[3.7] Face-Cannon Frost blades Assassin. Face Tank everything! (Shaper, Uber elder video added)

dragnmith1 wrote:
actually only 2 fight for survival's work 3 does not cause your limited to only 2

xD sorry I forgot about this.
Yeah, then definitely find a watcher's eye for the third jewel socket!
Could you look at my set?
Its good enough to beat guardians and shaper?
Last edited by Kyoshiro17 on Apr 17, 2018, 3:07:52 AM
So I’m in love with the dps of this build, currently sitting at around 275-300k, but can’t quite figure out why I feel so squishy. I am sitting at 5k health and over max resists but I gotta be missing something. Any suggestions on where I can improve to not feel like I still get insta-gibbed?

Thanks for the build, it really is fun!
What about hypothermia what gem can we replace with?
yoshis wrote:
What about hypothermia what gem can we replace with?

Hi there, in that case, use Hypo and Ruthless instead of elemental focus and faster attack.
I feel this will be the appropriate gem swap, let me know how it works.
It's shit haha
Kyoshiro17 wrote:
Could you look at my set?
Its good enough to beat guardians and shaper?

I'm traveling these days, will get back to you when I'm back :) I
totalhavok3 wrote:
So I’m in love with the dps of this build, currently sitting at around 275-300k, but can’t quite figure out why I feel so squishy. I am sitting at 5k health and over max resists but I gotta be missing something. Any suggestions on where I can improve to not feel like I still get insta-gibbed?

Thanks for the build, it really is fun!

Hi glad you liked it!
At around Lv90 you can get around 5.5K life.
You should get more life on your boots and ring, also try get some More DPS from rings amulets belt.
look for steel rings with wed, increased cold dmg, flat phys etc. since we survive based on leeching, with higher dps we will be safer as well
Last edited by nal_tony on Apr 18, 2018, 12:46:19 PM
Hello, i rly like this build cause it's fast.
But, i have problems on higher tier maps, cause, if i stop attacking for just a second (to capture beast, to place totem or anything) i'm just dying a lot.
Maybe that's normal for leech build, dunno, or am i doing something wrong.
Can u, please check my profile, and tell me, if i'm doing something wrong, and where can i improve (i have some spare exes to throw into build).
Thank you.

edit: ok, i got some gear upgrade (hh drop:)), my next goal is level and watchers eye, but still give me suggestions about gear, did i done something wrong, thx
Last edited by osho82 on Apr 19, 2018, 11:57:22 AM
Kyoshiro17 wrote:
Could you look at my set?
Its good enough to beat guardians and shaper?

Pretty nice setup already. If you're not familiar with the mechanics of guardians/shapers, wear a Kaom's root for these particular fights, and for Hydra and shaper use purity of Ice + hatred, for phoenix, chimera and minotaur use AA+ HoI + Hatred.
Once you're familiar with the mechanics, these fights are pretty easy, you can face tank all T16 (2 dmg mods should be fine), and shaper beam/melee attack.

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