[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Deadbringer wrote:

Fixing my moltenstrike helmet. I will try the molten setup for clearing later tonight. obviously its in a CONC EFFECT helmet +30% more elem. but i guess maybe it wont be as bad as i think.
so you cant use normal 6 linked body like Belly of the Beast or rare armour? that would bemcuh better damage wise tthan your helmet + kaom's heart xD i dunno about hc version... :D
LOVING this build so far!
Now that I have some currency and I got lots of upgrades available to do, any in particular are more important than the rest?

I've got enough currency to buy x2 Might of the meek and a 6L belly, but I really don't know which is more important, seeing as the jewels also give loads of survivability. Any advice as the order of importance for upgrades?

@Guffinn Hi I wanted to reroll into this character and was wondering how much currency would you suggest to start off and map comfortably at t16s and doing bossing?

I'm currently sitting on about 13ex and was wondering if thats enough. Also can this build push to really high delve levels? And lastly, is the frostblade/molten strike setup a weapon switch or are they all in one setup? Thanks in advance!
Hey I enjoy playing with this build and was wondering if you would be able to look at my gear/tree and give me recommendations on what to upgrade/change next?Whats my number one priority now?
I know i am still a low level.
As for my 5L belly i could swap it for Tabula Rasa(i would be at 4,5k life (i am at 5,2k), ress would be capped) and add DoFL to it and change socket colors on boots to put blood rage in so i remove Herald of Purity. My flasks aren´t ideal, but they work(for now).
Last edited by Korbasekk on Dec 27, 2018, 10:22:59 AM
Chaavy wrote:
@Guffinn Hi I wanted to reroll into this character and was wondering how much currency would you suggest to start off and map comfortably at t16s and doing bossing?

I'm currently sitting on about 13ex and was wondering if thats enough. Also can this build push to really high delve levels? And lastly, is the frostblade/molten strike setup a weapon switch or are they all in one setup? Thanks in advance!

Seems you didn't even read the whole guide, becouse that questions would be already answered by doing so.

There is a 60c budget T16 clear and Uber Elder kill so with 13 EX its normal you gonna do well with it.

There is also separate section about Delves so just read this.

The third question about the weapon switch is also mentioned(although i don't get the weapon switch since we aren't bow build so you can't fit clearing skills into a weapon, if you mean using different weapon for Frost Blades then no, both skills use physical dmg and converts its to ele so you go with Phys Claw for both). You have few choices there either you run shaped hypothermia helmet or a harbinger helmet, you can even run 6l Frost Blades in Belly if you gonna map a lot and go for a pseudo 5-6l Molten in Helmet then. Just read the item section and chose what you want best.
For endgame bosses like Uber Elder there is also a separate bossing setup to juice up molten strike dmg.

For the future, read whole guide carefully since most of the questions are already answered in it.
PsychoBamboo wrote:
LOVING this build so far!
Now that I have some currency and I got lots of upgrades available to do, any in particular are more important than the rest?

I've got enough currency to buy x2 Might of the meek and a 6L belly, but I really don't know which is more important, seeing as the jewels also give loads of survivability. Any advice as the order of importance for upgrades?

I would go with Meek's first since they give so much for Scion like 18 resist nodes become 36 resists by using two jewels, that makes other items choices a lot easier since you don't longer need that much resistances, beside this they give a lot hp and so. That's just my opinion maybe other ppl gonna give you different tips, also you can wait for Guffin's respond.
Hejti wrote:
PsychoBamboo wrote:
LOVING this build so far!
Now that I have some currency and I got lots of upgrades available to do, any in particular are more important than the rest?

I've got enough currency to buy x2 Might of the meek and a 6L belly, but I really don't know which is more important, seeing as the jewels also give loads of survivability. Any advice as the order of importance for upgrades?

I would go with Meek's first since they give so much for Scion like 18 resist nodes become 36 resists by using two jewels, that makes other items choices a lot easier since you don't longer need that much resistances, beside this they give a lot hp and so. That's just my opinion maybe other ppl gonna give you different tips, also you can wait for Guffin's respond.

Well it's also what I was thinking, with the Meeks I can actually change my jewelry to have more important mods and less res
Just completed the last challenge with this build, killed uber elder, every map done, including every map mod attempted and succeeded, I did run 2 seperate sets, 1 for life comfort and the other for reflect. Funnily enough I did uber elder with the map clear setup and not the single target one. But I do have probably the best gear on the current league for this build so it explains why. Easily possible to do all content, GG build for sure.
YukiYeager wrote:
Just completed the last challenge with this build, killed uber elder, every map done, including every map mod attempted and succeeded, I did run 2 seperate sets, 1 for life comfort and the other for reflect. Funnily enough I did uber elder with the map clear setup and not the single target one. But I do have probably the best gear on the current league for this build so it explains why. Easily possible to do all content, GG build for sure.
Dude you on acid or something? not even close to best gear in this league for this build lol
m2tuu wrote:
i tested do i have more life with atziris or tombfist and i have more life with atziris, i know i dont have best rings and amulet,im kinda bad with searching ones

You can't have more Life with Atziris than a 2 socket Tombfist.
40 to 50 Life per Abyss Jewel is at MINIMUM already more than the Acuity offers, and then 5% (ideally 6) max Life beats it easily.

As for Amulet and Rings, I have Searchlinks in the Guide.
Fate Twirl is your weakest one.

Rossko wrote:

But one question.... you didn’t include blood Rage into the cwdt setup to trigger the pantheon.... is that a mistake or intended? (You write about the pantheon interaction just below)

It doesn't need to be linked. IC stops the Degen from BR, and thus we stopped taking Damage over Time recently.

Deadbringer wrote:
Hey guffin its another one of those check my gears /character and let me know what i can improve.

For some reason im havign an hard time crafting a damn frostblade helmet, Im playing in hardcore so im using the hc version . My jewel are shit atm,but like 25 ess of horror later and no helmet for frostblade. thats like 12ex to waste. Crafted the molten helmet in about 2 tries lol. Funny how the molten one worth 6ex (cause rf) and even if i do pull and hypo one,its basically worthless.

anyway,i ran shit tier semi fast. I guess my frostblade dps just doesnt make it. character is public. Name Guts_The_Berserks . Would appreciate it.

Rings and stuff have all been self craft. theres obviously much less option available in hardcore, but putting my ring in your pob yur dps doesnt change all that much,so im happy with that.

Yo dude, cool to hear from a HC Player :D

Tough luck on the Helmets, maaany HC players would love the Conc Horror Helmet, but no one really likes Hypo ones :P
You could play with a Tempests Binding for a while if that's an Option for you, but Horror + Hypo is ultimately better.

As for the Rest of your Gear:
Everything actually looks pretty damn solid. Amulet and Rings are totally okay, Dread Gyre looks like your weakest one (didnt check in PoB) but even that is okay.

I'd look into upgrading the Abyssal Jewel in your Tombfist. The Onslaught on Kill really isn't worth anything as we have perma Onslaught anyways.
A 2 Socket Tombfist would also be a big Life Boost, but would force you into Rare Boots due to socket Limitations. But you can maybe get some much needed Res (and Dodge!) on these.
Don't forget to quality your Blood Rage (= Attack Speed), HoI (= global %Cold) and Warlords Mark (= more Chance to gain a Charge) whenever you have the Time.
Ultimately you will want to look into getting a Hatred Watchers Eye. Every single one will be a DPS Upgrade obviously, but a Crit one leads to more consistent Freezes and Shatters, and thus Survivability/Safeness.
I would strongly suggest to drop the Quicksilver Flask for a Taste of Hate. Not only for the Damage, but also the Phys Mitigation it offers.
On that topic: where's your Freeze Immunity? :D
A better rolled Atziris Promise is also basically free DPS, as they are worthless anyways.

Once you ironed out all these things, your DPS should be pretty damn fine in general. I'd consider looking into a Life Recovery Rate Elder Leather Belt at that point.

Hope that gives you something to start with. All in all a super solid Character so far, with pretty damn great gear!
Keep me updated on how you fare in HC :)

raizoir wrote:
Hey Guffin, thanks for the response! I upgraded my flasks, gems, and was able to get the hits can't be evaded mod on my claw. Wondering what stats besides Life and elemental damage I should look for on a shield?

Global Phys, Attack Speed, Ele Damage like you said, maybe max all Res (shaper one), non Chaos as extra Chaos.
Block Chance etc. doesn't hurt either :P Even with Acro, we still benefit from Block.

Hejti wrote:
So i was playing a little with your Boss setup PoB adding Multimoded Flaring Claws and Shields.

1st setup:

Multimoded Claw with Ele Pen + Lyco - around 20k more dmg then setup 2 but 200 flat hp less

2nd setup:

Multimoded Claw with Hits can't be Evaded + Armor Shield with 30% Global Phys Dmg + 90 life + 11% Non-chaos as Chaos (it gives more dmg then hybrid shield with 30 elemental damage)- 20k less dmg then 1st setup but 200 more hp overall

You can also go yolo and take hybrid str/int shield without hp and get 40k more dmg then 1st setup but lose 200 hp.
You can then go with 30+ Global Phys Dmg 30+ Ele Dmg and 11% Non-chaos as Chaos.

Forgot about str/dex shield that can roll up to 13 atk speed

So going crazy dmg with 30%+ Global Phys 30%+ Atk Dmg 13% As and 11 % non-chaos as chaos you gonna get 110~ k more dmg then 1st setup while losing around 200 hp

but it gonna be impossible to find such shield :d the best one i found 21 global 23 atk dmg 9 as was giving worse results then pen + lyco combo.

Not sure what setup gonna be better, seems that we need a rly good shield to beat Pen Claw + Lyco combo.

That's all true! I said I'm gonna include the possibilities with Hits can't be evaded Claws soon. No time recently though.
That said, at the ABSOLUTE top end a good Phys Claw without Hits cant be Evaded is best.

Betrayal surely brought some amazing possibilities for Phys Weapon crafting though :)

Valderg wrote:
I know im not max level or even close with the finished build, but i was wondering if it was common to have frostblades vastly outdamage MS around where i am.

Currentlly it feels like i wouldd rather boss with frostblades than use my 6l MS because the damage is so low/slow on yellows and bosses, i die since my leech doesnt really keep me up most of the time so it becomes a loop of throwing my body at a boss till it dies.

Gear is linked if you wouldnt mind checking it out for me, obviously i still have to do uber but im curious if i am doing something wrong/i really just am not far enough into gearing/playing yet.

Tooltip FB : 14.6k in h/o with ice
Tooltip MS : 20.5k in h/o with purity



Yo dude, ty for trying out the Build :)

No, Frost Blades doesn't even come close to Molten Strike in DPS.

I see Hejti already answered some things, and all of that is correct.
But I also see that you seemingly dismantled the Character now, so I can't really help you out.

If you decide to continue playing the Build one day, give me a shout here and I'll see what I can do :)

pspshadowman wrote:
Is there any other clear skill that is comparable to Frostblades now that Reave isn't as good?

Technically Reave is still the top Tier Melee Clearskill, but the Damage just is not there without Statsticks. At least in a Pseudo 6l.

With a loooot of very good Gear you can make it work, but it's hard to do.

Other than that, Lightning Strike is pretty good in open Maps. Sucks for narrow maps or ones with obstacles though (a small rock deletes your lightning).
Wild Strike clears okay, but feels shit to play to me. At least without the Helm Enchant.

Foils have some more Options. Tec Slam is okay if you can reliably generate Endurance Charges (CoH Warlords + Jugg maybe).
Cons Path can work with Slayer+Raider as well and is pretty damn good.
That's the one I will recommend for the Foil Variant.

Spec Throw is always great.

jaka92 wrote:
Can anyone explain why we take the dual wield nodes at ranger start? Do we get the benefit of it? I don't understand..

We don't?

If you are looking at the Levelling Trees: I say above that that these are outdated (from the old days of 3.2 to 3.4 where this Build was BF+Reave with a Statstick).

Pattywacks wrote:
I've destroyed all the content in the league with this build.

https://pastebin.com/3Vmj2exN There's my character if you want to check it out.

I squeeze in enough reduced mana reservation with enlighten/amulet/shield mod to use aspect of the cat.

I also clear with just molten strike, so no gear swaps. The only thing I swap is ancestral call with damage on full life before fighting a hard boss.

Still working on getting unnatural instinct, but the build is pretty much done/min maxed at this point.

Edit: Changed the pastebin since I got unnatural instinct.

Gz on the successes and the nice Gear Mate!

Mana Reservation Shields are a possibility I will outline once I get to updating things for the "Hits can't be Evaded" Mod.
Aspect of the Cat, Herald of Ash, Arctic Armour or maybe a Purity are possibilities. But at the high End Gem Sockets will be hard to juggle.

While this is meant as an allrounder Character that combines good Clearspeed, Survivability and bossing Capabilities, going for slightly slower mapping via Molten Strike is certainly a possibility if you don't care that much about speed.

All in all gz and glad you enjoyed your Time so far :)

Sonidox wrote:

such one enough for mapping, i'm lacking a bit of phys defence atm, something still oneshoting sometimes )

thinking about hits cant be evaded prefix and using better hp shield like lioneye's remorse

Yeahl, that Helmet is fine for a Start.
You can clear T16s with that (FB + WED + DofL + Multistrike), but a 20 Hypo + Horror Craft allows us to drop DofL for Ancestral Call for more Clearspeed.

The possibility of Hits can't be Evaded Claws has been discussed before, and like I said I'll include that once I have time :)

ShadrHasRisen wrote:
Thanks for the answer and sorry for being rude, just had a bad day

Shit happens, no bad blood. I know all too well about bad days lately :P

PsychoBamboo wrote:
LOVING this build so far!
Now that I have some currency and I got lots of upgrades available to do, any in particular are more important than the rest?

I've got enough currency to buy x2 Might of the meek and a 6L belly, but I really don't know which is more important, seeing as the jewels also give loads of survivability. Any advice as the order of importance for upgrades?


Yo mate, ty for the kind words and glad that you are having a good time :D

Your Gear is looking solid, you surely know how to Gear the Character in general.
As for Upgrades:
2 Meeks is pretty damn great, I'd advise going for that first personally.
Depends on whether or not you think you need more Life tho, as Belly still offers more.

Other than that don't forget to flip your Gems to get 20/20 ones!
All your MS ones, some of your FB ones, Faster Attacks and Whirl, Blood Rage, HoI and Ass Mark can all be flipped to gain lots of benefits.

The rest of your Gear is good.
Craft some Life on "Corruption Finger" tho, it has space for a Prefix :P
The Abyss Jewel in your Belt is pretty meh, just grab one with ~35 Life and 2 Damage Stats from the Trade Links.

Hope that gives you some idea where to start. Feel free to let us know how the Char develops :)

Chaavy wrote:
@Guffinn Hi I wanted to reroll into this character and was wondering how much currency would you suggest to start off and map comfortably at t16s and doing bossing?

I'm currently sitting on about 13ex and was wondering if thats enough. Also can this build push to really high delve levels? And lastly, is the frostblade/molten strike setup a weapon switch or are they all in one setup? Thanks in advance!

Yo dude, ty for the Interest :)

13Ex is surely enough.
If you check the Videos, I have an Uber Elder kill and T16 Clear in 60c Budget Gear (T16 clear has a few extra Chaos since I use 2 new Pieces). I go over the Budget etc. in the Bossing Video.
That was on a Level 95 Char with Uber Lab tho.

In Delve League quite some people pushed to 600 and beyond with this Build. I personally didn't play that League and also don't have time to play/delve on Standard in the past weeks tho.
For the REALLY deep Delves, this Build doesn't beat a Dual Nebuloch Jugg or HOWA CI Occultist though. It simply doesn't have enough Mitigation.
I will see how deep I can push it in the future, and I will put a Delve PoB into the second Post whenever I get to updating that.

And no, they are not a Weaponswap. That should be clear from the Guide.
FB in a Hypo (+ Horror Craft) Helm or Tempests Binding, MS in the Chest.

Hope that covers it, and maybe see you soon if you should decide to start this Build :)

Korbasekk wrote:
Hey I enjoy playing with this build and was wondering if you would be able to look at my gear/tree and give me recommendations on what to upgrade/change next?Whats my number one priority now?
I know i am still a low level.
As for my 5L belly i could swap it for Tabula Rasa(i would be at 4,5k life (i am at 5,2k), ress would be capped) and add DoFL to it and change socket colors on boots to put blood rage in so i remove Herald of Purity. My flasks aren´t ideal, but they work(for now).

Hey mate, happy that you enjoy the Build so far :)

Your Gear looks pretty good.
Uniques are all in Order, the Rares are all fine and clearly follow the Stat Priority.

I'd say to swap the Flasks out ASAP tho :P
You NEED a Diamon Flask. That's a huge DPS gain for any Crit Build, and you can even roll an Immunity on it.
Overflowing Chalice should only be used for Bosses if you don't have the money for another proper DPS Flask. For mapping its not like you need more Flask Charges.
And you surely need one or 2 more magic Flasks to cover your other Immunities for mapping :P

You kinda NEED Blood Rage for mapping to get consistent/fast Frenzy Charges.

I'd recommend to swap your Tree to this:

A tiny bit better Damage, and significantly more Life.
That way your Overleech will be a bit stronger as well, and you shouldn't have Problems with BRs Degen. If you do, grab Vitality Void below Vaal Pact.

Other than that, don't forget to flip your Gems once they reach Level 20.

For the future there is only a lot of levelling and some Upgrades in the Gear Department left.
The latter is all explained in the Gear Segment, and you'll be able to figure that out with PoB anyways :P

Hope I could help you a bit :)

YukiYeager wrote:
Just completed the last challenge with this build, killed uber elder, every map done, including every map mod attempted and succeeded, I did run 2 seperate sets, 1 for life comfort and the other for reflect. Funnily enough I did uber elder with the map clear setup and not the single target one. But I do have probably the best gear on the current league for this build so it explains why. Easily possible to do all content, GG build for sure.

Gz on the Acvhievements mate, glad you enjoyed the Build :)

There are quite some people with better Gear out there though. But what does it matter, if you succeeded with everything so far :D

Thanks for the very kind words :)

Okay, I think that is all.
That's a LOOOOT of replying to do.
Thanks for everyone that discussed here and answered Questions while I was away :) Great to see some people help out!

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