I love Trump.
innervation wrote:
This long without a Trump post...guess the haters really are out of ammo huh? Too much winning? Tired yet?

98% of ISIS territory lost in a year. Economic boom. Tax legislation passed (infrastructure bill on the way).

But two scoops of ice cream though :(

People don't usually change their mind on the internet. It is futile to argue on the internet.

innervation wrote:

Nah you're right to be pessimistic.

And people misrepresented Bernie position. Sanders said that he supports a tax cut for the middle class and working families, he does not support tax breaks for the wealthy. A large portion of the tax cut went to the rich and corporation. Republican tax plan is fiscally unsound. It require huge spending cut and borrowing.

I would want three scoops of ice cream though.
innervation wrote:
In two weeks they flip flopped from '#taxscam' to... 'well ok its good, but they're evil b/c the cuts aren't permanent!'
That's because, now that the tax break is real, they realize it is going to be massively popular once people actually do their taxes. Doubling the standard deduction is somehow a bad thing? You simply can't maintain such a ridiculous position. The Dems are hoping people forget about what they said about the tax break before people get around to seeing the size of their refunds — if not, there go the midterms, before they even started.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 28, 2017, 8:35:45 AM
The real issue?

One and a half trillion dollars added to the national debt.

You can't keep doing that. These "tax cuts" are temporary because they HAVE to be; eventually taxes will go back up because they need to in order to try and clear the debt, and guess who's going to be picking up the tab for that?

Here's a hint: it's the people whose shiny new Trumpian tax cuts are explicitly temporary, as opposed to the ones (WHO CAN AffORD IT, BY THE WAY) whose tax cuts are explicitly not temporary.

Middle-classers get a couple of years of mild tax cuts purely as a political mollifying measure because the Repubs are desperate to shore up their ratings and stop bleeding seats to Dems because Trump won't shut the fuck up and act like a President and it keeps triggering people. Even the most casual look at the new tax overhaul, however, shows it to be exactly the same dumbass sweetheart deal for Rich Old People and Big Corporate that Repubs have always been in bed with.

The dumbass "if we cut taxes for Big Corporate they'll spend that money they saved on new jobs and better pay for the Little Guy, the economy will improve, and EVERYBODY gets more money!" dynamic analysis horseshit Repubs keep trying to shove down our throats has been proven wrong every single damned time it's been tested, and it'll be proven wrong again.

Give it ten years. Middle-classers will take it in the ass again and Big Corporate will reap the benefits. That's what Repubs do - they promise Average Joe Middler that the Republican party's got their back, they get elected in, they furiously pass legislation that favors CEO Moneysacks at the explicit expense of Average Joe Middler, they SOMEHOW blame the hit their own laws are inflicting on Average Joe Middler on Dems through twists of logic that would fit right into a Lovecraftian horror novel, and yet somehow? AVERAGE JOE MIDDLER BELIEVES THEM AND VOTES FOR REPUBS AGAIN!

Don't get me wrong. Both parties are full of moosefuckers and neither is worth wiping your ass with at this point, but it boggles my mind that people keep being fuckin' taken in by Repub claims of "standing with the average American" when any examination of history shows that these guys have not 'stood with the average American' in decades. If ever.

What is it going to take to convince people that letting corporate shills and cronies led by one of the worst businessmen in the history of the country make capital-D Decisions is not a good idea?
Last edited by 1453R#7804 on Dec 28, 2017, 9:13:41 AM
Aside from Rand Paul, nobody from either party is actually interested in ever reducing the debt or deficit. It's not up for vote, and wasn't up for vote between HRC/DJT last year.

R's always want tax cuts, but never have the spine to cut any of the social programs that depend on that tax money because they'll lose the immediate next election. They theoretically could, though, so people still vote for them.

D's always say they have a plan to reduce the deficit, but can't resist the urge to start new social programs for every random bleeding heart. They theoretically could, though, so people still vote for them.

Give it ten years and this pattern will not change because it's been the same pattern for 50 years now. And the debt continues to rise.
1453R wrote:
The real issue?

One and a half trillion dollars added to the national debt.

You can't keep doing that. These "tax cuts" are temporary because they HAVE to be; eventually taxes will go back up because they need to in order to try and clear the debt, and guess who's going to be picking up the tab for that?

Here's a hint: it's the people whose shiny new Trumpian tax cuts are explicitly temporary, as opposed to the ones (WHO CAN AffORD IT, BY THE WAY) whose tax cuts are explicitly not temporary.

Middle-classers get a couple of years of mild tax cuts purely as a political mollifying measure because the Repubs are desperate to shore up their ratings and stop bleeding seats to Dems because Trump won't shut the fuck up and act like a President and it keeps triggering people. Even the most casual look at the new tax overhaul, however, shows it to be exactly the same dumbass sweetheart deal for Rich Old People and Big Corporate that Repubs have always been in bed with.

The dumbass "if we cut taxes for Big Corporate they'll spend that money they saved on new jobs and better pay for the Little Guy, the economy will improve, and EVERYBODY gets more money!" dynamic analysis horseshit Repubs keep trying to shove down our throats has been proven wrong every single damned time it's been tested, and it'll be proven wrong again.

Give it ten years. Middle-classers will take it in the ass again and Big Corporate will reap the benefits. That's what Repubs do - they promise Average Joe Middler that the Republican party's got their back, they get elected in, they furiously pass legislation that favors CEO Moneysacks at the explicit expense of Average Joe Middler, they SOMEHOW blame the hit their own laws are inflicting on Average Joe Middler on Dems through twists of logic that would fit right into a Lovecraftian horror novel, and yet somehow? AVERAGE JOE MIDDLER BELIEVES THEM AND VOTES FOR REPUBS AGAIN!

Don't get me wrong. Both parties are full of moosefuckers and neither is worth wiping your ass with at this point, but it boggles my mind that people keep being fuckin' taken in by Repub claims of "standing with the average American" when any examination of history shows that these guys have not 'stood with the average American' in decades. If ever.

What is it going to take to convince people that letting corporate shills and cronies led by one of the worst businessmen in the history of the country make capital-D Decisions is not a good idea?

It may be useful to find out the actual truth of why the middle-class tax cuts are not permanent: it requires 60 votes in the senate, and the democrats refuse to help republicans pass permanent middle-class tax cuts.... ever, they do not want that to ever happen, so they refuse to help make the middle class tax cuts permanent.

Sure, I would love it if the democrats would help pass permanent middle-class tax cuts, but they refuse. I would rather get temporary tax cuts than no tax cuts. And the tax cuts can be extended in 8 years, if Republicans control things still....

It is amazing how many news articles are written bashing republicans for "temporary tax cuts" and yet they never blame democrats for refusing to help get the 60 votes needed to make them permanent.
Does it ever occur to people that "ohh, Republicans never cut taxes properly because if they get rid of the evil liberalist welfare programs soaking up all the tax money they want to cut, they'll immediately lose the next election!"...says something?

You're admitting that gutting America's social/welfare programs would immediately and absolutely trigger a violent reprisal and the effective political suicide of whoever/whichever individual/organization does it. Why is that? Why would do something you're trying to point out is Obviously The Right Thing To Do(TM) trigger such a huge backlash, if it's Obviously The Right Thing To Do(TM)?

Could it possibly be because these programs are a good idea, even if the specific execution is not currently ideal? Could it possibly be because cutting these programs left and right the way hardcore fundamentalists always call for amounts to telling anyone who falls into lousy circumstances, regardless of whether they were at fault for those circumstances or not, "tough luck for you asshole, but we don't do charity in this country so either get out of the country or go crawl in a hole and die" and that people know that's a shit thing to do?

Does it ever occur to folks who believe that slashing welfare to the bone and turning their backs on the unfortunate is Obviously The Right Thing To Do(TM) that perhaps they're wrong, and the fact that they're wrong is why they know that the doing of this Obvious Right Thing will trigger the immediate dissolution of whatever entity undertakes the action?

Jus' sayin'. Perhaps, maaaaaaaaaybe, eliminating all the support systems in this country and letting citizens who fall on hard times just crawl into holes and die so we can let Big Corporate get lower taxes isn't as popular an idea as fundamentalists believe it is. Perhaps instead, the answer is that everyone pays their part to help out their fellow man because it's not THAT big a goddamned burden in the first place.

I don't want Trump's tax cuts. My taxes were fine where they were; I opted to send in a generous stipend of my paycheck every couple weeks so the IRS pays me at tax time, like a smart person, I don't max out seven credit cards and put myself five hundred thousand dollars in debt to buy two houses, three boats, four cars, and five wives I know I can't afford, and I go about my life.

So no. I don't want Trump's tax cuts. He and his cronies can keep them. What I want is that arrogant, loudmouthed, foul-tempered, narcissistic, lousy-haired DISGRACE out of the Oval Office. Every time that orangutan bastard sends a fresh tweet it makes me just a little bit more ashamed to be an American. Say what you will about Obama, I've heard a whole lot of it by this point, but at least President Obama approached his office with the respect and dignity it was due and treated both his own fellow citizens and our compatriots and allies overseas with the respect and dignity they were due. I would gladly shake Obama's hand and thank him for his service, regardless of whether I completely agreed with everything he did or not (I don't, though I very much respect what he tried to do).

This howlering baboon we've managed to saddle ourselves with does not know what the words "respect" and "dignity" mean. He's a gibbering tantrum-prone manchild and every time he opens his fat mouth it's somehow even more humiliating than the last time.

I did not grow up in a country that bans Muslims from traveling here - an act that can very seriously be argued is actively treasonous on Trump's part, is inarguably unconstitutional, and is the most hideously un-American thing I have ever been subjected to the misfortune of witnessing an elected politican do.

I did not grow up in a country that spends millions and millions and millions of taxpayer dollars on something so stupid and pointless as building a physical wall between itself and one of its two neighbors for no reason whatsoever save sheer spite (oh hey, you want to talk about worthless tax sinks that prevent meaningful and sustainable tax cuts again?!).

I did not grow up in a country that flips the table and withdraws from international agreement after international agreement after international agreement due to some short-sighted bullshit argument that "it's bad for the American people!". Gee, it wasn't so bad for the American people when we all signed on under every single previous administration.

I did not grow up in a country that not only tolerates the disgusting things this man has done, but actively cheers him on when he attacks the families of veterans slain on foreign soil, attacks our longstanding allies overseas for not getting behind his bullshit, attacks the entire fucking UN for castigating him over boneheaded political decisions, attacks Puerto Rico for daring to be crippled by one of the most brutal storms in recent history, attacks the bloody goddamned NFL for having opinions and also the temerity to express them, attacks...Silent Gods, the list goes on and on and on.

THis man is not my President, and the America he wants to make 'Great Again' is not the America I want to live in. I don't want his dirty tax cuts. I. Want. Him. Gone. In prison if we can manage it, exiled to whatever private island he hides his own dirty finances on if we can't. Doesn't matter. Gone.
1453R wrote:
Does it ever occur to people that "ohh, Republicans never cut taxes properly because if they get rid of the evil liberalist welfare programs soaking up all the tax money they want to cut, they'll immediately lose the next election!"...says something?

You're admitting that gutting America's social/welfare programs would immediately and absolutely trigger a violent reprisal and the effective political suicide of whoever/whichever individual/organization does it. Why is that? Why would do something you're trying to point out is Obviously The Right Thing To Do(TM) trigger such a huge backlash, if it's Obviously The Right Thing To Do(TM)?

Could it possibly be because these programs are a good idea, even if the specific execution is not currently ideal? Could it possibly be because cutting these programs left and right the way hardcore fundamentalists always call for amounts to telling anyone who falls into lousy circumstances, regardless of whether they were at fault for those circumstances or not, "tough luck for you asshole, but we don't do charity in this country so either get out of the country or go crawl in a hole and die" and that people know that's a shit thing to do?

Does it ever occur to folks who believe that slashing welfare to the bone and turning their backs on the unfortunate is Obviously The Right Thing To Do(TM) that perhaps they're wrong, and the fact that they're wrong is why they know that the doing of this Obvious Right Thing will trigger the immediate dissolution of whatever entity undertakes the action?

Jus' sayin'. Perhaps, maaaaaaaaaybe, eliminating all the support systems in this country and letting citizens who fall on hard times just crawl into holes and die so we can let Big Corporate get lower taxes isn't as popular an idea as fundamentalists believe it is. Perhaps instead, the answer is that everyone pays their part to help out their fellow man because it's not THAT big a goddamned burden in the first place.

I don't want Trump's tax cuts. My taxes were fine where they were; I opted to send in a generous stipend of my paycheck every couple weeks so the IRS pays me at tax time, like a smart person, I don't max out seven credit cards and put myself five hundred thousand dollars in debt to buy two houses, three boats, four cars, and five wives I know I can't afford, and I go about my life.

So no. I don't want Trump's tax cuts. He and his cronies can keep them. What I want is that arrogant, loudmouthed, foul-tempered, narcissistic, lousy-haired DISGRACE out of the Oval Office. Every time that orangutan bastard sends a fresh tweet it makes me just a little bit more ashamed to be an American. Say what you will about Obama, I've heard a whole lot of it by this point, but at least President Obama approached his office with the respect and dignity it was due and treated both his own fellow citizens and our compatriots and allies overseas with the respect and dignity they were due. I would gladly shake Obama's hand and thank him for his service, regardless of whether I completely agreed with everything he did or not (I don't, though I very much respect what he tried to do).

This howlering baboon we've managed to saddle ourselves with does not know what the words "respect" and "dignity" mean. He's a gibbering tantrum-prone manchild and every time he opens his fat mouth it's somehow even more humiliating than the last time.

I did not grow up in a country that bans Muslims from traveling here - an act that can very seriously be argued is actively treasonous on Trump's part, is inarguably unconstitutional, and is the most hideously un-American thing I have ever been subjected to the misfortune of witnessing an elected politican do.

I did not grow up in a country that spends millions and millions and millions of taxpayer dollars on something so stupid and pointless as building a physical wall between itself and one of its two neighbors for no reason whatsoever save sheer spite (oh hey, you want to talk about worthless tax sinks that prevent meaningful and sustainable tax cuts again?!).

I did not grow up in a country that flips the table and withdraws from international agreement after international agreement after international agreement due to some short-sighted bullshit argument that "it's bad for the American people!". Gee, it wasn't so bad for the American people when we all signed on under every single previous administration.

I did not grow up in a country that not only tolerates the disgusting things this man has done, but actively cheers him on when he attacks the families of veterans slain on foreign soil, attacks our longstanding allies overseas for not getting behind his bullshit, attacks the entire fucking UN for castigating him over boneheaded political decisions, attacks Puerto Rico for daring to be crippled by one of the most brutal storms in recent history, attacks the bloody goddamned NFL for having opinions and also the temerity to express them, attacks...Silent Gods, the list goes on and on and on.

THis man is not my President, and the America he wants to make 'Great Again' is not the America I want to live in. I don't want his dirty tax cuts. I. Want. Him. Gone. In prison if we can manage it, exiled to whatever private island he hides his own dirty finances on if we can't. Doesn't matter. Gone.

Then why complain in such a dishonest way, and blame Trump/republicans about the tax cuts being "temporary",when Trump/republicans want them to be permanent and cannot, because Democrats will not allow it? why not just say this to begin with?

This entire post seems like an emotional/irrational way to defend the lie you, and other liberals are telling about "temporary" tax cuts.
Last edited by Kamchatka#0653 on Dec 28, 2017, 10:12:35 AM
Kamchatka wrote:

Then why complain in such a dishonest way, and blame Trump/republicans about the tax cuts being "temporary",when Trump/republicans want them to be permanent and cannot, because Democrats will not allow it? why not just say this to begin with?

This entire post seems like an emotional/irrational way to defend the lie you, and other liberals are telling about "temporary" tax cuts.

What was dishonest about anything I said? If anything I'd figure I was more honest than people like.

Dems didn't "vote against middle-class tax cuts". They voted against the Republican tax plan, which included a very large number of actively harmful tax breaks for Big Corporate and the uppermost income bands, neither of whom needed or warranted tax breaks. I don't terribly blame them; the tax plan is a Bad Idea.

Shrugging off that bad idea with "Ohhh, the damn dirty liberals are lying again!" doesn't really mean much. You get your tax cuts for the next couple years. You'll lose them after that and have to pay more, not less, in the future. If that's okay with you, congrats. If not?

Don't elect a literal cave ogre as President next time.
Kamchatka wrote:
1453R wrote:
The real issue?

One and a half trillion dollars added to the national debt.

You can't keep doing that. These "tax cuts" are temporary because they HAVE to be; eventually taxes will go back up because they need to in order to try and clear the debt, and guess who's going to be picking up the tab for that?

Here's a hint: it's the people whose shiny new Trumpian tax cuts are explicitly temporary, as opposed to the ones (WHO CAN AffORD IT, BY THE WAY) whose tax cuts are explicitly not temporary.

Middle-classers get a couple of years of mild tax cuts purely as a political mollifying measure because the Repubs are desperate to shore up their ratings and stop bleeding seats to Dems because Trump won't shut the fuck up and act like a President and it keeps triggering people. Even the most casual look at the new tax overhaul, however, shows it to be exactly the same dumbass sweetheart deal for Rich Old People and Big Corporate that Repubs have always been in bed with.

The dumbass "if we cut taxes for Big Corporate they'll spend that money they saved on new jobs and better pay for the Little Guy, the economy will improve, and EVERYBODY gets more money!" dynamic analysis horseshit Repubs keep trying to shove down our throats has been proven wrong every single damned time it's been tested, and it'll be proven wrong again.

Give it ten years. Middle-classers will take it in the ass again and Big Corporate will reap the benefits. That's what Repubs do - they promise Average Joe Middler that the Republican party's got their back, they get elected in, they furiously pass legislation that favors CEO Moneysacks at the explicit expense of Average Joe Middler, they SOMEHOW blame the hit their own laws are inflicting on Average Joe Middler on Dems through twists of logic that would fit right into a Lovecraftian horror novel, and yet somehow? AVERAGE JOE MIDDLER BELIEVES THEM AND VOTES FOR REPUBS AGAIN!

Don't get me wrong. Both parties are full of moosefuckers and neither is worth wiping your ass with at this point, but it boggles my mind that people keep being fuckin' taken in by Repub claims of "standing with the average American" when any examination of history shows that these guys have not 'stood with the average American' in decades. If ever.

What is it going to take to convince people that letting corporate shills and cronies led by one of the worst businessmen in the history of the country make capital-D Decisions is not a good idea?

It may be useful to find out the actual truth of why the middle-class tax cuts are not permanent: it requires 60 votes in the senate, and the democrats refuse to help republicans pass permanent middle-class tax cuts.... ever, they do not want that to ever happen, so they refuse to help make the middle class tax cuts permanent.

Sure, I would love it if the democrats would help pass permanent middle-class tax cuts, but they refuse. I would rather get temporary tax cuts than no tax cuts. And the tax cuts can be extended in 8 years, if Republicans control things still....

It is amazing how many news articles are written bashing republicans for "temporary tax cuts" and yet they never blame democrats for refusing to help get the 60 votes needed to make them permanent.

Americans have short term memories. Obama’s tax legacy is largely one of continuing George W. Bush’s policy of lower tax rates. You know part A without the part B. Democrats just don't agree with republicans tax plan. The devil is in the details.

I demand three scoops of ice cream for everyone pay for with America's borrowed money. Support my Free Ice Cream Proposal.

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