[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Small comment on latest changes from today - Honestly, with new clearing speeds I almost lost any point in switching between Ruthless and Ancestral Call because clearing speeds of t16 and anything else are so fast, that it doesn't make sense anymore. Yes, I'm impressed.
Need more gateways!
Last edited by dimon222 on Jul 13, 2019, 10:47:26 PM
dimon222 wrote:
Small comment on latest changes from today - Honestly, with new clearing speeds I almost lost any point in switching between Ruthless and Ancestral Call because clearing speeds of t16 and anything else are so fast, that it doesn't make sense anymore. Yes, I'm impressed.


Don't panic.
Just found your timeless jewel for 60ex, is it worth the investment?
M0nteCristo wrote:
Just found your timeless jewel for 60ex, is it worth the investment?


My seed isn’t the best one. There are much better ones. I know of one seed that gives like 40% phys, 30% crit multiplier, and 15% chance for double damage. Don’t remember the number though.
You are better of buying a random one and play around with divines.

Don't panic.
Hello ! Im playing your build and its a blast ! I dont know why but i have some survivability issues.. i know my resist are not capped but im working on it. For DPS , im really far from your number but im working on it too ! I really need a better ring and a better claw to make your build shine. You can look at my character if you want.

Thanks to you , you really answer to everyting here, what dedication :D !
What are your thoughts on this vs Starkonja?

It's less evasion, but a lot more life and DPS. And evasion hasn't been my weak spot, I'm at like 92% with blind factored in.

Would also be curious if you see any easy spots in my items or passive tree to upgrade/be more efficient. I feel like I'm fairly optimized.

---I have a Guatelitzi %life zodiac chest that I'm trying to 6L, but otherwise I feel pretty good about my gear. I've dumped ~1500 fusings into it so far with no luck.

---I'm fishing for a decent assassin's mark ring CoH when I have the alts for it, but haven't had much luck so far. If I get this I'll swap my Shaper's Touch to be +1 frenzy charge.

---My claw isn't ideal but it's pretty good, and I can't afford anything better right now.

---I've debated going to disciple of slaughter ever since I was level ~75 or so, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Lately I've been wanting more HP. I could drop the Primeval Force + Master of Arena and get it but I think that puts me below strength requirements.

I wish timeless jewels were supported in PoB. :(
GaethElorian wrote:
Hello ! Im playing your build and its a blast ! I dont know why but i have some survivability issues.. i know my resist are not capped but im working on it. For DPS , im really far from your number but im working on it too ! I really need a better ring and a better claw to make your build shine. You can look at my character if you want.

Thanks to you , you really answer to everyting here, what dedication :D !

The first thing that stands out is the body armour. You can get a much better one, fairly cheap. Yours isn't six-linked either right? So it should be fairly easy to find one and then just 5L it.
I think you should try to find one with higher life and as high evasion as possible. At least 1k+. Finding one with 120+ life and 10%+ increased max life isn't that hard.

The next four levels should be spent getting your last health nodes. You have very low HP.

I think another good way to increase your survival though is to start looking for a new claw. The faster you kill stuff, the less chance they have to hit you. :)

I like the idea of applying curses with Flame Dash. How is it working for you?

Don't panic.
gameivendaval wrote:
What are your thoughts on this vs Starkonja?

It's less evasion, but a lot more life and DPS. And evasion hasn't been my weak spot, I'm at like 92% with blind factored in.

Would also be curious if you see any easy spots in my items or passive tree to upgrade/be more efficient. I feel like I'm fairly optimized.

---I have a Guatelitzi %life zodiac chest that I'm trying to 6L, but otherwise I feel pretty good about my gear. I've dumped ~1500 fusings into it so far with no luck.

---I'm fishing for a decent assassin's mark ring CoH when I have the alts for it, but haven't had much luck so far. If I get this I'll swap my Shaper's Touch to be +1 frenzy charge.

---My claw isn't ideal but it's pretty good, and I can't afford anything better right now.

---I've debated going to disciple of slaughter ever since I was level ~75 or so, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Lately I've been wanting more HP. I could drop the Primeval Force + Master of Arena and get it but I think that puts me below strength requirements.

I wish timeless jewels were supported in PoB. :(

It's a cool helm, but it doesn't do much more damage than a Starkonja. With some other mods on it, it could be really cool though. The low evasion on yours is not good though.
The bonus life is really nice though. Certainly an option.

If possible, you should replace your Ice Bite with a Rage gem. That allows you to also use a Berserk gem, which is a huge burst damage boost.
You should also get a Frost Bomb. It's a really nice debuff for bosses and bigger targets.

You also don't need a quicksilver flask. Replace that with a Lion's Roar.

I think getting disciple of slaughter is a good idea. You have pretty high health, so I would actually skip the nodes you've taken towards Thick Skin, and use those to move towards disciple of slaughter.
And no, your claw will work fine for a good while.

Don't panic.
Fiver wrote:
GaethElorian wrote:
Hello ! Im playing your build and its a blast ! I dont know why but i have some survivability issues.. i know my resist are not capped but im working on it. For DPS , im really far from your number but im working on it too ! I really need a better ring and a better claw to make your build shine. You can look at my character if you want.

Thanks to you , you really answer to everyting here, what dedication :D !

The first thing that stands out is the body armour. You can get a much better one, fairly cheap. Yours isn't six-linked either right? So it should be fairly easy to find one and then just 5L it.
I think you should try to find one with higher life and as high evasion as possible. At least 1k+. Finding one with 120+ life and 10%+ increased max life isn't that hard.

The next four levels should be spent getting your last health nodes. You have very low HP.

I think another good way to increase your survival though is to start looking for a new claw. The faster you kill stuff, the less chance they have to hit you. :)

I like the idea of applying curses with Flame Dash. How is it working for you?

It works pretty well to be honest, its a nice find haha ! But youre right, i really need a better armor and a better claw for sure. Like i said , im working on it, im just out of currencies :'(
Fiver wrote:

It's a cool helm, but it doesn't do much more damage than a Starkonja. With some other mods on it, it could be really cool though. The low evasion on yours is not good though.
The bonus life is really nice though. Certainly an option.

If possible, you should replace your Ice Bite with a Rage gem. That allows you to also use a Berserk gem, which is a huge burst damage boost.
You should also get a Frost Bomb. It's a really nice debuff for bosses and bigger targets.

You also don't need a quicksilver flask. Replace that with a Lion's Roar.

I think getting disciple of slaughter is a good idea. You have pretty high health, so I would actually skip the nodes you've taken towards Thick Skin, and use those to move towards disciple of slaughter.
And no, your claw will work fine for a good while.

Thanks for the reply! PoB has the helm at 5.3% more DPS for me vs Starkonja, along with 155 HP.

I forgot to mention, I'm planning to go 4R/2G on the new chest whenever I get it. I didn't want to spend hundreds of chromatic orbs on the chest I'm wearing now when I'm hoping to replace it soon.

Good idea on Frost Bomb. I have a superior one in my stash from when I was using it for CoH, but now I can use it just for the debuff.

I've kept the quicksilver flask more for the curse immunity than anything else. It feels really bad to run curse maps without one, and I hate having to reroll all curse maps.

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