[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

If we get some ele weakness gloves that opens up some links what do you guys fill them in with
Rat's Nest with FB enchant is pretty expensive right now for me. I do have a Devoto's with an FB enchant. Any major drawbacks to switching to Devoto's?

Did you not read the bit where it says 10% reduced global physical dmg lol?

Devoto's is literally one of the worst helms you can use for this build.

FB enchant isn't a very cost efficient way to add dps, 40% fb dmg is like a 4% dps boost or something. So if you don't have the cash to min/max, don't do it. just use the rat's nest as is.

what better?
this or with increced cold dmg?
i cant use this gem on pob

and one more question
what u think charge on my build for more dps?
i have qotf with 70% total ele res have not 81% fire/cold res and 79 light

i dont think what i can find better ring with 3 mods for use other body armour

like this build but have some troubles with bosses
cant face tanking D
Last edited by Leenks on Apr 10, 2018, 5:39:06 PM
Leenks wrote:
how u guys linked items to forum?

you open up your character/stash (top left). Then you click once on the item you want, and it'll import the items code automatically into your post text field.

Like so:

Leenks wrote:

what better?
this or with increced cold dmg?
i cant use this gem on pob

and one more question
what u think charge on my build for more dps?
i have qotf with 70% total ele res have not 81% fire/cold res and 79 light

i dont think what i can find better ring with 3 mods for use other body armour

like this build but have some troubles with bosses
cant face tanking D

For bosses, assuming you have decent base crit already i'd say thats the 2nd best hatred jewel, i have the same one. Best would be Crit+pen but their like 100ex.

If you have 5ex per opal to spare i imagine you can easily balance your res without the queen. I'm maxing my res with only ammy + 2 rings + belt. However, queen is a great chest, you dont really need to change that.

You should drop oak+jade flasks for lions roar+taste of hate thats a big dps boost.

I dont see a vaal haste on your build, thats a good mapping tool, bit of a boost against most bosses too when you use it. Could go get a ele weakness 1 socket tombfist too.

Asides from some incremental upgrades you just need to fix your rings.

You should have similar dps to me i think, and i have no problem taking down shaper. Ifact you have about 15% more shaper dps than me. As for mapping im running AC + chain because i do way more than enough dmg, so i dont know what you want dmg for?

Edit: also you dont need crit strikes gem, swap for hypothermia, that alone is a 10% dps boost.
Last edited by 1benjy1 on Apr 10, 2018, 5:57:31 PM
Last edited by Riven_Moans on Apr 16, 2018, 1:47:10 PM
Riven_Moans wrote:
Benjy, could you help me set-up my links I have left, quite confused as so many links are open


I can move the mobility gems to my corrupted gloves and that opens up my weapon slot in case I need flexible colors.

Disregard everything else I may or may not have equipped, just piecing it all back together

So Fiver's build didn't really have a set-up for ele weakness.

I haven't bothered setting this up fully myself because it's not really necessary.

You can use a high lvl cwdt with freeze pulse + light golem for easier golem management. as a 3 link in say the tombfists.
Then in the weapon I'm thinking a Vaal haste+Vaal Grace + duration combo.
Then set up a 4L with whirling blades+fort+faster attacks+a standalone like portal (or if not using vaal pact maybe blood magic.
on the other 4L You can fit in an ancestral totem+culling strike. Then you wanna throw in 2 more stand alones like hatred/herald.
then you can do immortal call lvl 3+duration+cwdt lvl 1 on the shield.

This is my best solution to a full link set-up I have thought of atm.
Any input from anyone else/Fiver would be great though.
Got it
Last edited by Riven_Moans on Apr 16, 2018, 1:46:01 PM
1benjy1 wrote:
mazzopi wrote:
Build is really fun to play, and has a great damage output which is a huge plus.
Tho, I've been struggling against Hydra, I keep getting one shotted, even with bloodseeker(well, leech doesn't really work if you're getting one shotted I guess lol).
Any advices for me? Thanks a lot for the build, it can clear all content easily from t1-t15, I have been struggling with high end content tho, such as t15 elder and guardian maps...
Here's my gear atm

I know the chest kinda sucks, but I've been on a budget, trying to farm more currency. DO you have any tips for me? Ty

Your belt is also pretty bad, go get a Stygian as soon as you fix the chest. (minimum 2k evade)
We should have capped projectile evade (95%) Hydra should very rarely hit you, all you have to do is dodge the moving water balls.

But with a 1k evade chest, this dream is not a reality, your set-up is not quite ready for the end game super bosses :P

I would also suggest dropping the pandemonius for a more defensive ammy with life, res, wed. Then you can get a tombfist for your gloves.

These changes combined with 2 abyss jewels (get life + cold dmg to attcks + cold dmg to claw attacks) should give you a lot more life :P

Get back to us once thats all done :P

Okay so here I am:

But I find it hard to replace my gloves for Tombfist, it would fak my resistances, wouldnt this work?

I could try and get a pair of Slink Gloves with the same stats
Last edited by mazzopi on Apr 11, 2018, 5:09:24 PM
Well if you can't cap your res with just ammy/belt/rings then you want a yellow chest with 2k evasion.

I have my res capped without chest so im in the process of crafting a dmg oriented shaper/elder chest myself.

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