Turtledove wrote:
You seem to say that the opinions of people outside of the USA are based on foreign aid, LIKELY BULLSHIT is my response. Other explanations have already been given and that wasn't it.

Your assertions about blue/red make no sense. You will need to try harder to explain your thoughts, sorry. Along those same lines, even if your unsupported assertion that everyone around the world liked Trump prior to becoming President, what does that have to do with anything. It makes no sense, so what?

Regarding Hillary Clinton, more irrelevant nonsense that has nothing to do with anything. I really don't understand why Trump is so stuck in the past, reliving the 2016 election, reviving Clinton target dummies over and over just so he can knock her down again. Trump and his supporters both need to try harder to move on from 2016 and join reality here in 2018.

That rich considering people are still doing the doomsday prophecies about Trump they have done since before he was elected.

Who is exactly living in the past? Its like you guys think if you will it hard enough, it will come true. He will mess up. Well, it hasn't happened for 2 years now, and chances are hes going to be re-elected in 2 more anyways. So then what? Are you guys just gonna keep on with the doomsday antics for another 4 years?


The reality is in 2018, hes doing a good job as president. He still hasn't failed. And if it continues, he will be re-elected in 2020. That's the reality that haters can't wrap their minds around.

SO I guess you guys need to somehow pray something finally sticks to get him impeached, because otherwise buckle up for another 4 years friend.

I also continually find it funny how anyone who says anything about positive about Trump is uneducated, unintelligent, and stupid. So entire states' worth of people, college educated down to the very poor, voted for him but apparently all those people are just stupid. Yea that sounds right. Its statements like those that are rediculous.
Last edited by Destructodave on Dec 11, 2018, 11:35:17 PM
Dave is an example of just how powerful propaganda backed up by a the relentless lies of a corrupt and blackmailed man who became potus through criminal means can be
This kid thinks we give out money for charity and we aren't buying something with that aid.
鬼殺し wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

Regarding Hillary Clinton, more irrelevant nonsense that has nothing to do with anything. I really don't understand why Trump is so stuck in the past, reliving the 2016 election, reviving Clinton target dummies over and over just so he can knock her down again. Trump and his supporters both need to try harder to move on from 2016 and join reality here in 2018.

It's simple, Turtledove. They didn't know what to do with their win. Whether we're talking about the ridiculously indignant alt-right or the entrenched Republicans who didn't take Trump seriously...or even his most staunch non-family supporters (all of whom are now *gone*), they were like, fuck, we won. He won. Oh...Fuck.

Because when your entire platform is 'at least we're not the other guys', you're not exactly poised to do much once the other guys are no longer a problem.

And I'll admit, Hillary's platform was also, almost unavoidably, at least I'm not the other guy. She was far too reactive to that. Got complacent, expected people to see Trump the way intelligent people do, rather than what desperate, less educated people see when it's a smug old white woman whose Presidential husband cheated on her vs the ubiquitous business legend, Donald 'You're Fired!' Trump (and let's remember, Trump 'loves the poorly educated'). She won the popular vote, but lost the only vote that really matters.

Again, this is about adversaries vs enemies. Trump doesn't have adversaries. He has people he can use, and he has people he must destroy. The former usually becomes the latter before long.

I agree with what you say. I will propose some potential additional thoughts on this subject. I broke down and watched the silly TV exchange between Trump, Pelosi, and Shumer. My thoughts are based on thoughts I have after watching that.

Trump is not really interested in policy. If he really wanted the wall, it would make far more sense to work off-line and propose compromises like "give me the wall and you can have DACA". He didn't do this and instead wanted a public spectacle because he considers himself a reality TV star and he thought he could come off getting a big PR win. He is much more interested, it appears, in capturing the news cycle and getting good ratings.

That also applies to why he keeps attacking Clinton. He simply thinks it plays well with his base and is good PR for him. This thread seems to prove that as true based on how often his supporters think they should attack Clinton in this thread.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Yes. He's the biggest fake tough guy in the world. A coward to the core.
Dave is an example of just how powerful propaganda backed up by a the relentless lies of a corrupt and blackmailed man who became potus through criminal means can be

I didn't even vote. I don't give a single rat's ass about politics. I dunno how I ended up in this thread.

There are no lies. I dont care about Russia, I dont care about any of it. I just know the economy is doing great, unemployment is WAY down, and that's really all that matters to your average American.

Just from the outside looking in, regardless of his antics, the job hes doing seems alright based on those 2 metrics I listed. I'm not republican or Democrat. Bush shit all over my career years ago. Obama didn't help.

Its just this notion that somehow every single person who says something positive about Trump is just unintelligent, stupid, and uneducated is a complete over-generalization and a joke, honestly. You know entire states are Red from the most educated to the least and they voted for him. People who are probably far more intelligent than most here will ever be, and far more educated. I'm sure my republican professors with multiple doctorates who voted for Trump are just complete idiots amirite? Sounds about right. Hell, I'm college educated myself like it should matter. I didn't vote, but I still think hes doing an alright job. Better than the last 2 we had.
I didn't say people who voted for him were stupid. I said they've been hypnotized by propaganda.
Trump Is The Best. Smart people voted for him, because they wanted to change things better. And WOALAAA Trump is Making America Great Again. Historical moment...

With Hillary nothing would change in years... Trump is doing great from beginning.

Its just sad how many stupid, blind people argue against real facts and still hate this guy who trays to make your lives better.
Last edited by PathOfExileLatvija on Dec 12, 2018, 1:36:18 AM
... Hillary ...

Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
... Hillary ...


Indeed She is funny... sadly not in a good way tho :D "Hillary: How to fail 2016" and still she is crying like a baby. :D

Make America Great Again.

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