[3.11] Tesla Cyclone | Destroy the Game | All Content | Super Fast! | Spin 2 Win |
I'm still leveling and I don't have a lot of gear yet. But I'm working on getting there and I just recently got Cyclone. I'm current level 37.
I'm finding doing incursions with Cyclone to be a bit awkward and I'd like some help to make it better. Specifically, I'm using Cyclone to clear big packs of units, and in that way, if I can get to them and aggro them in time, I can build up some timer. Then I try and do enough single target damage on whatever big boss type person I want to take out in the incursion room. This is generally me spamming Molten Strike and Ancestor's Totem, since Cyclone takes too long to get the job done. What can I do to improve my performance? Just get better gear? Focus on different abilities to support Cyclone? |
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Awww so many new player questions, so little participation from me.
Will try to be a good boy from today. @asher1611: we can't see your characters, so we can't comment ATM. Regardless, incursions at low levels will be a bit of a bother since neither do we have 6L chests this early in the league, nor are we doing great on attack speed, movement speed, crit, range and mana leech. However if you're rocking a Daresso's Salute and a Thief's Torment and a 5L and a good sword and then you are falling short on DPS...Then I need to see what your char is wearing and how it has pathed so far. P.S. Popping Vaal Cyclone on the incursion bosses is a good way to down them, and everything within several yards of them. Last edited by Aimanan#4447 on Jun 6, 2018, 12:35:50 AM
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@asher1611 - I had a hard time with incursions up until I hit level ~50ish and was able to build up some move speed and a decent enough pDPS sword. Early on I was nowhere near completing the incursions. I almost gave up on this build because it felt slow and clunky but now that I've worked towards some of the recommended gear and tree nodes/ascendancy nodes, this build feels really really really good.
Last edited by TakmaN#3084 on Jun 6, 2018, 12:55:37 AM
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I'm glad to hear that although to be honest I'm still running in predominantly self found gear and not using a sword. Yet. If I run into low mob density areas I get screwed but it's getting better with practice. I might even be able to reach the peak this go round and see what that's all about.
What skills are you using alongside Cyclone? |
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I began with a sunder league starter but reached maps and had trouble with incursion bosses. Can this build handle endgame incursions and the like? Im personally thinking between this build or a frost blades build.
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" I had no problem leveling with cyclone as league starter. Until you get to good pDPS swords use some unique mace/axe with highest pDPS possible. I bought new weapon every 5-10 levels mostly for 1 alch. And while leveling and even now on early maps I sometimes have about 20-30 seconds left in Incursions and everything is dead... And I was able to do that even on 4-link (but 5-link makes it better). And you can get some corrupted 5-lionk armor with right colors for 1 alch/chaos. Just remember to change your weapon very often. Also it really helps when you buy Thief's Torment. It's really hard without it. I used boots from temple with 30% movement speed until I hit 69 to use Bubonic Trail. Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline does a lot too. And as someone here mentioned that rampage weapon swap. I am using it and it feels really good. Well, it's one more thing that you have to keep in mind when smashing buttons on your keyboard but it's worth it. Last edited by irendie#7500 on Jun 6, 2018, 5:59:11 AM
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This build does take some time and patience to get rolling as a league starter but once it rolls, it snowballs.
My first purchase was a thiefs torment and some unique 2-handed axes/swords to get me through the leveling process. I then bought the rest of my gear in roughly this order: daresso's > tabula > belt of the deceiver > rat's nest > kondo's > rare boots > shaper's touch. Each item added can be felt from an increase in damage to clear speed. Getting the labs done ASAP helps a ton also. The build felt really good once I finished the merciless lab. I was able to do all of them solo including uber lab. I did die once to uber izaro as this build can't tank everything due to the lower HP pool. The pure talent jewel is a must to get the required intelligence but I used some rare boots with int until that point. I'm going to farm it out until I can afford a Starforge then work on 6 socketing and 6 linking a Bronn's. Then 6-link the starforge and finally get a proper enchant on my helmet. I like that this build can keep scaling and that there will be items to work towards for quite a while. It will definitely keep me busy this league! Last edited by TakmaN#3084 on Jun 6, 2018, 6:25:13 AM
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Any one having trouble with the apex boss in the temple? I thought it might've been lack of chaos resists so I got some from -60 to -39, didn't feel a difference.
As I'm spinning on the boss, his spells/moves just crush me. Should I be spinning from the room's edge to edge? Any tips? Maybe try kondo instead of doomsower for higher leeching? My damage seems fine since the boss will die eventually but it usually takes me a few seemingly unavoidable deaths. My other resists are capped. I am missing the lions roar tho if that could be the key. |
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Hiya all who are leveling this build right now.
This was the first true league start for this build for me and I've learned a lot about my own build and how to tweak it out to make the journey to act 9 (which is the location you can farm enough currency to outfit 80% - 90% of the final build with ease) as painless as possible. I will just add this post under my guide in the 2nd post seeing that I maxed out the 50,000 characters in the first post of the build guide. League Starter Leveling Guide Glowy Brain Knowledge. Start the game with Cleave and either a 2h or dual wield. Follow this passive tree. https://poeplanner.com/AA0AAGcADQABADC-vILkkBGKr0rIbqq18ngNwBqpbnlowQRfPxQg7w5QR-RRl3kJljkO6wmFUtlhrY3Pfnas6hj3MnzZZ5uAinYr90346xRx2XyCB3fjAdyE2Ud-vTZlTb6nqZSHajWS2L0AAAAAAA== At level 12, (a.k.a. when you hit the last waypoint of Act 1) go to town and swap cleave for Sunder. From this point on, use a 2hander. Weapon upgrade path that will cost 1alch to 1chaos during your journey: -Limbsplit or Wideswing (depending on when you get 1 alch and what level you are) -Reaper's Pursuit -Rigwald's Charge (this is a level 44 sword. Once you hit this point you can pick up sword damage nodes in the tree and ramp up your damage asap.) -Terminus Est - Hiltless / Kondo's Pride / Doomsower - ( I will note that I have not personally ever chosen Doomsower. I usually stick with Kondo's Pride, however, yesterday I did pick up a Hiltless and absolutely love it. I do feel I get hit more often though when compared to the blind with Kondo's) 2nd passive path to follow (again once you get a good rare sword or rigwald's charge, grab the sword nodes) https://poeplanner.com/AA0AAMMADQABAF6-vILkkBGKr0rIbqq18ngNwBqpbnlowQRfPxQg7w5QR-RRl3kJljkO6wmFUtlhrY3Pfnas6hj3MnzZZ5uAinYr90346xRx2XyCB3fjAdyE2Ud-vTZlTb6nqZSHajWS2L0bqhDw8lqBOsEH135jFxm0apNM_04q1lgj01uvDY2Hdkp9_MXuDqOKI_ZNko19MHz5YxXwBfmbJnpTYevPerIZMgEi6sM6JIsPqxa_JpVh4lVL1FLL9TGw3L3nDwAAAAAA I took a different route than normal for a couple of reasons: 1 - Life leech and mana leech options early. Say you get your thief's torment early, then you do not need to bother as much with this path, however, the rest of us, will want to farm for the ring in Act 9 and having that stability in both leeches is really nice with the option to pick up Vaal Pact anytime we want even before doing Merc Lab. (It's a LOT of leech. Just GET A BLEED REMOVAL FLASK) 2 - Yes, these two paths will require later that you use regrets (through the quests while leveling primarily). You will be fine. I promise. This idea tends to scare new players but the game was built around giving you these points to adjust accordingly while leveling. 3 - refer to 1 and 2. After you finish the 2nd tree, or even a little sooner if you feel you have a good sense of the build (like 5 or so levels before the end), You can drop Resolute Technique and pick up the crit nodes. Picking up even just a tiny bit of crit and putting the passive points into Versatility for the accuracy, you will see a good damage boost. From then on, you will snowball so hard, you'll think you're cheating at Path of Exile. I hope this helps. <3 P.S. The choice as to when to switch from Sunder to Cyclone is entirely up to you. I've had MANY people come to me and say they loved it even switching at 28. Me personally, I switched at Act 7 or 8 I believe when I just felt like a change from Sunder. Once you get the Thief's Torment ring, Cyclone is HELLA nice. Last edited by Vashseden#3437 on Jun 6, 2018, 1:37:25 PM
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" The only problem I have had with the apex boss is when I'm spinning under him and a projectile attack he has in store when it first spawns on an outer portion of his "body" appears as I'm spinning on that exact location and since the projectile sits there for a second, I think it checks against my dodge more than once, over and over, until it hits me. Other than that, I'll spin under him and when he favors attacking one side or another, I just adjust. If I do not see an immediate safe spot, i'll dip out for a second and readjust. Also, on his 2nd phase, a lot of time right when his shield drops, I use Vaal Cyclone for some meaty damages while he is adjusting. |
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