Bestiary as a Core Game Mechanic

RIP Farrul's Fur lol.
I am happy to see GGG hears their players.
Anyway, I was waiting to see bestiary like a mod on maps itself (like physical damage reflections and those kind of mods that a player can avoid if he doesn't want to play it, so when a player saw "area contais 2 adittional beasts", it would be 2 yellow or 1 yellow and 1 red).

Btw, it is better to be fully removed if most of the players disliked it than to be kept it without hearing the players.
I'm a bit disappointed. I didn't like the league, but the mechanic was very nice, it promoted running high-tier maps. With next league going to be a "killing stuff" league, i guess zoom-zoom T3 burials is the only way to play PoE efficiently.
While I enjoyed Bestiary a good deal, I'm happy to see it go. It doesn't feel like Path of Exile anymore with this kind of gameplay. Thanks for the fun league, and maybe we can see some iteration in the future :)
Please consider adding some of the legendary monster mods to the nemesis pool
While I never used Beastiary much I did think it was a fun and interesting league.

I think it should have been kept but all of the recipes made slightly more powerful to bring them up to Essences (ie. giving you the max roll for the item level of what you're after)

I do hope at the very least that the unique items get brought back in some manner.
What about having some legendaries/uniques appear sometimes, and they give you a reward? like you get a levelling adrenaline flask, or anotehr item depending on the legendary/unique that appeared.

And if you kill some of the ones that previously summoned the creatures, you get portals which go to the crab domain, etc etc.
I feel that a lot of what the Bestiary offered could be put to use within the (suspected) upcoming overhaul of the Masters. Not so much the capturing but perhaps the abilities of the Beast and some of their crafting.
Kinda disappointing but fair enough. Einhar was a cool character and the levelling recipes were nice so I hope we can see a return of those in the future some way.

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