The_Impeacher wrote:
That's exactly what the cultists are (incorrectly) saying. They don't realize that Obstruction of Justice is its own crime.

That's some of the argument, but not all of it.

Trump just straight up didn't obstruct justice. At no point was the investigation halted, misdirected, starved, or otherwise maligned by him. It ran to completion, and though Trump certainly wanted to kill it, he was guided by his team to let it run its course, and that's where we are now.

Mueller himself has admitted that he was never denied any resources that he requested. No lack of manpower, no lack of documents, no lack of witness interviews, nothing.

The worst part of it all is that, with hindsight, we all now know that it was a bunch of bullshit charges. Trump wanted to kill an investigation that we all now know was based on a lie and found literally nothing. It's a shame, but it's in the past.


I'm feeling hopeful, though. It's a weird feeling, but I think we're over the hump. There's still a lot of disagreements to be had on policy, but these last two years of screaming "traitor" at each other is fading.

The majority of Americans are agreeing that things are actually really pretty good right now. Economy is roaring, we're not getting into any new wars, violence is declining, the proven liars in the media are being ignored with prejudice... it's not bad.
To our Murican friends,

You have one job, and one job only.

Pick someone else other than Trump in 2020.

That's it.

You will automatically re-enter the Paris agreement, [Removed by Support], as a nation.

So far you've been trolled. Please stop and consider before doing that to us.


The World
Last edited by Natasha on May 4, 2019, 7:50:53 PM
pneuma wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
That's exactly what the cultists are (incorrectly) saying. They don't realize that Obstruction of Justice is its own crime.

That's some of the argument, but not all of it.

Trump just straight up didn't obstruct justice. At no point was the investigation halted, misdirected, starved, or otherwise maligned by him. It ran to completion, and though Trump certainly wanted to kill it, he was guided by his team to let it run its course, and that's where we are now.

Mueller himself has admitted that he was never denied any resources that he requested. No lack of manpower, no lack of documents, no lack of witness interviews, nothing.

The worst part of it all is that, with hindsight, we all now know that it was a bunch of bullshit charges. Trump wanted to kill an investigation that we all now know was based on a lie and found literally nothing. It's a shame, but it's in the past.


I'm feeling hopeful, though. It's a weird feeling, but I think we're over the hump. There's still a lot of disagreements to be had on policy, but these last two years of screaming "traitor" at each other is fading.

The majority of Americans are agreeing that things are actually really pretty good right now. Economy is roaring, we're not getting into any new wars, violence is declining, the proven liars in the media are being ignored with prejudice... it's not bad.

A very sane post, thank you. The one thing to maybe correct though is that obstruction of justice does not require that the attempt to interfere in the legal process be successful, only that an attempt be made. Multiple attempts were made in Trump's case. True they were unsuccessful primarily because people around him refused to carry out his illegal orders. Although a successful interference would be much more obvious, if that was the point then agreed. For example, Richard Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre was the final straw in his obstruction of justice.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on May 4, 2019, 5:24:04 PM
Speaking on behalf of the entire world? Even Donald Trump isn't that narcissistic.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Speaking on behalf of the entire world? Even Donald Trump isn't that narcissistic.
Are you so sure?

I was gonna go with The Universe, but then I chose The World, seemingly adequate enough.

Ps. It's funny that that was the only thing you objected to lol.
Last edited by rojimboo on May 4, 2019, 5:19:24 PM
pneuma wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
That's exactly what the cultists are (incorrectly) saying. They don't realize that Obstruction of Justice is its own crime.

That's some of the argument, but not all of it.

Trump just straight up didn't obstruct justice. At no point was the investigation halted, misdirected, starved, or otherwise maligned by him. It ran to completion, and though Trump certainly wanted to kill it, he was guided by his team to let it run its course, and that's where we are now.

Mueller himself has admitted that he was never denied any resources that he requested. No lack of manpower, no lack of documents, no lack of witness interviews, nothing.

The worst part of it all is that, with hindsight, we all now know that it was a bunch of bullshit charges. Trump wanted to kill an investigation that we all now know was based on a lie and found literally nothing. It's a shame, but it's in the past.


I'm feeling hopeful, though. It's a weird feeling, but I think we're over the hump. There's still a lot of disagreements to be had on policy, but these last two years of screaming "traitor" at each other is fading.

The majority of Americans are agreeing that things are actually really pretty good right now. Economy is roaring, we're not getting into any new wars, violence is declining, the proven liars in the media are being ignored with prejudice... it's not bad.

100% incorrect again.

Read the detailed instances. Some attempts were thwarted, some were not. All that needs to be proven is the attempt.

Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Turtledove wrote:
They were unsuccessful primarily because people around him refused to carry out his illegal orders.

If I tell a friend "hey I'm gonna go rob that store" and he says "dude that's a fucking stupid idea" and then I don't go rob the store, it's really hard to say that a crime was committed.

If enough people disagree and believe it rises to impeachment in Congress, and then a court case comes before a judge that doesn't throw it out, and then a jury unanimously believes it, then... I'd be shocked. I really don't think enough of the population actually thinks that way, even with partisan bias incentivizing people to think that way.

Trump isn't blameless in reacting the way he did to false allegations, but I also have a hard time punishing someone that was very nearly railroaded over a non-crime.

The_Impeacher wrote:
Read the detailed instances. Some attempts were thwarted, some were not. All that needs to be proven is the attempt.

100% incorrect again. No attempts were un-thwarted. Mueller himself says that he was never stopped from concluding the investigation nor was ever denied any necessary resource.

Hey, what are you gonna change your name to next after impeachment doesn't happen?
pneuma wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
They were unsuccessful primarily because people around him refused to carry out his illegal orders.

If I tell a friend "hey I'm gonna go rob that store" and he says "dude that's a fucking stupid idea" and then I don't go rob the store, it's really hard to say that a crime was committed.

If enough people disagree and believe it rises to impeachment in Congress, and then a court case comes before a judge that doesn't throw it out, and then a jury unanimously believes it, then... I'd be shocked. I really don't think enough of the population actually thinks that way, even with partisan bias incentivizing people to think that way.

Trump isn't blameless in reacting the way he did to false allegations, but I also have a hard time punishing someone that was very nearly railroaded over a non-crime.

If a successful attempt would be more obvious was the point then I agree. I fixed my response to reflect that.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Trump 2020!
diablofdb wrote:
Trump 2020!
A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin and fascism.

If Trump manages to survive dementia and/or impeachment and wins in 2020, the USA will cease to exist as a democracy.
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