[3.3] The Grave Digger - Volatile Dead Auto-Miner / All Bosses, All Map Mods

Good call on using jewellers instead, luckily only took about 600.
JanCarlo wrote:

Good call on using jewellers instead, luckily only took about 600.

It's a beauty! GL on that last socket.

vorici'ed mine aswell, took me 1200 jewellers tho
900 fusings later, just doesn't want to be linked.

I'm having a blast yolo'ing through content with tabula, no regen, no capped res either,
The damage is nuts.
Last edited by dezda on Apr 20, 2018, 3:50:52 PM
I'm having a blast yolo'ing through content with tabula, no regen, no capped res either

You're an exile after my own heart.

More guide updates: I've added a gameplay tips section to help out with some of the less obvious aspects of how the build handles. Also, an Arakaali comparison GIF to the Pantheon section.
I notice trap and mine damage is a bigger gain over Controlled destruction, and would make rolling the colors on that chest easier. Is it the mine laying slow down that kept you away from using it?
Last edited by Jaggy123 on Apr 20, 2018, 10:58:07 PM
Jaggy123 wrote:
I notice trap and mine damage is a bigger gain over Controlled destruction, and would make rolling the colors on that chest easier. Is it the mine laying slow down that kept you away from using it?

Exactly. The build doesn't get much laying speed to begin with, so that's a pretty rough hit to take.
Fair enough. Although that .02 lay speed that you lose while gaining a couple thousand average hit might be worth it for that chest coloring lol. Guess it's up to playstyle.
Last edited by Jaggy123 on Apr 21, 2018, 1:13:46 AM
i got 5 jewels with increased mine laying speed, life and resistences. a total of 38% increased speed. so can i use trap and mine damage ?
Something worth mentioning, if you want to get power charges before a fight, you can use a shaper wand with power charge on 200 mana used,
instead of ralakesh's impatience
What does Volatile mine node adds to the build? Detonating mines is instant?
does it do anything,

When i do take that node i suddenly am unable to sustain my mana .
Super weird dont know if this is a bug
Last edited by Pentacodex on Apr 21, 2018, 8:45:14 AM

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