[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

Last edited by 11Kobar11 on Jan 30, 2022, 9:54:13 AM
any chance for an update before leaguestart?
Rawkfist86 wrote:
any chance for an update before leaguestart?
Nothing much changed since last league anyway, except they deleted the mastery "35% inc damage while you wield a bow and have a totem" (rip), spend that point elsewhere, and also you can craft a better endgame quiver, but that's not a league start question.

As for crafting +2 amulets with the mods moving to general mod pool, there are youtube videos explaining how, I saw one from Path of Math and one from Sirgog. It involves ye olde harvest spam (either chaos augment or block both prefixes and suffixes and chaos reforge).

The build is gonna play the same.

Just be warned if you wanna rush any of the new bosses, this skill is rly slow for boss killing. You might wanna consider some more "meta" skills like poison concoction or trapper for bossing.
Rawkfist86 wrote:
any chance for an update before leaguestart?

insulin009 wrote:
What are your plans to update to 3.17? With buffs to quivers/bows and some crafting changes (with influenced items), I was curious to see what your thoughts were.

Thanks, mate! This build guide was awesome for 3.16

I won't be updating the guide to 3.17 version. I already didn't get to fully update it in 3.16. Combined with me playing PoE less and less while game constantly changes (especially in 3.16), my game knowledge starts to lag behind. It's better for everyone that i take official break than to deliver something of poor quality, while also breaking another "I'll properly update" promise. I already crossed this line i set for myself.

I'll still play PoE but at my own pace. When i feel like i can handle updating the guide to my standards, i'll do it.

Viktranka wrote:
+1 / +2 amulets no longer require hunter influence.

Ashes of the Stars new unique could be decent if you use anomalous withering step or anything like that.

The "forbidden" jewels can give you a passive from another ascendancy within the class, so you can get PF's perma flask or 15% more chaos damage, or deadeye tailwind or +2 proj.

Unfortunately they're removing bow mastery 35% inc damage when you wield a bow and have a totem, it was one of the few bow masteries worth picking if you used wither totem. Also the inc movespeed while phasing, which was nice, but not crucial since movespeed is already high on a raider.

The quiver is getting some new mod 40-50% increased damage with bow skills, and that should work even on dot part because it says "with bow skills" not "with bows". This should also stack with dot multi on quiver I think. +1 arrow on quiver no longer requires influence, but it's gonna be very hard, near impossible to craft a perfect quiver with all good mods.

New implicits could be nice since the build mostly uses rare armors so you can experiment with the new orbs.

Also the new buffed maven's chest (doppelganger's guise) is fkin nuts, 40% less phys / chaos damage taken including dots from these elements, I played with that + Xibaqua jewel back in expedition and it was already good, now they buffed it. That + spell suppression should ensure no 1-shots even though GGG decided to buff caster mobs lol.


* The Aura radius for "Allies Move and Attack Faster" has been increased to be the same as other Monster Auras.
* Caster Monsters are now able to have Extra Damage as a modifier.
* Added new Magic and Rare Monster modifiers for Chaos Resistance for all Monsters.
* Added new Magic and Rare Monster modifiers for Extra Lightning Damage for attack Monsters.
* Added new Magic and Rare Monster modifiers for Cast Speed and Spell Damage for caster Monsters.
* The "Allies Deal Substantial Extra Physical Damage" modifier no longer has the word "Substantial" in it, though the values of the modifier have not changed.

At least the new league / expansion looks promising, because Scourge for me was a hard pass.

Change to amulets +1 lvl mods is absolutely great. Finding right base or Hunter exalt in ssf was problematic.

Amulet is interesting but i doubt it'll be that useful here.

Forbidden Jewels are likely biggest buff for this build. I'd probably use 15% more damage or flask generation (i mentioned my flask idea before, and now it's possible VERY easily!). On top of Doppelganger's Guise buff doubling effective HP against phys/chaos compared to previous patchtes (33% vs 66%), it's actually a chase item now from the looks of it. Raider can once again become VERY tanky and i look forward to it.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
I can respect wanting to keep high standards.

It's fair to say the high standards of this guide are why I even play this game.

I've played more off than on, like 4 times past 85 since synthesis. This is the only guide I have had success with. I've tried a few other guides, but they either expect me to know things I don't and/or trade heavily.

My thanks to you, DankawSL, for the effort you put into this as long as you have. It has really made this game accessible and fun to me as a casual player.
Super huge thanks for the guide DankawSL. This guide got me into PoE and the play style for CA Raider has kept me here. Tried minons (boring), melee (not the same), traps (weird) and a few other random attempts with wands. But in realty I’ve only every played Caustic Arrow and will do so again for 3.17 on console.

Again thanks for maintaining this for as long as you have. And thanks to everyone else who follows and chimes in on things.
Actually only build in 3 years of me playing PoE that allowed me to kill everything (Maven/wave 20 simus/all invites except feared). Nothing ever came close. I tried many other builds but either they ramp in waves and it sucks, or require too many exalts pumped into the build. Thank you for this guide. :)

Hi all! More recently, in the header of the main topic there was a link to the pob for version 3.16, but now it's gone, can someone help and throw off this pob?
Take a well-deserved (by my estimation) break! Thank you so much for your thorough, meticulous, and powerful build/guide. You got me the furthest I've ever been in Hardcore mode. I played POE in beta but have not been playing for the last few years. I rejoined for Scourge league and your build was so incredibly fun. I used every part of your guide - from gem setups to leveling to end game bow crafting. I was the highest dps CA Raider in Hardcore Scourge (according to poe.ninja, dont know how accurate it is). My point is: your build and your effort have made my many hours of play very enjoyable and rewarding. Thanks DankawSL!
well, so far The Searing Exarch is the only boss left that I can't do him deathless (due to his 3th - 4th ball phase). Overall I'd daresay our build is pretty good for fighting those pinnacle bosses this league not in terms of damage but in terms of playstyle. Here some tips for the others bosses if you guys are still struggling:
- The Black Star: Moving around the pillar helps blocking their attacks and spells.
- The Infinite Hunger: with our poor single target dmg there's a 99% chance that we will have to enter the "mud" phase at least 2-3 times, just follow the mud flow and you will eventually find the arena portal. Also it's advised to stay far from him as he can't do damage off screen (while we can).
- The Eater of World: in my opinion this is the easiest of them all. You just have to avoid standing in front of him, I'd prefer running as a circle behind him, with our high movement speed it should be easy to both hand-dodge his attacks and energise the spheres.
- The Searing Exarch: even when I know our wither totem can block his balls, I still can't survive his later ball phase when he's around 30% HP as there's so much balls..... But the first phase of the fight shouldn't be hard to deal with, just keep moving in a circle around him, keep an eye out for his "incinerate"
charge and we will be good.

tl;dr: the tips for all those bosses is just "keep moving and you won't get hit"
Thanks for this build guide DankawSL, it's been my favorite build since metamorph and even still now. You deserve this break and I wish you all the best in the future.
Last edited by MrShika13 on Feb 10, 2022, 12:43:35 AM

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