Bestiary as a Core Game Mechanic

"HA HA, you are cancelled. Stupid Bestiary" - Einhar 2018

I think you've made the right call GGG.
Sadly I had not much time to spend this league playing but I really enjoyed what I've played. Hope you folks won't ever stop experiment instead of releasing loot pinatas to please the masses.
I like what the red beasts add to the game but the nets were dumb and so was the capture mechanic. I think it would have felt less bloated as a game mechanic if you only needed to kill the monsters
we have decided not to retain any element of the league in the core game for now.

Damn it GGG. Bestiary was fun, stop giving in to the whiners, they are just vocal minority.
I would like to echo the calls to make Einhar a master who sends you on capture missions. I see how the amount of mechanics from the full beastiary league can be daunting to new players (my own daughters stopped playing because there was simply too much to learn all at once, even with me helping them along) but the crafting, uniques and red beast fights are super fun. Don't scrap them entirely. Modify some of it and drop a limited version into standard.
There are two types of POE players:
1) Those who want to walk uphill both ways barefoot on broken glass wearing a blindfold
2) F*cking noobs

I identify as transnational Chinese. May I have access to their QOL features, please?
I personally didn't like beastiary as a league, although the uniques are nice and i would love to see them in future leagues (maybe as random zones in maps when a specific beast its killed, kind like an abyssal depth; or as divination cards for example)...
Best regards and looking forward to the next league.-
Thank you! I was not a fan of the Bestiary content and won't be sad to never see it again.
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
After reading the dev post, I can understand why this won't be continued in any way going forward. Maybe you guys can find a way to simplify it and bring it back later as a core part of the game.

I'll miss this league. It has certainly been my favorite league since the legacy league last summer before 3.0. Just to say it (again), I would love to see that one come back once a year featuring the last 3 leagues and a few other player favorites from the past.

Kind of a shame. I would have been happy to lose the crafting and menagerie, but I liked the capture mechanic and the beasts. Was nice to have a new injection of monster mods; "Nemesis" is a scary-sounding name for a bunch of mods which are mostly not imposing at all.

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