" You can have picture of people walking too. How many are walking and how many travel in a vehicle? I don't know. If you think you know better, you can tell me. |
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...why does it matter if they walk or take the bus?
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" Just the cheesy republican concept of making the poor prove they’re poor enough to be worthy of government benefits. |
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" It is just the opposite. The left is using the idea that they are walking to make them seem more impoverished. They say they are applying for asylum, but the legal process to file for asylum requires them to make that application in the first country they are in outside the home nation they are fleeing from. They have not done so. I posted the pictures just as a clear example that what Trevor Noah stated in his video was full of disinformation. How long can someone go without water? for instance, and yet Noah claims all these people are walking the whole way without food and water. There are more lies than truths in his statements. As for government benefits - Government benefits from a country they aren't even a citizen of? Can I get some money from France? Should the people in Madagascar (with over 75% below the $1.90 a day UN poverty level) be able to get money from relatively rich Honduras (where only 16% are below the $1.90 a day UN poverty level)? We found out today that there may be illegal use of funds from US Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke’s campaign to the caravan. There's a video showing his campaign staff allegedly appearing to be illegally using campaign resources to buy supplies and help transport Hondurans. If someone goes to the hospital with a leg half torn off from a car accident, and the doctor gives them a band-aid and a lollypop, have they actually helped the patient? That's what economic immigration is - a band aid on a much bigger problem. The actual source of the problem is almost always rooted in government corruption, which leads to ongoing violence and sustained poverty. There's a good explanation here of why the feel good approach doesn't solve anything: The nations that are better off can try to actually help people (through trying to solve the root problems) or we can pat ourselves on the back for token gestures that allow the needless suffering to continue generation after generation. I'd rather we did things that actually helped, than make smug remarks on social media and congratulate ourselves for our virtue signaling skills. The left would rather hand out lollypops and band-aids and let people bleed to death. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Nov 2, 2018, 3:42:22 PM
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Overstatements are normal in comedy + satire(for Christ´s sake everyone can see they have water, it´s no crime), not so much for American presidents. You see a whole racist hate campaign invented out of nothing(hard enough to react with humor here) and you are complaining about food and water and some normal helpful people with cars, trucks, buses and compassion ? What ????????
??????????????????????????????????????????????? It´s just a shitty racist campaign from a disgusting brute and his servants, not a real issue. Totally insane, instead the international community would need to think of real cooperative solutions for climate change and migration, while it is still possible. That actually means fairness and helping others by international coordination. That would take some time, people in need should of course get immediate help. Saying anything alse is just saying "no more help for any refugees". Well , what could be a motivation to do so ? Racism, fear and greed for example. Better stick to the international convention relating to the status of refugees at least. Real issues are the American division, Trump makes his people hate immigrants along with "enemies of the people", democrats, "globalists" and those within the media that criticize him as they should. And he makes his opponents hate him and his servants. Also the continuous hate speech and fearmongering, the support of the far right that has led to a new level of hate crimes. The rising national debt that is following the tax cuts for the rich, deregulation of the finance sector, which will cause the next financial crisis. Also in my country we have mandatory health insurances, it is totally normal and useful just like seatbelts in cars, everyone has access to health care. And as long as you are actively looking for work, no one ever needs to be homeless, because of basic social security. If we look at how different that is in the U.S., we think it is a cruel place under the rule of raw capitalism (instead of smart and humane regulations) that serves a bunch of billionaires and other egoists. An economic system should be an instrument for all people. Internationally Trump is a laughing stock, unreliable to the core, a money loving criminal(look at Saudi Arabia - who cares about a dead journalist as long as we get so much nice, nice money for weapons from a head-off dictator regime). He is the gravedigger of American leadership, because the U.S. completely looses its moral legitimization. He does not really see the NATO as an instrument for an American Empire united in democratic values, that´s what it really is. He does not even know what values are and he does not seem to care much about democracy itself - an American president. I think all this is cruel, deeply concerning and surreal. I really hope, a lot of people are going to vote, now and 2020 and defend themselves against the rule of ignorance, racism and stupidity. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Nov 2, 2018, 6:13:56 PM
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" How does sending them back does anything to help them? Lollypops and band-aids is better than nothing, it doesn't solve inherent problem but it is less suffering and less misery. Republicans actions is more akin to letting people bleed to death. Republicans just point out problems without solution and their solution involve sending the problem back to the source. It isolated the problem without solving anything. The problem stay in someone else backyard and let them continue to bleed. Out of sight out of mind. A zero sum game where the decision maker make decision at someone else loss or expense. You wouldn't say that is a great solution if you were those migrants. U.S. can send them back to their shithole countries. BUT Let's not pretend it is virtuous. It is a selfish decision if any. Saying otherwise is disingenuous. People lose credibility every time they cry wolf. Less of your propaganda. It is like a broken record. PS: There is nothing in international law to say that refugees must claim asylum in the first country they reach. There is a European regulation allows a country such as the UK to return an asylum seeker to the first European country they reached. Refugees "Should" seek asylum in first EU country reached, not a must. The Dublin Regulation. Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Nov 2, 2018, 7:12:10 PM
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Wall Street Journal and political correctness: +1
Children with Cancer: -26,000 dollars B R A V O, pat yourselves on the back over that one. Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Nov 2, 2018, 10:12:53 PM
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President Trump is reflecting anger, not creating it. 34pre98qua
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" Well I would certainly agree we need to help all these nightmarish countries in central/south America, but certainly not an international coalition, that is an insane idea. The USA would get stuck paying 90% of the cost and manpower, but it would be totally corrupt being run by foreigners. Like 90% of the population of these countries want to escape to the USA. The USA should compassionately colonize all these hellhole, drug cartel/socialist revolutionary ruined central/south American countries. These countries are never going to get out from under the control of Drug cartels and/or socialist nutjobs on their own. (Seems like Brazil is trying hard though, good luck to them) Basically everyone living down there wants to leave, it's sad. Since we cannot bring them all to the USA, we should bring the USA to them through compassionate colonization. The USA sends millions and billions to the drug cartels down there every year, and then turns around and sells them advanced weaponry (Yes, it is all illegal, but the money/guns are coming from the USA) , so we definitely have a responsibility to help. Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Nov 3, 2018, 5:12:11 AM
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