[3.2] Fully Corrupted All-Unique Dual Wield HOWA Molten Strike - 6.1M Shaper DPS, 9k+ ES, 44% Evade

Xaxarius wrote:
Just got my first t15 Elder kill with this character. Was deathless, way better than my LL RF guardian. Managed to keep shaper alive, too. The slow phase was not a problem, i could still attack to keep leeching and heal back up. damage on a 5l incandescent is fine. No helm enchant, either. No corrupted jewels.
looking forward to uber elder next!

Good to hear. Let me know how it goes.
Xaxarius wrote:
loobi wrote:
I like this build. Been playing inquis molten for so long and finally see somethign different. Great Job!

Also my fellow new exiles's (like me), if you wanna know how to proc ancestral call for more dps for single target, you can view this thread - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971701.

Dont get me wrong, this isnt advertising, cause he has a picture showing how it procs.

so the message is to aim slightly in front of the boss to get ancestral call to chime in with 2 other "ghost" attacks. Instead of clicking ON the boss, which will not procc the ghosts.
Is that the idea?

You are right mate
loobi wrote:
Xaxarius wrote:
loobi wrote:
I like this build. Been playing inquis molten for so long and finally see somethign different. Great Job!

Also my fellow new exiles's (like me), if you wanna know how to proc ancestral call for more dps for single target, you can view this thread - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971701.

Dont get me wrong, this isnt advertising, cause he has a picture showing how it procs.

so the message is to aim slightly in front of the boss to get ancestral call to chime in with 2 other "ghost" attacks. Instead of clicking ON the boss, which will not procc the ghosts.
Is that the idea?

You are right mate

Thanks for the tip, when I can get it right is seems like a big difference in how fast the health bar decreases.
May i ask why you chose a +1 end charge belt?

Am i missing something, cause it doesn't seem like you'd ever benefit from that
Jolo0213 wrote:
What's the cost to get the 30% quality beastcrafting materials?

Great looking build. Thinking of starting to set this up as my league bosskiller.

The beastcrafting recipe materials are not what you should be worried for mate.

Try find these corrupted jewels first, doubt it though if u play in Bestiary league :P
Last edited by nel0angel0 on Apr 11, 2018, 2:08:09 PM
nel0angel0 wrote:
Jolo0213 wrote:
What's the cost to get the 30% quality beastcrafting materials?

Great looking build. Thinking of starting to set this up as my league bosskiller.

The beastcrafting recipe materials are not what you should be worried for mate.

Try find these corrupted jewels first, doubt it though if u play in Bestiary league :P

Only need two more, and I can just keep buying the cheap Wildfire jewels and corrupting them until I get two more with the right mod.

Jolo0213 wrote:

Only need two more, and I can just keep buying the cheap Wildfire jewels and corrupting them until I get two more with the right mod.

I dont know if i want to put myself through this for ~40% increased chaos dmg (not even ele dmg).
Yeah it will give a bit dps, but not too much to justify all the hassle.

Just my opinion though
nel0angel0 wrote:
Jolo0213 wrote:

Only need two more, and I can just keep buying the cheap Wildfire jewels and corrupting them until I get two more with the right mod.

I dont know if i want to put myself through this for ~40% increased chaos dmg (not even ele dmg).
Yeah it will give a bit dps, but not too much to justify all the hassle.

Just my opinion though

i found this build really gets more "oomph" from increased damage than other builds. We stack flat lightning, the amount of flat multiplied by the increased (not more) is really more potent than other builds. For example, I am starting to take the heart of thunder nodes up top. I took 1 12% node and my tooltip dps went from like 82,000 to 85,000. Maybe it was even more. It seems like with other builds I play, a 12% node adds like 500dps, basically nothing. But here 12% increased amounted to 4% or so MORE dps. I think its a good thing to aim for but totally not required for the build to function imo. Yes, its on the chaos part, but we get 18% of that lightning damage we stack as chaos.
How important is the extra es from watcher's eye. Can I just buy a pen one and be okay?
How important is the extra es from watcher's eye. Can I just buy a pen one and be okay?

Either get a light pen or mana leech wrath and you will be fine.

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