[3.6] Acid Molten Strike Assassin - Uber Elder-viable Poison Build

Having a blast with this as an SSF league starter - LGOH as a mechanic's pretty useful in Delves when the lights go out vs invulnerable monsters, eh.

No luck with The Wasp Nest yet but plugging away at certain lower-tier maps for various div cards. I had The Embalmer drop so I replaced my 4L Molten Strike setup (haven't farmed up a Tabula yet) into those for the Vile Toxins support.

I've also had The Coming Calamity drop, and I juuust about make the Int requirements - was thinking about chucking my Herald of Agony setup in there. Realistically the most I could hope for is a 5L atm, and I'll have to use the Vorici socket method to roll enough non-blue sockets (though at least 1B for Minion Damage, and maybe a second for Minion Speed?) - what would your recommend for a 5/6L HoA?
Haasts wrote:
I've also had The Coming Calamity drop, and I juuust about make the Int requirements - was thinking about chucking my Herald of Agony setup in there. Realistically the most I could hope for is a 5L atm, and I'll have to use the Vorici socket method to roll enough non-blue sockets (though at least 1B for Minion Damage, and maybe a second for Minion Speed?) - what would your recommend for a 5/6L HoA?
Herald of Agony - Minion Damage - Pierce - Vicious Projectiles - Maim
(I wonder if Damage on Full Life works, if so I'd replace Maim)
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Currently running this build as league starter in delve!
works great thanks for updating with herald of agony :D !
Last edited by Ambieent on Sep 4, 2018, 4:13:44 AM
Yup, your build works perfectly fine.

Any idea where is the divination card "boon of the first one" though?
is there a way to calculate the DPS on PoB?
Any idea where is the divination card "boon of the first one" though?
No idea, if I had to guess it's probably in a map with Rigwald as boss (Lair or Dark Forest).

Loethor wrote:
is there a way to calculate the DPS on PoB?
Nope, you have to do it manually (and PoB is buggy with Molten Strike anyways).
Even then you'll have to make a lot of assumptions, like tha amount of balls that will hit and the number of nearby enemies.
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TBH a con of the build is not lag or desync, it's that oftentimes you don't really see shit. If a boss is about to do something telegraphed, you can barelly see it in the magma ball fiesta.
IGN: Interloper
After some playing I made the 3L Crawler a standard version and kept the Temporal Chains setup as an option. Also updated PoB for that.

Infiltrator wrote:
TBH a con of the build is not lag or desync, it's that oftentimes you don't really see shit. If a boss is about to do something telegraphed, you can barelly see it in the magma ball fiesta.
For sure one of the reasons it's not HC viable lol. Good thing you can outheal many of these attacks.

The server performance actually became much better since 3.2.
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Last edited by SHEPUUURD on Sep 5, 2018, 7:23:59 AM
I really like Temporal Chains and wanted to keep it AND run HoA. I put Temp Chains/Blasphemy in with Immortal Call and CWDT and dropped Increased Duration and Enfeeble. Your thoughts? So far I feel like it meshes just fine and not really sure if I'm losing much dropping the other 2 gems.
xxxPOPExxx wrote:
I really like Temporal Chains and wanted to keep it AND run HoA. I put Temp Chains/Blasphemy in with Immortal Call and CWDT and dropped Increased Duration and Enfeeble. Your thoughts? So far I feel like it meshes just fine and not really sure if I'm losing much dropping the other 2 gems.
It's fine until you get one of the unique gloves, in which case you'll have to change that setup.

I'd still try to fit in Increased Duration somehow, it's pretty strong.
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