[3.6] Ele Spectral Throw Slayer/Pathfinder (7.5k+ HP, 1.5M+ Shaper DPS, All Content down- VIDS)

Is the build still playable or rip due the slayer “50% leech reduced amount “
I’ve recently built this build and loved it, the yellow skin skill for spectral throw is one of my favorites so far, and I would be glad if it its playable, will this nerf have a huge impact on the build?
Last edited by s4muraiii on Mar 7, 2019, 3:47:27 PM
s4muraiii wrote:
Is the build still playable or rip due the slayer “50% leech reduced amount “
I’ve recently built this build and loved it, the yellow skin skill for spectral throw is one of my favorites so far, and I would be glad if it its playable, will this nerf have a huge impact on the build?

I'd assume it'll be a noticeable nerf
Mure83 wrote:
s4muraiii wrote:
Is the build still playable or rip due the slayer “50% leech reduced amount “
I’ve recently built this build and loved it, the yellow skin skill for spectral throw is one of my favorites so far, and I would be glad if it its playable, will this nerf have a huge impact on the build?

I'd assume it'll be a noticeable nerf

I think, now you are free from 'Slayer meta' and can pick smth more useful, i.e. Elem, to ignore ele reflect
Also, you can drop Pathfinder and pick Raider - for free Frenzy charges and Onslaught. Or even Inquisitor - there is so many useful stuff on him!
Auctioneer House - just MUST be here! Most of sellers do not reply, not even talking about AFKers and offliners!
Last edited by SilverWF on Mar 25, 2019, 7:32:08 PM
Hello, after Slayer got nerfed, can i go with Inquisitor + Raider ?
nomes15 wrote:
Hello, after Slayer got nerfed, can i go with Inquisitor + Raider ?

Then you'll be still locked against ele reflect maps.
Better take Elem + Raider/Pathfinder/Inquisitor
Auctioneer House - just MUST be here! Most of sellers do not reply, not even talking about AFKers and offliners!
SilverWF wrote:
nomes15 wrote:
Hello, after Slayer got nerfed, can i go with Inquisitor + Raider ?

Then you'll be still locked against ele reflect maps.
Better take Elem + Raider/Pathfinder/Inquisitor

So if we drop Slayer and that mean we drop Damage on full life right? Which gems you suggest on replace
nomes15 wrote:
SilverWF wrote:
nomes15 wrote:
Hello, after Slayer got nerfed, can i go with Inquisitor + Raider ?

Then you'll be still locked against ele reflect maps.
Better take Elem + Raider/Pathfinder/Inquisitor

So if we drop Slayer and that mean we drop Damage on full life right? Which gems you suggest on replace

Honestly, I suggest you to not play this build :D
Auctioneer House - just MUST be here! Most of sellers do not reply, not even talking about AFKers and offliners!
SilverWF wrote:
Honestly, I suggest you to not play this build :D

I just spend one day to play this build and now i feel same way lol ( maybe because of nerf ). I will try to get lv 86-88 and will test with Uber elder :)
I understand a little of the QQ about the slayer nerf, but it's not like it's completely useless like some people are suggesting. I would suggest picking up a set of Offering to the Serpent gloves for the Slayer effect instead of spending the ascendancy point on it though. Then you can essentially have triple ascendency.
Last edited by Plateofnachos on Mar 29, 2019, 10:24:24 PM
how tf can you call this a 3.6 build if the passive tree aint updated?
Ditt j*vla flöte Danne!!

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