooot of Life, and Damage as well.
That said, yes: your Statstick could be better. Like a 60% one should be achievable. Also, there are a loooot of better Rings/Amulets on the Market. Yours are all good, but a bit low on the Life. I'd start looking for some "final" upgrades there soon.

Let me know if that helps you out :)

Arator95 wrote:
Guffinn wrote:
Heey, great to hear that! Very glad that you could take my Build to the hardest Boss in the Game :)

Ye, the Reservation of Hatred + Purity is rough. But from my experience it is no problem at all, as long as you have Blood Magic on your whirl.

Do you plan to keep going with the Char? The 3 Meek Setup (or 2 Meek + 1 Unnatural Instincts if you got money) is worth it at this point I think. Or better rares I guess :P

I'm definitely still going with this character. My Whirling is linked to faster attacks and fortify. Today I tried the Abyssus against Uber Elder for s**ts and giggles (Yes, I read what you think about it :P), it worked but it cost me 2 deaths. What's the Might of the Meek setup ?

Great to hear that you wanna continue, and also awesome to hear that someone read the FAQ :D

I recommend dropping Fortify. It is not needed IMO, and Blood Magic feels a lot more comfortable.
If you have the time, read this here on why Fortify is never flat 20% Mitigation:


As the Reduced/Less Damage Taken’s are applied at the end of the defensive layer chain, this means they will effectively reduce a smaller total percentage of the damage you take than they read. So Fortify will not reduce a flat 20% of the original incoming hit damage. Rather, it will reduce 20% of the incoming damage from hits after mitigations such as physical reduction and elemental resistances have occured. This does not mean it isn’t strong, it just means that it will grant you variable amount of relative reduction based on your other reductions.

In this example, since we have damage shifts and a fair amount of physical reductions, Fortify only reduces incoming hit damage by about 8.2%.

As for the Meek Setup: look into the Tree Section again. The first Trees that are linked are with 3 Might of the Meek Jewels, and I explain what they offer as well. If you have the cash, the Unnatural Instincts Setup (2 Meeks, one Instincts) is a bit better. I went over that one a bit further up.

Finally got it on Standard, thanks to a VERY Generous HC Player :D
Very happy about that :)

Last edited by Guffinn on Sep 15, 2018, 6:02:29 PM
I am also desperately seeking for my last trial ;)

Bought a claw tho to replace my wasp nest.. nice upgrade, feels very smooth. :)

Any tipps on what to upgrade next? (Jewels will be done, once I finally have my Uber-Lab done ^^)
yeah the amulets and rings could use an upgrade on life, but right now currency is low, just started elder UGS farming so ill be able to afford more soon, just swapped over to warlord's mark and its a lot better on survivability in there for now, 2 might of the meeks and a better stat stick will be coming in the next few days hopefully unless i get some crazy luck tonight :D thanks for the info!

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