[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth
" Mate there is an insane one just listed, was 95 ex but since removed the buy out. Totally wasted on me though even if i could afford it. but gotta have dreams not sure how to link an img but stats are Bow Quality: +20% Physical Damage: 99-146 Critical Strike Chance: 5.50% Attacks per Second: 1.54 Item Level: 82 Requires Level 71, 222 Dex 6% increased Movement Speed +1 to Level of Socketed Gems +2 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Vicious Projectiles 105% increased Physical Damage 10% increased Attack Speed Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow 20% increased Attack Speed if you've Killed Recently 15% increased Chaos Damage Last edited by thecrazyarab#0496 on Jan 1, 2019, 1:44:09 AM
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January 1st, 2019
Equipment: * Updated +3 Bow showcase to 3.5 standards. Crafting Section: * Chaos Staff crafting now also includes Bows. The crafting method is the same, but their perks are different. * Removed step 3b from Chaos Staff/Bow crafting. * Updated +3 Bow, elder Bow and shaped Quiver showcase to 3.5 standards. * Completely new +1 arrow crafting method for elder Bow. ================ I learned today if a rare item is scoured and only 1 mod remains (thanks to meta-crafting), it becomes a magic item. That quite messed up the crafting method for +1 arrow... Now there's a new one that should definitely work. Removed 3b step from chaos weapon crafting for the same reason. I'll double check everything tomorrow to see if EVERYTHING IS CORRECT. I'm sick of changing it over and over. " It seems to me, that by pursuing higher damage you actually lowered it. I see you picking up resistance nodes to fix your resistance problem, because of this you can't pick up damage nodes - effectively screwing yourself over. What upgrades you should do: * Fix your gear, resistances are easy to get. * Change your flasks to recommended setup. You REALLY don't need 4 anti-bleed ones. Using Sorrow of the Divine literally hurts you, because it disables your life regen. * Fix your passive tree afterwards. You can leave duration nodes, i use them personally as well (in exchange for a lot of damage). * Pick up CA helmet enchant. 30% duration or 40% damage - since you have duration nodes. If you respec them, then you should only use 30% duration. * +1 arrow quiver and Dying Sun are great upgrades. More AoE = more coverage = faster clear speed. " First of all, i wrote quite long recap on how to deal with Uber Elder, i even linked it 2 days ago: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077932/page/44#p15910056 As for your gear, there's one big issue: the helmet enchant. I specifically mentioned 30% CA duration. It shines especially in tough fights like Uber Elder when you can't always apply degen. Every time you get to damage enemy for that extra 0.6 second you wouldn't normally, you need ~10 seconds of constant degen with 40% CA dmg enchant to match that. It's very important to have that little bit of extra duration, and this enchantment is the ONLY reason i don't enforce duration nodes on the passive tree. As a bandaid you can pick up them up. Obviously requires some respecs * 1st Life flask and Jade flaks have crappy "charge" mods. Change them to recommended ones * Chaos damage to attacks on rings is pointless. I think you can craft 13-16% increased damage nowadays. * Multiple Totems instead of Faster Casting. It's straight ~60% more Wither stacks. * Low quality on gems. At level 95, you should have them all at 20% already. You can use lvl 20 -> lvl 1 20% quality gem recipe, that's what i always do personally. Bonus quality is a big boost for most support gems. Everything else seems fine. Uber Elder is not an easy fight, you still need skill to actually beat it. Good luck. " They're equal. Vicious Proj gives more damage, +1 arrow better clear. Bonus arrow DOESN'T increase damage, this is not a hit build. There's also a minor downside with Vicious Proj that you still have to use DoFL, so very rarely you won't be able to deal maximum damage like you do right now in normal +3 bow without empower. Nothing major since you will be at full hp nearly all the time, but still counts. I personally intended to go +1 arrow and use defensive flask instead of Dying Sun this league. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides Last edited by DankawSL#2030 on Jan 1, 2019, 12:10:27 PM
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Ty for rep. (sorry my english is not too good, but i try my best).
What upgrades you should do: * Fix your gear, resistances are easy to get. -- i swap rings, right now dont have any problems with res * Change your flasks to recommended setup. You REALLY don't need 4 anti-bleed ones. Using Sorrow of the Divine literally hurts you, because it disables your life regen. -- yesterday some1 here tell me try this. Im new here and check all ways. i try buy dying sun have like 1,5 ex more - better quiver or flask first? * Fix your passive tree afterwards. You can leave duration nodes, i use them personally as well (in exchange for a lot of damage). i fix this with res, add extra hp coz have problem with syndicat on t14+ maps. Before try way with evasion - thats why i use this tree. * Pick up CA helmet enchant. 30% duration or 40% damage - since you have duration nodes. If you respec them, then you should only use 30% duration. -- CA enhant drop only from labyrinth? I really hate this pace, damn! * +1 arrow quiver and Dying Sun are great upgrades. More AoE = more coverage = faster clear speed. what first? btw. projectiles pierce an addition target is also important or better go for % increased Projectile Speed, Life gained on Kill, increased Attack Speed? edit2: after edit my pb https://poe.technology/poebuddy/SZqLzqJy Last edited by fuksdelux#7928 on Jan 2, 2019, 8:58:28 AM
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Thanks for your answer
" Hey man, Thanks for your answer and sorry for didnt see the UElder tips. I made some changes on the build like you said. I have a few questiosn for you. Whats the difference between Jade flask with reduced charged used and max charges? looks like you have 1 more charge for both. Im using Culling Strike Enh 6L aswell, but dont like so much like you said, i feel like is a bit useless and im not exploit the 6L armor. My next step prob will be Staff + ED, but already im using Quill Rain with Toxic Rain + Mirage for fast clean low tier maps. Hope tomorrow finally got my Uber Elder kill, its the only thing im missing. Thanks a lot for your time and the job doing this build, im learning a lot and hope i can help you perfecting and improving this build in case it will able. Thanks again sir. Last edited by Fluctuoso#7312 on Jan 1, 2019, 9:45:18 PM
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Awesome guide! Im new to PoE and this helped a ton. There is a bit of a learning curve starting this game, as I quit Diablo. Really enjoying the build and PoE!
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Tnx for the updates on this guide. I really enjoyed playing this league to the point where this is my first character above 92. How cool is that? Anyway, i kinda stuck on 200k, 250k with buffs dot damage. And i don't even know how to upgrade except for elder bow.
So here's my gear i use this flask for additional damage bonus any tips on what i can change? |
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January 2nd, 2019
Levelling Section: * Cheat sheet ascendancy route now states that you have to respec Way of the Poacher, since it wasn't clear for players who only used the short version. Videos: * Added T11 Syndicate Mastermind ================== As usual, i knew i forgot to include something in previous update. The ascendancy cheat sheet was supposed to be only for levelling, not whole build. Every skill tree with level 70+ shows phasing path being taken and yet so many people are running with 1st frenzy node like nothing happened. Mastermind fight is only level 78 since i don't dare to enter 80+ fight without Crab aspect. I got slammed once for ~7k hp before Kintsugi mitigation, not gonna risk my high level char for no reason. Atm i'm doing some test regarding mastermind spawn level mechanics, so got the chance to kill it at low level. Also trying to farm that +2 support gems mod... " Equipment -> Flasks. Just copy them, with exact mods. To deal with syndicate, just kite them. Circle around and with your speed they'll almost never hit you. My tree still has a lot of life, and you definitely lose a lot damage going for scion life wheel. Opportunity cost is too high. But the helmet enchant from trade and craft it, you don't have to run the lab yourself. Go for flask first, it's cheap nowadays and your current flasks suck. " Reduced charges gives same amount of charges/max charges ratio, but it makes you consume less charges. That means you need to kill less monsters to use the flask again. It's basically increased charges gained and maximum charges mods combined that stacks multiplicatively with 40% increased charges gained from tree. Reminder to take increased duration nodes on the tree, i didn't write detailed explaination so you can just ignore it. " Like everybody else who asks for gear check - change flasks. Since you've decided to ditch Clarity/Druidic Route nodes, the mana flask has to stay. Get 30% CA duration helmet enchant is important. Recraft your elder belt, current one is really bad. Your other gear could use higher life too, but it's not urgent i guess. +1 Arrow quiver is also something you should get. From gems, Blink Arrow is missing. You CA is level 20. Many of your non-CA gems don't have any quality, do the recipe lvl 20 -> lvl 1 20% quality recipe. Your CWDT and Immortal Call levels are too high, making the setup not very effective (i even clearly state gem levels!). And why would you even corrupt the Spell Totem / Multiple Totems? Placement speed from quality helps A LOT for non-totem build. 200k+ dps is already more than what i'm running with personally, and you don't see me complaining. I'm clearing everything without any issues, on the typical +3 bow. If you truly want more damage, empower 4 and elder bow is your goal (and the lvl 21 CA gem i mentioned before). https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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" Thanks man, you are amazing. My last question is about Mastermind. There is any item /pot for this boss. I failed my first time just because was my first time doing the boss. Btw i was pretty close and i think im able to kill him. Do you have any tip for Mastermind boss? Ill respect the passive tree for the skill duration nodes. 1 jewel point 1 dex and 1 hp and still have 600khp. So 2.70 seconds CA atm. Hope will works better now, thank you again! Last edited by Fluctuoso#7312 on Jan 2, 2019, 1:53:32 PM
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" Ty for your time, i do a lot changes, now my HP going extrem down but boost my dps (more aoe, coz single looks like almost same). there is my stats, dunno how u have that much dodge/evasion. https://pastebin.com/3U42HaVF or https://poe.technology/poebuddy/3U42HaVF i know about one flask but rn i dont have any chaos orb (lul) Last edited by fuksdelux#7928 on Jan 2, 2019, 11:24:56 AM
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You have one of the most organized and well-written guides. Thank you for taking the time to create this. I tried this build and am enjoying it a lot.
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