3.3 Victario's Aurabot: League start guide + end game Aurabot - 10 Auras + 3 curse Auras

phax90 wrote:
Just wanted to post here for props, fun build while being my first supporter ever (only played with my brother who is often supporting). Only thing im struggling with is to make sure my elixir is up and running, even while running with 2 I sometimes forget to push it. <:
Other thing I was struggling with is uber lab, do you have any tips for it? Biggest problem were the poison dart traps when no mobs are around for my carry to make sure I have my flask up. Or do you just make sure you have full charges, let your carry get ahead and tell you when to rush through while flasks can be kept up?

Anyways, like I said, great and fun build, probably going for it again in another league. Right now im trying to improve my gameplay and getting used to it.

thank you :) it dioes take a while to get used to the elixir, quartz/phasing flask or warding flask with the golden lady above you does help you with the timing if you can keep an eye on your character.

the poison traps can be dealt with using the soul of shakari upgraded pantheon to be immune to poison damage ( the spikes deal pure poison, not chaos). you can get this from the t13 desert springs boss.

another solution and by far the most comfortable is to buy a shav's wrappings, and replace a flask with a life flask. the reason for this is while running around you can use your shavs while you dont need the damage auras from victarios, and when you get to the boss you can switch your chest back to victarios with the auras, use the life flask, and reapply the auras just before izaro. the shav's doesnt need to be linked, or even socketed, and can be resold after the uber lab has been completed.

alternatively you can use pathfinder ascendency in the mean time if you have enough regrets, or take a third coruscating. it does take a lot of communication and can indeed be stressful with flask charges. in the end the easiest solution i found was to use a shav's with cwdt+ immortal call, and get a lab carry that didnt need me to be in the boss room with them so i didnt have to bother with switching my armour.
Decided to play a support for Incursion with my group with time around at the start, we usually aren't always on when it starts. I want to try and get a feel for a support so I made one on Flashback as my 4th character to help my friend push for 95. I thought that playing a support but I was wrong. I'm pretty bad at keeping my flask up time high so this is definitely helping me pratice.

I leveled solo on Flashback but I didn't follow your AuraMiner passive tree in your solo leveling guide. Since since Incursion I'll be leveling in a group, how much of the that tree should I follow? Since I don't need to damage should I just go straight for the budget version tree?

itskaeo wrote:
Decided to play a support for Incursion with my group with time around at the start, we usually aren't always on when it starts. I want to try and get a feel for a support so I made one on Flashback as my 4th character to help my friend push for 95. I thought that playing a support but I was wrong. I'm pretty bad at keeping my flask up time high so this is definitely helping me pratice.

I leveled solo on Flashback but I didn't follow your AuraMiner passive tree in your solo leveling guide. Since since Incursion I'll be leveling in a group, how much of the that tree should I follow? Since I don't need to damage should I just go straight for the budget version tree?

you can follow the last tree in that auraminer build for the early hybrid tree or just go straight into the budget tree, but early on without much gear, going hybrid non blood magic is much easier to handle and scale up effective hp
Hi, sorry to bother you. Was planning on doing this build in 3.3 so I was going through it. You mention Zealots Oath a bunch of times, but none of the skillplans actually have it, was this just an oversight in the plans, or are you getting it from somewhere else and I'm just blind?

Looking forward to trying Ascendant for the first time instead of Guardian.
Hi Alloxya,

Thanks for the comprehensive aurabot guide, it has been an interesting read to say the least. I am planning to play an aurabot for the upcoming incursion, first time as an aurabot leaguestarter, and have a few questions to ask. My buddy is planning to play a KB/barrage wander, barring any changes. It would be very helpful if you could share your comments.

1) Going back a few pages, I saw you comment on the usefullness of the 3-curse setup. I am worried that the blasphemy setup for curses wont be reaching out enough for the KB range. They will be active for map bosses or tough monsters but then bosses have reduced curse effectiveness. Have you had the chance to evaluate the usefullness of curse auras in such a party setup?
2) Viewing the leveling section, I saw you recommend a EE-firestorm setup for leveling with a party, and I think it is a brilliant idea. Can you share some more details on how to progress using this route? Which gemlinks, any auras apart from haste, if it is appropriate to follow the lvl80 hybrid tree etc. My buddy is probably going to be leveling as a bowyer initially until he can make the switch to wands prolly at lvl70.
3) Last time I played a Victario's Influence aurabot with Coruscating elixir, it was quite a stressful experience compared to a Shav's version. Then I learnt about the hybrid version with max-ish chaos res, and I think it is a nice compromise between better auras and easier gameplay. As you are using the hybrid as a stepping stone, could you share some of the weaknesses of the it from your experience? I am thinking; No mortal conviction, so less auras overall.
4) Using 4 vaal auras, doesnt it pose a problem where souls get distributed among them and results in lowish uptime (Probably an outdated concern in 3.3)? Also, with the changes to vaal skills in 3.3, I guess we can just socket the vaal version of auras of Grace, Discipline and Clarity and have both normal and vaal versions available, freeing up sockets unless I am reading the changes wrong. Which additional links would you recommend in such a case? I think Vigilant strike and Enduring cry can become baseline instead of optional and maybe a CWDT-IC? But then it feels like there might be too many things to track with the Coruscating Elixir, 3-4 vaal auras, party fortify and Enduring cry :)

I guess this is all for now, it has been loaded way more questions then I anticipated, thanks in advance for your time.
Last edited by alpish on May 27, 2018, 3:57:43 PM
My league goal for incursion is now a +3 Victario's (+1 to socketed, +2 to aura).
On the off chance that I end up actually getting this, how am I supposed to get the proper links?
I'm assuming I should start by getting the chests to 1 red socket pre-corruption
kcolor wrote:
Hi, sorry to bother you. Was planning on doing this build in 3.3 so I was going through it. You mention Zealots Oath a bunch of times, but none of the skillplans actually have it, was this just an oversight in the plans, or are you getting it from somewhere else and I'm just blind?

Looking forward to trying Ascendant for the first time instead of Guardian.

it's an oversight, sorry, old trees were updated and i guess i missed it. ZO should be taken befor. blood magic as a scion
Balefirex wrote:
My league goal for incursion is now a +3 Victario's (+1 to socketed, +2 to aura).
On the off chance that I end up actually getting this, how am I supposed to get the proper links?
I'm assuming I should start by getting the chests to 1 red socket pre-corruption

don't do this, buy chests and 20qual, then corrupt , do sockets and links and colours on vorici bench, its cheaper this way unless you have some amazing rng and get it within a few tries, which isnt normal, it could take about 30-50 tries to get a usable corrupt.
alpish wrote:
Hi Alloxya,

Thanks for the comprehensive aurabot guide, it has been an interesting read to say the least. I am planning to play an aurabot for the upcoming incursion, first time as an aurabot leaguestarter, and have a few questions to ask. My buddy is planning to play a KB/barrage wander, barring any changes. It would be very helpful if you could share your comments.

1) Going back a few pages, I saw you comment on the usefullness of the 3-curse setup. I am worried that the blasphemy setup for curses wont be reaching out enough for the KB range. They will be active for map bosses or tough monsters but then bosses have reduced curse effectiveness. Have you had the chance to evaluate the usefullness of curse auras in such a party setup?
2) Viewing the leveling section, I saw you recommend a EE-firestorm setup for leveling with a party, and I think it is a brilliant idea. Can you share some more details on how to progress using this route? Which gemlinks, any auras apart from haste, if it is appropriate to follow the lvl80 hybrid tree etc. My buddy is probably going to be leveling as a bowyer initially until he can make the switch to wands prolly at lvl70.
3) Last time I played a Victario's Influence aurabot with Coruscating elixir, it was quite a stressful experience compared to a Shav's version. Then I learnt about the hybrid version with max-ish chaos res, and I think it is a nice compromise between better auras and easier gameplay. As you are using the hybrid as a stepping stone, could you share some of the weaknesses of the it from your experience? I am thinking; No mortal conviction, so less auras overall.
4) Using 4 vaal auras, doesnt it pose a problem where souls get distributed among them and results in lowish uptime (Probably an outdated concern in 3.3)? Also, with the changes to vaal skills in 3.3, I guess we can just socket the vaal version of auras of Grace, Discipline and Clarity and have both normal and vaal versions available, freeing up sockets unless I am reading the changes wrong. Which additional links would you recommend in such a case? I think Vigilant strike and Enduring cry can become baseline instead of optional and maybe a CWDT-IC? But then it feels like there might be too many things to track with the Coruscating Elixir, 3-4 vaal auras, party fortify and Enduring cry :)

I guess this is all for now, it has been loaded way more questions then I anticipated, thanks in advance for your time.

1: blasphemy curses are still fine if you can keep up, the curses are for tankier monsters that you cant off screen, like portals, rares, and bosses.

2:i dont have a detailed plan for this but following the hybrid tree would work fine, you can even follow the auraminer build bit skip out on the trap and mine nodes and take firestorm instead, and just rush EE by going out of the left.

3:i use hybrid to step into full low life, because its easier early game when you dont have a full setup, i'm used to the flasking so i don't mind non max chaos res with full flask reliance.

4:it does early on in the map, but once they're charged they stop absorbing souls, and only the one on cooldown will collect them. so though a map you can maintain vaal haste and only that one will get the souls.

the changes i dont think will have a huge impact unless you're using a specialised build. the problem with the vaal changes is you lose out on the ability to link inc dur to the vaal auras if you place the haste/grace/disciple in your shield. i will potentially play around with a build that uses 2 vaal auras in the shield with a second one elsewhere and see if the reserve still fits with the loss of spider, probably disc and haste with inc duration, placing grace + inc dur elsewhere in the build. that takes you from 7 gems (disc, haste, grace, vaal haste, vaal grace, vaal disc, inc dur) down to just vaal disc, vaal haste, vaal grace, inc dur, inc dur. if the reserve fits i will most likely do this. as for the extra links that you could use, due to skill bar limited space, i would use something passive like CWDT IC, if you are not using as much utility stuff or save gem slots elsewhere, i could suggest CWDT IC Offering(the block one) Desecrate
Last edited by Alloxya on Jun 1, 2018, 2:35:06 PM
With the heavy amount of chaos damage in this patch, im thinking of rolling with a shavs instead of victarios influence..

What would i have to sacrifice in order to do so?
its been a while since ive done an aurabot (last one was the old necro aura support)
And how would the "new" gem links look like

Also, im thinking of taking the movement speed variant with occultist instead of necro. My plan was to go necro for the attackspeed for SC, but these temples man.... not a very shield charge friendly place :P


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