[3.2 Raider] BF/FB raider, great clear/ST and tanky shaper/atziri/elder down
" yeah raider is great, it didnt really need anything major, I think the onslaught nodes being more viable are a great change, and we're still gonna be super fast even with the movement nerf, we spamed whirling blades mostly anyway. Last edited by shaunika90#5422 on Feb 23, 2018, 8:55:16 AM
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Been trying the build out at the moment and it feels good, albeit not perfect.
The stat stick doesn't work Frost Blades, so you're alternating attacks with mainhand/offhand. I've moved my gems around so my auras don't fall off and am using two Touch of Anguish and I plan to get a third/another high pDPS claws to use with Doryani in my offhand, so I can still get the benefits for single target. For now however, 2 claws are much better than alternating attacks with a doryani/death's hand etc. I've also opted for a Carnage Heart as I haven't taken Vaal Pact yet. Unsure about this and this may change once I've tested further. |
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" yeah but doryani's has decent dps and the important part of FB is the projectile attack not the main attack. but yes, I said as much in my guiide that going for a weapon swap setup would ultimately be better. glad yoU're enjoying it though :) |
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" This is true actually, just played around with a better rolled Doryani's and it's certainly solid, even if every other hit doesn't chain again Ancestral Call does enough and the bonus damage for ST is nice so I think I'm going to drop the second Anguish and pick up a Doryani with a good roll. Also considering rebalancing my resists and getting Darkray Vectors - it'll give more evasion alongside another 18-20% dodge chance. Frenzy charges are so easy to maintain and get to maximum stacks that I think it'll be a nice addition to fully cap Dodge chance. I feel too many points are wasted in pathing up to the Scion Life wheel to only take 2 nodes, same for Warrior's Blood and the nodes just beyond. Add up the life and bonuses you get and divide it by the number of pathing nodes you need to pick up and it ends up being around 3% life per node and is a bit inefficient. I've stopped my tree at Master of the Arena and picked up some Ele pen nodes like Forces of Nature and it's working nicely. Really nice foundations to the build you've set though, really good job :) |
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Is there a POB-link for this build? :) Wanna theorycraft some before trying out |
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" yes! it's on the bottom of the "skilltree" section :) |
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" ah nice, totally missed it. Thanks! |
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Hey again!
okay so ive done some theorycrafting in PoB. For some reason, when adding Phase Run as a skill the BF damage increased by 1 million. Don't know why, but it does. I can't confirm this increase in game since i dont have the character yet! Also - I tested to use a 6L offhand (shaped with 3 "socketed gems... ") and some phys to ele conversion. Going for FB in that wep gave me around 800kdps, but switiching to Reave (using Vaal reave aswell in another gear slot) appeared to give me 1.4M dmg. Oh - this simulation is on a lvl 83 char (used a lvl 83 char i have as a template) Shaper's Gloves also added ALOT of damage and survivability. The chest tho, im vey unsure which one to go with and why. Lorewave: +most damage by FAR. 400-500k dps to blade flurry -very low defensive attrirubtes, all evasion goes away pretty much Hyrri's Ire: +Alot of evasion, dodge -less dmg than loreweave but on par with the rest in the guide Why use Perfect Form btw? I think i am missing something when reading about the build... Also - the defensive attributes to this build is what? Dodge, evasion and a small amount of life leech? Here's the POB code for the trial-version i made if you wanna take a look: https://pastebin.com/sYpnichT NOTE IT'S ON A LVL 83 CHAR WITH NO JEWELS NOR OPTIMIZED GEAR (not even budget optimized). |
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" okay so: shaper's gloves adds a lot of dps yes, however this build is a frostblade+blade flurry build and using shaper's gloves would eliminate the 5 link frostblade from our gloves, if you want to focus purely on blade flurry you can and should put in shaper's gloves or a well crafted spiked gloves. loreweave is a decent body armour for the build, yes however due to the lack of evasion I wouldnt use it because the build is afterall focused on getting as much dodge and evasion as you can. if I ran loreweave I'd probably just go with the onslaught nodes to balance out the evasion, since lorewave is good against spells too, but then I'd tweak the build slightly to have more life. and perfect form is good because it saves us 1-4 skillpoints due to us not having to take phase acrobatics, plus because we run taste of hate it also converts to a lot of extra evasion. and yes the defensive attributes are basically never getting hit with the build as well as life leech and life on hit from claws. and yes if you go with some insane shaper offhand that 6links your FB as well as gives a lot of statstick damage etc you'll get a lot more damage, but my goal with the build was that it can be made to work with relatively cheap shit. plus frostblades attacks with both weapons, so every 2nd attack would do almost no dmg with an offhand like that. if you want to do something like that, then I recommend going double touch of anguish and just weapon swap to a good yellow claw with a shaper offhand to blade flurry. that will yield much much better results. Last edited by shaunika90#5422 on Apr 4, 2018, 2:26:23 PM
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" Nono dont get me wrong, I really like Frost Blades so i would like to run it instead of reave, but it's a huge difference in dps even if i put the frost blades together with the 6l offhand, thats why im thinking i might be missing some mechanics of the build? WHat do you think? Just to clearify: i really wanna try your build :) I'm looking for a BF/fb(or reave but preferably FB) hybrid, and I think yours is the one. " Yeah I agree that loreweave might not be a good option to this build, just as you say. Sure it's damage but the evasion droped from around 13k to 1k.. I'm just trying out different things What was the reason you went with Hyrri's Ire over Perfect Form again? " Actually, the 6L offhand i got i bought for like 15-30C or so, but I am open for the idea that was a one-timer though haha. Btw do you know what the deal is with Phase Run? Why does amp up the damage soooo much? I've never used it. |
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