[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

Hi, thanks for the build, never had such a blast breezing through maps.
I have swiched to a Cluster version based on some build I sow on poeninja.
nyway I am very pleased with damage, work also very well for bosses. Killed A8 Sirus yesterday.
But I am struggeling a little bit with survivability.
Can you give some advise how to work in that direction?

Plans for the build:
-Add Chaos Multiplier on Amulet
-Get enhance lvl 4 to run Grace and then use WatchersEye with Malevolence and Grace modifiers

Anything I am missing here maybe?
Again thaks for the build, is a lot of fun.
Thank you for this build. This is first time i achieved lvl 90 on hardcore :D Amazing!


I’ve had a blast with this build. I’ve tried to follow the guild but of course harvest came out around the same time so I went a little wild. Still plenty of optimizations to do, but lmk what you think

My thoughts are the same as usual - all "improvements" and twists on my build are actively hurting it. Almost always it's a small damage increase for quite substantial defence/QoL loss and this doesn't seem to be any different. To point out:

* Guard skills (Steelskin / Immortal Call / Molten Shell) share cooldown. Having both of them linked does nothing.
* You're not really making good use of Devouring Diadem. Only real good use is running 2 auras (Grace+Malevolence), which you don't do.
* HoAgony is a waste of mana reservation. Synthesis ring gives damage, but you give up LOTS of other stats - especially life.
* Spider gives roughly 7% or so more damage against bosses and barely anything during mapping. Crab's defences are much more valuable.

Rest is quite standard.

Saimo wrote:

Hi, thanks for the build, never had such a blast breezing through maps.
I have swiched to a Cluster version based on some build I sow on poeninja.
nyway I am very pleased with damage, work also very well for bosses. Killed A8 Sirus yesterday.
But I am struggeling a little bit with survivability.
Can you give some advise how to work in that direction?

Plans for the build:
-Add Chaos Multiplier on Amulet
-Get enhance lvl 4 to run Grace and then use WatchersEye with Malevolence and Grace modifiers

Anything I am missing here maybe?
Again thaks for the build, is a lot of fun.

If you're struggling with survivability and it's not against Sirus, then you're doing something wrong. Going for more damage is exactly the opposite of what your train of thought should be. To make it quick (end game perspective):

* I have section about cluster jewels and passive trees (also in PoB). If you copy random softcore people, you will get softcore build.
* I'd rather use Atziri's Step instead your current boots. Spell Dodge is important.
* Your flasks are terrible. With how much you invested into your gear i'm absolutely disappointed that you didn't even bother doing something so basic.
* Same goes for gems. How are they not 20% quality yet? Excluding Malevolence and maybe CWDT-Steelskin.
* I find your rares to be lacking. They're influenced with good influenced mods, but rest of the affixes suffer (resistances above everything else). Amulet has a bad base.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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1st of all, i want to thank for the build, as I have found it easy to use and really stable and tanky. And the guide is really comprehensive and well written: thx for your time.

All I said in that 1st paragraph must be specially true as I am NOT a dedicated player at all: I have only played 2 builds, one of them in PC years ago and the one you can check (this one) in PS4 and i haven't much of a knowledge about many aspects in the game (not totally sure about how damage resistance, dodge and block combine and so on...). In fact, my flasks are not that good as i have not taken druidical rite so i am sometimes in need of a mana flask i have to carry.

Anyway, i have learnt a lot about many of the game mechanics, crafting and so on thx to your guide (and craftofexile, too). So, again, thx.

I only want to add one small piece of information that may be useful for some people. I found myself in need of throwing 2 arrows, at least, and not only 1. But crafting the endgame bow is kinda out of reach for me (i lack the "can have 3 mods" for the workbench, but I am in the edge of solving it now, but still not have enough currency to afford it yet: dunno if i will, at any time) so i was partially solving the problem by means of Dying Sun and Atziri's Promise being periodically used. But now i have found a way to improve things with very little effort, though its not what you recommend for a quiver.

I bought a warlord influenced quiver with the only intention of getting +max live and +1 arrow thrown. And I was able to get it easily with fossils: corroded+metallic+serrated. According to craftofexile you would need around 20 tries, and when i simulated it tended to be much less, although one of the times i needed 38.... I was in the average and got it after like 12 tries or so. And it really makes a big difference, to be honest.

Well, just my 2cents :)
Last edited by gansus on Feb 16, 2021, 11:56:28 AM
Thanks for the build! Absoloutly polished and Im doing really well in SSF HC.
For now I am struggling to get the Kintsugi. I already started the 2nd chain, but I cant get enough silver coins...

Is there any method to farm those? I feel in maps they drop rarely. Just run some zones in acts? They drop more frequently there I think? Rolling strongboxes takes way to much alts, the roll is too rare.

Thanks and gl all!
Ir4kandj7 wrote:
Thanks for the build! Absoloutly polished and Im doing really well in SSF HC.
For now I am struggling to get the Kintsugi. I already started the 2nd chain, but I cant get enough silver coins...

Is there any method to farm those? I feel in maps they drop rarely. Just run some zones in acts? They drop more frequently there I think? Rolling strongboxes takes way to much alts, the roll is too rare.

Thanks and gl all!

When I was looking for the prophecy I got a bunch of silver coins from Ritual - they come up pretty regularly, especially if you reroll often. I was also farming Catarina for the +2 support recipe, put Leo in Transport when convenient for some more coins in the safehouse.
I am continueing my way through SSF with the build. It progresses nicely, got my quiver almost finished, was lucky to get Hunter influence on a Lion Pelt, got lucky with enchanted fossils to get the Caustic Arrow enchant and after that the -9 resistance, only finishing touch is missing where I have to annul a defence mod to get physical taken as fire. I am just now crafting my +2 gem amulet, but I am missing the Chaos Harvest craft, so I have to wait a little bit. After being a little bit frustrated with damage I am now sitting around 1,5 mil and that seems fine. Just did my 3rd Cortex, they were no problem. Also just finished the Feared Invitation, that was hairy with all the big bosses but I was able to finish it, it is so nice to move fast and just let the Dot tick. Didn‘t get lucky with Cluster-Jewel Drops yet, but the damage seems fine so far, will try Maven soon.

So again thank you for the nice build and I can really recommend SSF, playing it for the first time this league and it is very enjoiable to do everything on your own, achieve it for yourself and use things for what they are thought and not just sell them to get everything through trading.
gansus wrote:
i was partially solving the problem by means of Dying Sun and Atziri's Promise being periodically used.
Why would you use Atziri's Promise? This build does no physical or elemental damage to use the special property of this flask, it's like having a plain amethyst with no affix on it.

Dying sun is ok if you need more coverage for mapping.
Viktranka wrote:
gansus wrote:
i was partially solving the problem by means of Dying Sun and Atziri's Promise being periodically used.
Why would you use Atziri's Promise? This build does no physical or elemental damage to use the special property of this flask, it's like having a plain amethyst with no affix on it.

You totally right, damm it. I thin I just got it in lower level and saw the "chaos damage leech" and thought it would help and have never considered it again: totally me, absent minded... I will change it for a jade one ASAP. Thk for pointing it up for me.
gansus wrote:
I thin I just got it in lower level and saw the "chaos damage leech" and thought it would help and have never considered it again: totally me, absent minded... I will change it for a jade one ASAP. Thk for pointing it up for me.
Dots can't leech anyway.

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