▶️ 💯 Phrecia event Master+Rune Craft Service, max Masters Settlers Service Craft [SC] ◀️🏮❤️✨

BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY SC ONLINE ► BESTIARY MASTER CRAFTING SERVICE 8 Level VAGAN ELREON HAKU TORA CATARINA VORICI ZANA LEO (all 8 lvl masters) Standard Bestiary SC Softcore Craft Master Service (3MSC Bestiary league craft service) League (eight lvl) Vouch thread [BSC league]

TreeOfDead MASTER Craft Service LvL 8 in BESTIARY SC Softcore Vagan Elreon Haku Tora Catarina Vorici Zana Leo (lvl 8)

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Haku 8 level -> Haku can craft armour pieces (gloves, boots, body armours, helmets, shields) in Bestiary league SC

-Prefixes Cannot Be Changed Mod
-Remove Crafted Mods
-% increased Attack Speed gloves
-All regular craft : Energy Shield , Life , Mana , Resists , Double Resist , Leech , Block Chance in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Elreon 8 level -> Elreon provides crafting for rings and amulets in Bestiary league SC

-Can Have Multiple Crafted Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-increased Global Critical Strike Chance
-% increased Rarity of Items found mods
-Adds physical or Adds elemental damage to attacks
-% increased Maximum Energy Shield mod / % Evasion mods / % Armour mods
-All regular craft : Energy Shield , Life , Mana , Resists , Double Resist , Mana Regeneration Rate , Accuracy mods in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Catarina 8 level -> Catarina can craft melee weapons and Wands (Wands, Staves, Sceptres, Claws, Daggers, Gloves, Boots, Body Armours, Helmets, Shields) in Bestiary league SC

-Cannot roll Attack Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
- + Mana , % Mana Regeneration Rate
-All regular craft : Mana , Adds elemental damage to spells, % increased Spell Damage , Intelligence , % Cast Speed , % increased Elemental Damage , + to maximum number of Zombie / Skeletons , % increased Minion Damage / Life , Elemental leech in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Tora 8 level -> Tora provides crafting for ranged weapons (bows, quivers, wands, belts, and boots) in Bestiary league SC

-Suffixes Cannot Be Changed Mod
-Remove Crafted Mods
-Attack Projectiles Return to You after hitting targets
-% increased Trap Throwing and Mine Laying Speed
-+ to maximum Energy Shield
-% increased Movement Speed , % increased Projectile Speed , % increased Flask effect duration
-All regular craft : Physical Damage , Any Resistance , % Critical Strike Chance , % increased Trap and Mine damage , % increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier , % increased Attack Speed , Life in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Vorici 8 level -> Vorici crafts revolve around socketing, linking and coloring items and can sockets on items regardless of the items item level corrupted or not (Able to craft sockets or links on a corrupted item , and Recolor /re color corrupted socket on vaaled items) in Bestiary league SC

-Able to craft sockets on a corrupted item and 1 item level items in Bestiary league craft
-Can Craft force Sockets on corrupted item
-Can Craft force Six link on corrupted item
-Can Craft force Recolor/ re-color corrupted item
-Not vaaled - Regular force 6 six socket or 6 six link on items in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Vagan 8 level -> Vagan revolve around attack weapons (can craft melee weapons) in Bestiary league SC

-Cannot roll Caster Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-Gems in this item are Supported by level 1 Blood Magic
-25% chance to cause bleeding on hit
-+ to weapon range
-Weapon % increased Attack Speed , % increased Stun Duration on enemies , % reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon , % additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding
-All regular craft: Adds Physical damage , + leech , % increased Critical Strike Chance , Adds Elemental Damage , Strength in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Leo 8 level -> Leo Master aligned with player versus player content and can craft for various kinds of equipment in Bestiary league SC

-increased Damage over Time , % chance for Flasks to gain a Charge when you take a Critical Strike
-faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
-% reduced Damage taken from Damage Over Time
-% chance to Avoid being Shocked chance , to Avoid being Ignited / Frozen
-% chance to Avoid being Stunned
-Remove Crafted Mods , Reflects Physical Damage to Attackers on Block
-Cannot roll Mods with Required Level above 28 in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Zana 8 level -> Zana Master revolve around end-game maps and challenge (Zana provides mods on Map with League effect and league unique) in Bestiary league SC

-Nemesis mod : In map you can chance a headhunter leather belt in Bestiary league craft!
-Perandus mod : Perandus coffer , meet cadiro and loot Perandus coins ! In map you can have Perandus troves for challenges and perandus map for completion in Bestiary league craft!
-Breach mod : In map you can have breach and loot Splinter of chayula / Xoph / Esh / Tul / Uul-Netol in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead Special bundle Master Craft Service in Bestiary league SC

-Craft +3 Bow socketed LeveLs
-Craft +3 Fire socketed LeveLs
-Craft +3 Fire Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Lightning Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Cold Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Chaos Staff LeveLs

BESTIARY Master Craft +3 Bow/+3 Fire lvl LeveLs, Craft +3 Fire/Chaos/Lightning/Cold Staff (Staves and Bows) +3 lvls LeveL in Bestiary SC league.


Available now and any time!

All 8 level Masters in Bestiary SC (Softcore Beast Craft) league

Best Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC ( TreeOfDead )


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Vouches With The Item Crafted Posted Here Is Much Appreciated After Crafts.
Thanks In Advance and always welcome in in Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC!
[POE BESTIARY SC] Best Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC POE TreeOfDead
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
He crafted my Corrupted Shapers Touch very easy and fast. Every time again m8 thank you again!

3 Socket
Was super paranoid at first, but got my vaal regaalia multimoded under 1 minute. Vouch
Re-colored the sockets on my helm, was friendly and fast! Highly recommend.
Re-colored and link corrupted item, was rly fast and friendly!
BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY SC ONLINE ► BESTIARY MASTER CRAFTING SERVICE 8 Level VAGAN ELREON HAKU TORA CATARINA VORICI ZANA LEO (all 8 lvl masters) Standard Bestiary SC Softcore Craft Master Service (3MSC Bestiary league craft service) League (eight lvl) Vouch thread [BSC league]

TreeOfDead MASTER Craft Service LvL 8 in BESTIARY SC Softcore Vagan Elreon Haku Tora Catarina Vorici Zana Leo (lvl 8)

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Haku 8 level -> Haku can craft armour pieces (gloves, boots, body armours, helmets, shields) in Bestiary league SC

-Prefixes Cannot Be Changed Mod
-Remove Crafted Mods
-% increased Attack Speed gloves
-All regular craft : Energy Shield , Life , Mana , Resists , Double Resist , Leech , Block Chance in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Elreon 8 level -> Elreon provides crafting for rings and amulets in Bestiary league SC

-Can Have Multiple Crafted Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-increased Global Critical Strike Chance
-% increased Rarity of Items found mods
-Adds physical or Adds elemental damage to attacks
-% increased Maximum Energy Shield mod / % Evasion mods / % Armour mods
-All regular craft : Energy Shield , Life , Mana , Resists , Double Resist , Mana Regeneration Rate , Accuracy mods in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Catarina 8 level -> Catarina can craft melee weapons and Wands (Wands, Staves, Sceptres, Claws, Daggers, Gloves, Boots, Body Armours, Helmets, Shields) in Bestiary league SC

-Cannot roll Attack Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
- + Mana , % Mana Regeneration Rate
-All regular craft : Mana , Adds elemental damage to spells, % increased Spell Damage , Intelligence , % Cast Speed , % increased Elemental Damage , + to maximum number of Zombie / Skeletons , % increased Minion Damage / Life , Elemental leech in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Tora 8 level -> Tora provides crafting for ranged weapons (bows, quivers, wands, belts, and boots) in Bestiary league SC

-Suffixes Cannot Be Changed Mod
-Remove Crafted Mods
-Attack Projectiles Return to You after hitting targets
-% increased Trap Throwing and Mine Laying Speed
-+ to maximum Energy Shield
-% increased Movement Speed , % increased Projectile Speed , % increased Flask effect duration
-All regular craft : Physical Damage , Any Resistance , % Critical Strike Chance , % increased Trap and Mine damage , % increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier , % increased Attack Speed , Life in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Vorici 8 level -> Vorici crafts revolve around socketing, linking and coloring items and can sockets on items regardless of the items item level corrupted or not (Able to craft sockets or links on a corrupted item , and Recolor /re color corrupted socket on vaaled items) in Bestiary league SC

-Able to craft sockets on a corrupted item and 1 item level items in Bestiary league craft
-Can Craft force Sockets on corrupted item
-Can Craft force Six link on corrupted item
-Can Craft force Recolor/ re-color corrupted item
-Not vaaled - Regular force 6 six socket or 6 six link on items in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Vagan 8 level -> Vagan revolve around attack weapons (can craft melee weapons) in Bestiary league SC

-Cannot roll Caster Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-Gems in this item are Supported by level 1 Blood Magic
-25% chance to cause bleeding on hit
-+ to weapon range
-Weapon % increased Attack Speed , % increased Stun Duration on enemies , % reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon , % additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding
-All regular craft: Adds Physical damage , + leech , % increased Critical Strike Chance , Adds Elemental Damage , Strength in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Leo 8 level -> Leo Master aligned with player versus player content and can craft for various kinds of equipment in Bestiary league SC

-increased Damage over Time , % chance for Flasks to gain a Charge when you take a Critical Strike
-faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
-% reduced Damage taken from Damage Over Time
-% chance to Avoid being Shocked chance , to Avoid being Ignited / Frozen
-% chance to Avoid being Stunned
-Remove Crafted Mods , Reflects Physical Damage to Attackers on Block
-Cannot roll Mods with Required Level above 28 in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Zana 8 level -> Zana Master revolve around end-game maps and challenge (Zana provides mods on Map with League effect and league unique) in Bestiary league SC

-Nemesis mod : In map you can chance a headhunter leather belt in Bestiary league craft!
-Perandus mod : Perandus coffer , meet cadiro and loot Perandus coins ! In map you can have Perandus troves for challenges and perandus map for completion in Bestiary league craft!
-Breach mod : In map you can have breach and loot Splinter of chayula / Xoph / Esh / Tul / Uul-Netol in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead Special bundle Master Craft Service in Bestiary league SC

-Craft +3 Bow socketed LeveLs
-Craft +3 Fire socketed LeveLs
-Craft +3 Fire Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Lightning Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Cold Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Chaos Staff LeveLs

BESTIARY Master Craft +3 Bow/+3 Fire lvl LeveLs, Craft +3 Fire/Chaos/Lightning/Cold Staff (Staves and Bows) +3 lvls LeveL in Bestiary SC league.


Available now and any time!

All 8 level Masters in Bestiary SC (Softcore Beast Craft) league

Best Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC ( TreeOfDead )


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Vouches With The Item Crafted Posted Here Is Much Appreciated After Crafts.
Thanks In Advance and always welcome in in Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC!
[POE BESTIARY SC] Best Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC POE TreeOfDead
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY SC ONLINE ► BESTIARY MASTER CRAFTING SERVICE 8 Level VAGAN ELREON HAKU TORA CATARINA VORICI ZANA LEO (all 8 lvl masters) Standard Bestiary SC Softcore Craft Master Service (3MSC Bestiary league craft service) League (eight lvl) Vouch thread [BSC league]

TreeOfDead MASTER Craft Service LvL 8 in BESTIARY SC Softcore Vagan Elreon Haku Tora Catarina Vorici Zana Leo (lvl 8)

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Haku 8 level -> Haku can craft armour pieces (gloves, boots, body armours, helmets, shields) in Bestiary league SC

-Prefixes Cannot Be Changed Mod
-Remove Crafted Mods
-% increased Attack Speed gloves
-All regular craft : Energy Shield , Life , Mana , Resists , Double Resist , Leech , Block Chance in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Elreon 8 level -> Elreon provides crafting for rings and amulets in Bestiary league SC

-Can Have Multiple Crafted Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-increased Global Critical Strike Chance
-% increased Rarity of Items found mods
-Adds physical or Adds elemental damage to attacks
-% increased Maximum Energy Shield mod / % Evasion mods / % Armour mods
-All regular craft : Energy Shield , Life , Mana , Resists , Double Resist , Mana Regeneration Rate , Accuracy mods in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Catarina 8 level -> Catarina can craft melee weapons and Wands (Wands, Staves, Sceptres, Claws, Daggers, Gloves, Boots, Body Armours, Helmets, Shields) in Bestiary league SC

-Cannot roll Attack Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
- + Mana , % Mana Regeneration Rate
-All regular craft : Mana , Adds elemental damage to spells, % increased Spell Damage , Intelligence , % Cast Speed , % increased Elemental Damage , + to maximum number of Zombie / Skeletons , % increased Minion Damage / Life , Elemental leech in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Tora 8 level -> Tora provides crafting for ranged weapons (bows, quivers, wands, belts, and boots) in Bestiary league SC

-Suffixes Cannot Be Changed Mod
-Remove Crafted Mods
-Attack Projectiles Return to You after hitting targets
-% increased Trap Throwing and Mine Laying Speed
-+ to maximum Energy Shield
-% increased Movement Speed , % increased Projectile Speed , % increased Flask effect duration
-All regular craft : Physical Damage , Any Resistance , % Critical Strike Chance , % increased Trap and Mine damage , % increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier , % increased Attack Speed , Life in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Vorici 8 level -> Vorici crafts revolve around socketing, linking and coloring items and can sockets on items regardless of the items item level corrupted or not (Able to craft sockets or links on a corrupted item , and Recolor /re color corrupted socket on vaaled items) in Bestiary league SC

-Able to craft sockets on a corrupted item and 1 item level items in Bestiary league craft
-Can Craft force Sockets on corrupted item
-Can Craft force Six link on corrupted item
-Can Craft force Recolor/ re-color corrupted item
-Not vaaled - Regular force 6 six socket or 6 six link on items in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Vagan 8 level -> Vagan revolve around attack weapons (can craft melee weapons) in Bestiary league SC

-Cannot roll Caster Mods
-Remove Crafted Mods
-Gems in this item are Supported by level 1 Blood Magic
-25% chance to cause bleeding on hit
-+ to weapon range
-Weapon % increased Attack Speed , % increased Stun Duration on enemies , % reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon , % additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding
-All regular craft: Adds Physical damage , + leech , % increased Critical Strike Chance , Adds Elemental Damage , Strength in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Leo 8 level -> Leo Master aligned with player versus player content and can craft for various kinds of equipment in Bestiary league SC

-increased Damage over Time , % chance for Flasks to gain a Charge when you take a Critical Strike
-faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
-% reduced Damage taken from Damage Over Time
-% chance to Avoid being Shocked chance , to Avoid being Ignited / Frozen
-% chance to Avoid being Stunned
-Remove Crafted Mods , Reflects Physical Damage to Attackers on Block
-Cannot roll Mods with Required Level above 28 in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead BESTIARY MASTER CRAFT SERVICE BESTIARY Zana 8 level -> Zana Master revolve around end-game maps and challenge (Zana provides mods on Map with League effect and league unique) in Bestiary league SC

-Nemesis mod : In map you can chance a headhunter leather belt in Bestiary league craft!
-Perandus mod : Perandus coffer , meet cadiro and loot Perandus coins ! In map you can have Perandus troves for challenges and perandus map for completion in Bestiary league craft!
-Breach mod : In map you can have breach and loot Splinter of chayula / Xoph / Esh / Tul / Uul-Netol in Bestiary league craft

TreeOfDead Special bundle Master Craft Service in Bestiary league SC

-Craft +3 Bow socketed LeveLs
-Craft +3 Fire socketed LeveLs
-Craft +3 Fire Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Lightning Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Cold Staff LeveLs
-Craft +3 Chaos Staff LeveLs

BESTIARY Master Craft +3 Bow/+3 Fire lvl LeveLs, Craft +3 Fire/Chaos/Lightning/Cold Staff (Staves and Bows) +3 lvls LeveL in Bestiary SC league.


Available now and any time!

All 8 level Masters in Bestiary SC (Softcore Beast Craft) league

Best Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC ( TreeOfDead )


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Vouches With The Item Crafted Posted Here Is Much Appreciated After Crafts.
Thanks In Advance and always welcome in in Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC!
[POE BESTIARY SC] Best Bestiary Master Craft Service Bestiary SC POE TreeOfDead
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Nice done and fast job. Recolored mine corruped item.
fast craft, 3 linked my corrupted shield.

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