[3.7-Slayer] 2h Freezing Cyclone! *Out Dated*

So I just found out that Vaal Molten Shell does not share a cooldown with the guard skills (but will overwrite regular Molten Shell and vice versa).

So it seems like a high level CWDT with Steelskin or a low to mid level CWDT with IC, with self cast Vaal Molten Shell, would be the gg setup.

I'm considering trying Determination + Hatred with Enlighten as my aura setup so that I can get a huge damage absorb out of Vaal Molten Shell... still need to work on getting better armor from my gear, but yeah.

Also, I'm thinking about putting Power Charge on Critical on my Leap Slam. 120% crit chance is a lot to be missing out on.

EDIT: To take a page out of the pure phys cyclone builds, a level 1 Precision aura would be another good addition. 79 accuracy and 40% crit chance for 22 mana reserve seems great. Obviously gem socket space is a very real issue, but getting some sort of curse on hit gear frees up the need to slot in a curse gem.
Last edited by fiendishnature_ on Jun 28, 2019, 1:57:14 PM
I've been following this guide and wanted to play a crit sword version, any help on this skill tree plan would be appreciated as I am new to the game.


What do you recommend I change?
JakkaWakka wrote:
What do you recommend I change?

There are several different variations to crit sword and most of them are viable. Muirey went more offensive if you want to look at his sword character this league and has a different crit sword build in the guide. I went a different route to get more HP, blind chance, and crit multi (almost 400% without crit multi support).

Like for me, I prefer higher HP %, but that is entirely up to you.

As for your build, you'll want to take the 2 STR points near Vaal Pact and then you can re-route all of the points in the middle to something better like finishing Heartseeker and Fatal Blade. If you are short on accuracy, Honed Edge is fairly close too. Impact is also a pretty nice ascendancy with all of the + range from Swords with a nice boost to accuracy.
blackdeath101 wrote:
JakkaWakka wrote:
What do you recommend I change?

There are several different variations to crit sword and most of them are viable. Muirey went more offensive if you want to look at his sword character this league and has a different crit sword build in the guide. I went a different route to get more HP, blind chance, and crit multi (almost 400% without crit multi support).

Like for me, I prefer higher HP %, but that is entirely up to you.

As for your build, you'll want to take the 2 STR points near Vaal Pact and then you can re-route all of the points in the middle to something better like finishing Heartseeker and Fatal Blade. If you are short on accuracy, Honed Edge is fairly close too. Impact is also a pretty nice ascendancy with all of the + range from Swords with a nice boost to accuracy.

Wow thanks I really appreciate your response, I just checked both of your builds and prefer the idea of more health due to me being quite new to the game. Is your damage still relatively high even with the much tankier skill tree setup?

I did some majors updates on my gear,

Have some currency to spend, what i can upgrade more ?

I'm lacking a bit to survavibilty when i do some bigs mistakes ..

Waiting some tips ! Thx
Hey guys, kinda new to PoE and I have around 3-4 ex to spend currently. Survivability feels alright(now onto t11-t12 maps). Damage on some yellow mobs inside the legion pylon take quite awhile

What is the next step for my gear. Is it saving for atziri's or spamming for 6L on my current weapon / chest for cyclone damage?

Thanks for the advice.

Im currently RT Axe ( not sure if swapping to crit is better now or if i should level another char for it ? )
Last edited by Mithasx on Jun 30, 2019, 4:08:31 PM
been making a character with this build and going through a few things

hows the survivability of the build ?

doesnt look like alotta defenses apart from max resists , im guessing you have to keep hitting mobs to survive ? but i its def a fun build ,, just wanna try and get endgame with it

or maybe im missing something ?

thanks in advance
JakkaWakka wrote:
Is your damage still relatively high even with the much tankier skill tree setup?

Yea, I've cleared a handful of T16's with the set-up you see. Not sure mine is the best set-up as I just wanted to reach 24 challenges before I stopped playing the league and did it for interchangeable Flicker Strike and Cyclone. But once you get better gear like Muirey or want to switch to farming a specific map, you can easily change to pick-up more Onslaught or damage for speed clears.

Wyze78 wrote:
I'm lacking a bit to survavibilty when i do some bigs mistakes ..

Waiting some tips ! Thx

Survivability to what? This is not a facetank build, but should be able to clear most content. If it is a mechanics issue, might need to keep a safer distance from bosses or specific Legion mobs.

You're missing 2 passives points unless you went with a different Bandit.
I don't know what your INT situation is, but several gems have stopped leveling.
1-point jewel slot = 2 dmg nodes + HP.
You can trade Harvester of Foes for another 25% HP.
I didn't need Revelry, that can be another 10% HP if you no longer need it. You leveled up both Cold Snap and Frost Bomb which are better at level 1 for reduced mana cost since we lack spell dmg. They still apply cold resist reduction and frenzy charges regardless.

Mithasx wrote:
Im currently RT Axe ( not sure if swapping to crit is better now or if i should level another char for it ? )

I would not waste the fusings for 6L Sinvicta's. The next step would be either learning to craft a top-tier axe or waiting for Disfavour should you stick with axes. Completely up to you, but both have their drawbacks. Disfavour is a fantastic axe, but comes up with a high price point just to use it with so many melee builds and will be outperformed by a properly crafted axe. A rare crafted axe will require several steps and learning the mechanics needed to make one, and could cost significantly more than the 4 ex to buy a Disfavour, but when done properly will never need to be replaced.

I am happy with my switch from axes to swords after this league's re-work to accuracy, but completely personal preference. After several Regret Orbs and switching from Sinvicta to Terminus + Diamond Flask, I saw a notable damage increase. But your results may vary. No new char needed unless you just really want to speed level a 2nd char.

Regardless of your weapon preference:
Buy a 6L HP & Resist rare armor. More HP and you can socket your Pulverize into Cyclone set-up. Bronn's is okay for speed runs, but not worth the HP loss and easy 6L in early set-up. Could even buy a 6L Sinvicta or Terminus for fairly cheap compared to a week ago.
Eventually upgrade right ring. No damage rolls.
IMO, Curse Immunity > Writhing Jar.
1 STR point above Harvester of Foes + level 89 = 1 more jewel slot. If you need the INT, move your 2 jewels around.
Last edited by blackdeath101 on Jun 30, 2019, 6:26:33 PM
If you're going crit, Loreweave is the definitive best in slot chest. You can make arguments for the other unique options available, but every single stat on the Loreweave is relevant for this build. Flat phys, crit chance, ele dmg inc, hp, all att's, hell you even get item rarity. Then of course the 78% to all resist and ignoring the drawback from -max resist maps.

I paid 8 ex for my 6L Loreweave because the seller apparently didn't know you could reroll it with Divine Orbs. Turned a crap 76% resist roll into what I'm rocking now with less than an Exalt worth of Divine Orbs.

Even with just a Terminus Est, I'm clearing t15's without a problem. Even the legion rares die pretty quickly.

I've only ran one t16 so far, and died 6 times to the boss (Minotaur map). So I definitely need to work on my ehp a bit more before I attempt that one again. I'm thinking Vaal Molten Shell will be the x factor that helps me push past that content, but I need to work on getting more armor first.

Once I get to do the Pale Court and can multi mod craft, I'll craft a gg Elder Exquisite Blade and destroy all of the games content.

EDIT: I guess I could work on my flasks, too. Taste of Hate would be a big boost to both my dps and ehp.
Last edited by fiendishnature_ on Jun 30, 2019, 10:45:23 PM

thoughts on this chest as a option ?

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