[3.4] Ascendant Reave/Blade Flurry - Fast Mapping - Easy Bossing - Uber Elder viable.

loreweave instead of belly? 80% max res is worth it?
Dalykas wrote:
Trancid wrote:
i saw this build and i wanna play it but tree is not uppdated

The tree seems fine to me?

it's fine but it's 3.2.0 version insted of 3.3 that just it
Last edited by Trancid on Jun 22, 2018, 11:06:02 AM
Tried again: 7k health now.
Can't facetank anything on t12.
Incursion = 100% death from dozens of shooters plus big hitters.
Boss on T12 one-shots me.
Once more, how the fuck do you play this build and not going insane? (
Thats THE most glass cannon build i've ever played.
Leech about 3k doesn't help at all when you get multiple hits/one big hit.
I'm almost giving up on this, even fucking totem arc survives t15 bosses no problem (
hwat wrote:
Tried again: 7k health now.
Can't facetank anything on t12.
Incursion = 100% death from dozens of shooters plus big hitters.
Boss on T12 one-shots me.
Once more, how the fuck do you play this build and not going insane? (
Thats THE most glass cannon build i've ever played.
Leech about 3k doesn't help at all when you get multiple hits/one big hit.
I'm almost giving up on this, even fucking totem arc survives t15 bosses no problem (

Not to be mean or anything, but It's 100% your Problem. I play a similar Build to this for 3 Leagues now and have 0 Problems. Here is a outdated Video of me showing the Survivability of the HC Version of the Build: click. Admittedly, this one doesn't have Acro/Phase Acro like the Version I play, but it's not a big enough difference to make this feel Glasscannon. I played without it as well and didn't have any problems.
Guess since you never played Melee you are not used to it?

For starters, replace your Quicksilver with a Stibnite, Quartz or Basalt. This is not a movement Speed based Build and these Flasks will offer more Survivability. Btw, Quality your Flasks to 20%, makes a big difference.
I think your CWDT is too high, proccing it every 1k Damage taken should feel pretty awful. But that's your call.
If you have space, you can put in a Vaal Grace with Inc Duration for some Survivability while mapping.
Also, if you follow the Guide OP provides, you will notice a seperate Blood Rage is recommended. A high level BR offers way more Attack Speed than the one in the CWDT Setup, and the CWDT one only extends its duration but doesn't overwrite it with its own low attack speed.
It's important to be able to Selfcast BR before the first Pack in a Map.
Make sure you took Arakaali as a Pantheon and actually upgraded it to Level 2 by capturing the Toxic Sewers boss. That makes a HUGE difference in Survivability.

For playstyle, keep your 2 to 5 Flasks up 100% of the time/before every pack. Remember neither Reave nor BF are true melee Skills, the Range is pretty huge. There is 0 reason to actually be in the middle of packs or hug a boss.
The Shooters in Incursions have a Windup, you can see them charge before they fire. They don't lead their shots, meaning you can easily Whirl away during their charge up and not get hit. Everyone gets wrecked by these if they don't have a considerable amount of dodge/some Proj Avoidance/have the shooters Blinded/don't have big Phys and Chaos Mitigation (the shots are 60/40 Phys/Chaos I think).
If there is a pack when you enter the Incursion, the Shooters will charge at your Golem as soon as you spawn in, so if you move shortly after you will get hit by a bunch. Either you can sit for 2 more seconds in your Grace Period, or drop that Golem for mapping.

No bad feelings btw, just want to try and help out :) Builds like this have worked for many people, and I'm sure it can work for you as well.
Last edited by Guffinn on Jun 22, 2018, 2:39:28 PM
Actually, I think regarding survivability your variant is way better: 6.3k hp PLUS dodge/spell dodge 30-40% PLUS evasion 30%.
+ you use assasin mark and power charges.

Going to calculate how many regrets i will need to switch )

Why no Kaom's Roots tho?
Last edited by hwat on Jun 22, 2018, 2:31:10 PM
hwat wrote:
Actually, I think regarding survivability your variant is way better: 6.3k hp PLUS dodge/spell dodge 30-40% PLUS evasion 30%.
+ you use assasin mark and power charges.

Going to calculate how many regrets i will need to switch )

Why no Kaom's Roots tho?

Should also be better DPS wise, at least when I compare OPs Level 95 Standard Char to the same Char with my Tree, a Conversion Watchers Eye and his Foil transformed to a Claw. At some point more DPS just becomes overkill tho.

That said, I think you will have no Problem Surviving with this Version either. Did you check the rest of the Stuff that I wrote? All are small things that add up, and most people forget one or the other thing.

Regarding Kaoms:
We need the Gem Sockets while mapping, but use them for Uber Elder. You can get rare Boots with 100 Life and Res pretty cheaply, or something like Atziris or Three-Step for 70 Life but 10+ Spell Dodge and a ton of Evasion. Also, Kaom's makes it so your Evasion has no effect. Dodge still works, but Evasion doesnt. Kinda shitty on an Evasion/Dodge Char :P
If you wanna make the switch keep in mind you'd need a Cold Conversion Watchers Eye to truly follow the guide.
Last edited by Guffinn on Jun 22, 2018, 2:47:16 PM
For now I decided to go cheaper way: I just got acrobatics/phase acrobatics and everything else is the same, will see how it goes, I believe it will help a bit.

EDIT: Actually I decided to reroll to your build.
First impressions are just amazing, man.
At t12 I have "I don't give a shit" mode, rushing to every single pack, clearing incursions and at least twice faster than with freaking kaoms. Sometimes I still forget to press all these "summon golem, turn on rage, place protector, flasks" buttons, but I'll train and for now it doesn't even matter, everything dies in very safe way. Evade 25, dodge hits 55, dodge spells 30 — that is huge difference comparing to this thread. Downside is that HP now only 5900 (was 7k), but I'm surviving everything. Thanks a lot for your help and very good guide.
Last edited by hwat on Jun 22, 2018, 8:16:22 PM
Buckets0 wrote:
loreweave instead of belly? 80% max res is worth it?

I feel like it might be worth it, especially in end game. End game bosses (Shaper and Elder) are doing a lot of cold damage.

Then there are rippy maps mods like multiple ele dmg mods, reduced max res mod which is nullified etc (which temple also often have). Good if you want to vaal maps. I wonder if we could ignore ele reflect, along with reduced reflect dmg pantheon and maaaybe ring swap, I'll check.

We get some increased damage too. And we only use one flask which would put our ele res above 80. I'm currently gathering items for this build so I'll probably grab well rolled Loreweave if only to test it.
I hope someone is still checking this forum, for the author or anyone else that is using this. just 4 quick questions
1. how safe is this to be able to farm uber elder?
2. if it is, are there any tips or suggestions that you can suggest to tweak the build for that sole purpose?
3. Looking at the tree, its for level 97, if I can hit 90 would this still be uber elder farmable?
4. at 90 what points would you skip from the tree thats been given?
Edit: NVM
Last edited by Lirhtim on Jun 23, 2018, 7:55:48 AM

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