[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Guffinn wrote:
Bilo wrote:
In the new Molten Strike version the Power Charges option is active in Configurations. Where are these coming from? I see the claw stealing mechanic, but that wouldn't work in boss fights?

That has Always been ticked in my PoBs.

Ralakeshs impatience before the fight, and jaws of Agony in between/before phases.
With the amount of DPS I have I Phase Bosses instantly, and the Power Charges are always Up while I Attack them. If I bother to Deal with it.
I'll do that once again in the new Uber Elder Video for the updated Guide later on.

That said, I get that its
A: too much hassle for the average Player
B: Not reliable at all for characters with less DPS.

So I Might end Up removing it/adding a note regarding that.
Its just that These are my personal PoBs that I use to gauge my max DPS, and that includes Power Charges on Shaper, Uber Elder and Uber Atziri.

For mapping theyre Always Up due to Assmark CoH on the HoI.

Hope that clears it Up.

Awesome - This is perfect information. I figured I was missing something. I like the end game gear and strategies to work towards with my character. Keeps me motivated to know my character has room to grow. I had also forgotten about the AssMark on HoI because I was going stricty off the POB import.
Hi Guffin!
As always you are super fast and accurate in responds to forum posts. For sure one of the best guide makers in poe :)

I have a question about whirling blades "nerf".Now it's not scaling from weapon speed rather just have flat +0.6 aps. Is it affecting our clear speed in a big way?
Or mb shield charge will come in to this build as MS mb. :p?
Last edited by madziar169 on Dec 7, 2018, 2:48:35 AM
Guffin when you update PoB for BF claw/sword + lycosidae?
Gold is most liberating of metals.
Guffinn wrote:

And im also torn on my Lancing Steel build. I have it planned for Deadeye currently. The Tree and Gear is all Set, and it Looks extremely promising.

You want to post a bin :) Im intrigued by what that build could look like.

Also, what other options do you have for leveling since Sunder is going to be kinda wonky??
Thoughts on leveling.

I did not pick this as a league starter due to sunder/stat stick nerfs. I instead leveled as arc miner and I'm glad I did because the league content is insanely difficult.

I am now leveling this character as a second character and I've found that you can make the leveling process silky smooth with <5 chaos. Get Facebreakers, Meginord's Girdle, Deidbell and The Deep One's Hide. Use a skill that can be used with unarmed attacks (Smite or Ice Crash for example) and get as much flat phys damage as you can on gear. Run Hatred and Herald of Purity for even more DPS. My gem link setup is Smite - Faster Attacks - Added Lightning - Ancestral Call. This is probably not the best setup, I just went by the socket colors I had.

Follow roughly the same tree as in Guffinn's leveling guide. I went into the Shadow starting area first to pick up Coordination for attack speed and Blood Siphon for life. Then I travelled down past Acrobatics to get Essence Sap (not in this build's endgame tree, but it takes care of our mana issues until we start using claws and get mana leech.) After that, I picked up the resists in the Scion starting area and then the life wheel. Having resists on the tree (and from Alira) is very helpful because we use a lot of uniques and iron rings.

With just a little investment this build has been smoother to level even than my arc miner. Damage is insane, even without a Tabula, and it's probably tanky enough for hardcore in the hands of a cautious player (I had nearly 2000 life at the end of act 5.) So this is my suggestion for how to level this build in the current meta.
Tohajiilee wrote:
Thoughts on leveling.

I did not pick this as a league starter due to sunder/stat stick nerfs. I instead leveled as arc miner and I'm glad I did because the league content is insanely difficult.

I am now leveling this character as a second character and I've found that you can make the leveling process silky smooth with <5 chaos. Get Facebreakers, Meginord's Girdle, Deidbell and The Deep One's Hide. Use a skill that can be used with unarmed attacks (Smite or Ice Crash for example) and get as much flat phys damage as you can on gear. Run Hatred and Herald of Purity for even more DPS. My gem link setup is Smite - Faster Attacks - Added Lightning - Ancestral Call. This is probably not the best setup, I just went by the socket colors I had.

Follow roughly the same tree as in Guffinn's leveling guide. I went into the Shadow starting area first to pick up Coordination for attack speed and Blood Siphon for life. Then I travelled down past Acrobatics to get Essence Sap (not in this build's endgame tree, but it takes care of our mana issues until we start using claws and get mana leech.) After that, I picked up the resists in the Scion starting area and then the life wheel. Having resists on the tree (and from Alira) is very helpful because we use a lot of uniques and iron rings.

With just a little investment this build has been smoother to level even than my arc miner. Damage is insane, even without a Tabula, and it's probably tanky enough for hardcore in the hands of a cautious player (I had nearly 2000 life at the end of act 5.) So this is my suggestion for how to level this build in the current meta.

Thanks for sharing this - I was also concerned about difficulty of betrayal events for this character having seen some streamers struggle and laugh about the likely number of frustrated hardcore players :-)
I'd be really interested to hear how people have fared as a starter.

I ended up starting with arc trap, but more because it’s super cheap and doesn’t need uniques to get to maps rather than fear of difficulty.mostly :p

Also really looking forward to seeing if the new crafting options change things for this build, it looks far easier to craft much better stats onto just about anything, so Guff might be able to revise his damage numbers up again with a leveled crafting station. Crafting like this makes leveling a lot easier too, resists on everything!
Real Life is pretty busy atm. Gonna update this Guide to 3.5 fully on one of Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday and answer any questions or stuff then.

Sorry guys.
You sir, deserve a damn big cookie.

I start the league with you build as molten strike dual claw. Even as 3 link while leveling it work very well.
Thoughts on paradoxica in this build?
i dont get it, im 68 now, have the weapon, 6links and 4links for reave and furry, tombfist, abyss jewels, yet this build deals zero damage. is it so bad after statstick nerf? and why do you aim for cold on abyss when its a phys conversion build? dont get it, sometimes u go for phys damage, then for cold damage?

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