Aim_Deep wrote:
Yes did you? Only people say it legal are politicians. All legal scholars and international bodies ruled it illegal and a war of aggression.

And like I said didnt even meet basic of just war theory which is attack only if you are attacked. The "preemptive" war doctrine was first time is US history used and we been in a lot of wars.

BTW that just war theory exists for a reason besides sounds fair. It exists because you can never win hearts and minds of population you launched an war of aggression onto. Fools errand

It depends how far you are willing to go back.

both british and american plains where shot down by iraq in previous years.

Further more, they didn't allow UN sanctioned stealth plains to travel over their teritory to scout the area, so a violation of the agreement to allow UN to check the country for WMD's.

If you read the articles, each and every one indicates iraq unwilling to comply to the UN sanctioned search.

It's all good, if you wanna make the argument the west should have let a dictator in charge who was terrorizing his own people and wait until he strikes first before taking him out that's your opinion.

I would say his reign already cost enough lives


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Apr 22, 2019, 3:35:10 PM
"It's all good, if you wanna make the argument the west should have let a dictator in charge who was terrorizing his own people and wait until he strikes first before taking him out that's your opinion."

We have a lot of work to do if thats criteria. Starting with some of our allies like Saudi and Israel.
Git R Dun!
Best break down I ever heard and say it all the time politicians/MSM elites don't care about you they only care about power and hooking them and friends/donars up with tax payers money and other grants of discretion from .gov. Thats why a intensive progressive city like LA or SF there is homeless everywhere. They are not their friends. It's also nationwide why more progressive we get and more gov does larger GINI index grows. The huge ineffceint undeserving rake the elites put on the American people.


"All of them -- Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler -- and their establishment media allies, Rachel Maddow, Chris Cuomo, Chuck Todd, Nicolle Wallace -- they're prepared to do anything - divide america, undermine faith in democracy and the rule of law - anything, if it helps take down President Trump, the insurgent populist they despise. They are a modern aristocracy. They think they are born to rule. They consider it the most appalling impertinence that the American people kicked them out in 2016 and installed an outsider in the Oval Office. They see it as a peasant's revolt, and they've been trying to overturn it ever since."
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 22, 2019, 2:25:38 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:
They consider it the most appalling impertinence that the American people kicked them out in 2016 and installed an outsider in the Oval Office. They see it as a peasant's revolt, and they've been trying to overturn it ever since."

Dat Trump is one rich peasant...
Oh shit, the GEOTUS said "Christians". I bet that is a quran worshipper-phobic dog-whistle by now. When is Nancy gonna finally impeach him?


GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
He's an outsider. Same thing would happen to most Entrepreneurs no matter how rich unless they towed the "washington" line of pro warfare welfare state the ruling class lives off.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 22, 2019, 2:35:32 PM
Xavderion wrote:
Oh shit, the GEOTUS said "Christians". I bet that is a quran worshipper-phobic dog-whistle by now. When is Nancy gonna finally impeach him?


She probably wont have to. The forces arrayed against Trump are too large to be reelected. Basically whole MSM in the bag brainwashing Americans working so hard to really dig. I wrongly predicted his loss last time though so you never know - but this time the democrats may present a friendly candidate instead of toxic hillary.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 22, 2019, 2:44:43 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:
He's an outsider. Same thing would happen to most Entrepreneurs no matter how rich unless they towed the "washington" line of pro warfare welfare state the ruling class lives off.

Who are the ruling class? ARe they maybe the top 1% who were the only one's who benefited from Trump's tax cuts?
Aim_Deep wrote:

She probably wont have to. The forces arrayed against Trump are too large to be reelected. Basically whole MSM in the bag brainwashing Americans working so hard to really dig. I wrongly predicted his loss last time though so you never know - but this time the democrats may present a friendly candidate instead of toxic hillary.

Trump's counter-punch will be yuge, I wouldn't underestimate him. Also the Dem candidates so far are pretty weak. Trump would mop the floor with the current frontrunner (Biden).
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
rojimboo wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
He's an outsider. Same thing would happen to most Entrepreneurs no matter how rich unless they towed the "washington" line of pro warfare welfare state the ruling class lives off.

Who are the ruling class? ARe they maybe the top 1% who were the only one's who benefited from Trump's tax cuts?

No they are not. They are most of the people in DC who gain money and power through tools of the government whether it be endless warfare or welfare (from corporate to rags welfare) Like check out HC stocks after obama's HC con job. Shoulda beenn called the Subsidy for American Hospitals and Insurance company act instead of Obamacare.

Trump want to minimize gov influences and power at all levels (except border which I do not get but i'm a rare open border open trade republicans...basically maximum freedom at all levels Republican unless you hurt someone) and so far he not started any wars and wants out of the old ones his predecessors started. The ruling class can't have that.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 22, 2019, 3:16:27 PM

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