All Meta and No Change
So it appears Volatile Dead (fire and forget) is dominant in the new meta and Scorching Ray still prevents melee from competing - and god help you if you're melee vs volatile dead, or melee life-based vs Deaths Oath or Blight.
Meanwhile all the usual Flaskfinding suspects remain at large. I can't imagine I am alone when I say I'm at a loss as to how the PvP "community" is supposed to adapt build-wise without simply jumping on the temporay (insert numerical value) meta-band-wagon where there exists a handful of viable builds and the only diversity is in which persons can operate or equip these few builds better... Let's face it, we as a PvP community do all the research, all the work "beta-testing" each meta and then post our evaluations, hoping GGG deigns to bend their programmer's ear in attention to our pleads - and yet what? A tentative nerf that plugs one skill hole yet carves out another for the next exploit? Is there a solution? I say yes. No. More. Nerfing. In fact, remove all nerfs - and for fuck's sake, just let the chips fall where they may. There will always be OP skills with every meta - and nerfing/handicapping those skills serves only to ensure the next meta's skills are unmatched/unchallenged. For once, GGG, have faith in your player base to adapt instead of forcing adaptation according to the vocal Reddit minority. And yeah, yeah, t-values, *wank *wank - Statisticians... Or you know, perhaps someone plays 'Devil's Advocado,' and DDOS Reddit. Last bumped on Jan 16, 2018, 3:49:17 AM
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I disagree completely.
I've mentioned the things that need to change for PvP to be enjoyable numerous times before. GGG doesn't want to do it. So PvP is dead. It's just dead. Gotta stop beating the dead horse. Let it go. Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 |
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" The unnerfed state of the broken skills is however comparable to each other, yet still results a totally unacceptable balance where matches last 1 second, still leaving 90%+ of skills completely trash, and eventually there will be always 1-2 builds that still outperform even the other broken ones, still pigeon-holing ppl into playing those, and leaving those skills to be dominant not for only 4-5 months but years. " This can only work in a very small subset of 'friends' where you can create some kind of rules to play by, but you can never rely on the whole playerbase keeping such rules, because most players just do what's most efficient and yields best results. " Is this an another statement of yours how much you don't understand this part of the game? " LOL if you are actually being serious to think that would achieve anything. IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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obvious troll is obvious
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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During 1.3-1.5 era we had this debate about mirror items, gearing and what if people all had access to mirrored gear.
In some ways we have it now. The damage from player to player is so big that 2c items can deal the same amount of damage we seen with mirrored gear. The debate at that time was to know if Poe would have been better if everyone had mirror gear... Time as passed and it is clear this was not the solution. 1 shot pvp is not fun at all. I understand why you would think having everything broken could make pvp better but it will not because of few reasons> -projectiles area of action is way higher than anything else, so even unerfed cyclone with +14 range and inc aoe would suck ass right now. -defenses are unfair, CI is way better than Life because Chaos immunity, armor suck donkey ass for everything, ES regen is way better than Life regen and dodge is a must have. On top of that you can stack all the op defenses together multiplying how better CI+regen+dodge compared to armor+block+life. - elemental penetration... like they keep adding more of it WTF, in the other way phy get hard countered by a trigger gem, a guardian setup or reflect gear. -chaos damage... not only they got bonkers about new chaos dot skills they also gave players chaos penetration lol. -Few other stuff Markuzs explained better like low cast speed abuse. So, in order for poe pvp to stop sucking turds we would need GGG to stop being ashamed from the 1.3 pvp patch disaster, to care about this part of the game and start hard nerfing the broken shit while letting weak stuff like melee phy/ranged single target alone from nerf for once. The funny part is pve scrubs will still complain about pvp. Their main bullshit excuse for sucking and not manning-up after loosing was the gear difference between mirror and normal stuff. Now we have this side totally erased, they are still bullshitting about the mirror vs normal gear thing . Truth is most pve players are spoiled crybabies and sadly unless they grow some balls they will continue to complain to GGG if they ever worked on pvp more than 10 minutes per patch. Forum pvp Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jan 1, 2018, 10:33:21 AM
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" Sur they'll do it, just buy a couple supporter packs to help finance it. *A few months later* Hey guys, look at this Nintendo Switch port we just made... |
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Just one change, I am pretty sure they fixed death's oath. I walked by a dude in sarn arena doing daily and i was tickled for like 100hp/second then he deleted me with blight after seeing d/o doing no dmg.
then i despawned my golem and he died in 0.02 seconds because beacon of corruption is still the same ! |
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I tried a Glacial cascade pvp build ( pathfinder ) for pvp in league, was hard to counter those volatile dead guys because VD chase you , also Tanks builds( with flame dash) was a problem too. then i changed my skill tree to KB + volatile dead and everybody died :/ , sadly the only way to counter broken stuff is with broken stuff
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" ele wands have 20% elemental damage gained as chaos, amulets have 13% non chaos added as chaos mod. even with high chaos resists life builds can't handle such huge amount of chaos damage buff "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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I hear there will be pvp seasons when Path of Exile 2 comes out on Nintendo Switch.
I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jan 4, 2018, 8:41:24 AM
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