" You are beginning to understand it. " |
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" You don't get to make up what words mean. I know liberals love doing that with the Constitution so it's bad habit y'all have ingrained. But words have meaning not whatever you want them to be, I repeat there is no such thing as "dog-whistle politics" or "code words" it's a made up philosophy bro science. Or maybe I just wrote a recipe for cauliflower pizza if you look closely Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Oct 29, 2018, 2:21:09 PM
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" Yes, some people strangely think that. The 50 most dangerous cities in the world ![]() But don't worry, these are all just beautiful dreamer children & model citizens, coming up to pay for our pensions. Diversity is our strength. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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Refugees run away from violence. Or war. Or hunger. And with te human made climate change from inhabitable areas in the future.
Oh, and you better be careful if you meet someone from St. Louis or Baltimore. Btw crime rates among Syrian refugees in Germany are lower than in the German population. I know you will come up with something disgusting as usual. I don´t really think I need to argue with you. Your posts are so far right bullshit that most people will understand that. Need to go. Have fun posting........ Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Oct 29, 2018, 2:12:11 PM
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" They are economic migrants or welfare tourists. They run away from their own crappy culture and the very system they've created. Strangely enough, they all run into white European countries, aka the civilized world of law, order and prosperity. Sadly they bring their crappy and crime ridden culture with them. E: In your opinion, the mexican gangs, cartels, MS-13... that operate in US, came from where exactly? Poor refugees? " Objective reality, statistic, observation, logical extrapolation... are tools of the far-right patriarchy. btw, do you see that massive concentration of dots in Brasil? Yeah, that's why the people elected a right-wing anti-communist president, to clean up the corrupt mess of stagnant leftism and restore law & order. Enjoy peak liberalism while you can. The right-wing is on the rise everywhere and your unlimited 3rd world migration & global socialism will come to an end. When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Oct 29, 2018, 2:34:22 PM
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" I would definitely run away from central & south America too, I cannot blame those people for fleeing. This is why we need a strong, secure border, to keep out satan worshipping drug cartels,and ensure only hard working, practicing Catholics get in. Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Oct 29, 2018, 2:38:24 PM
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" As long as you have an extensive social welfare system the dead beats are mixed in because they come for free shit. I call them FSA. Free Shit Army. It must crash first. And it will. All these democracies will run geometric debt until debt service exceeds tax input. Git R Dun!
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I dont think so, not as long as 3rd world countries continue to make everything we buy for currency we just print, with no backing.
The system will only fail when the 3rd world countries refuse to keep making us stuff for our unlimited printed currency |
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"There's a reason for that. The Left projects its own love for dogwhistles onto the right. An all-black, all-female cast is incredibly "diverse." An illegal alien, whose crimes may or may not be officially recorded, is an "undocumented immigrant." Thugs with the correct politics violently bullying peaceful citizens for their actual or imagined political views is an "Antifascist protest." A person who engages in civil debate to the best of their ability, but whose slightest subconscious tell betrays contempt for their opponent's argument, is guilty of a "micro aggression." Every day the left couches the most radical and ugliest facets of its ideology with euphemistic jargon for mainstream publication, so naturally the delighted consumers of such propaganda can scarcely imagine that their political opponents would use direct language rather than reply in kind. This isn't to say the anti-left never use euphemistic language. But generally, the side seeing euphemism where it doesn't exist is the side with the guiltier conscience. Anti-white racists, anti-male sexists, and their apologists are desperate to find racism and sexism in their opponents to justify the vile fringes of the Left. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Study democracies histories its always the same. Simple reason you must promise everything and low tax at same time to get elected so you go into massive unsustainable debt. Our US Constitution had severe constraints on what they could promise so we were safe first 150 years or so until FDR then spending skyrocketed. At first politicians tried to actually pay for it all and top marginal rates went as high as 92% which was totally politically unsustainable and noncompetitive on world stage. So then we went geometric like the rest.
Greece is coming to us all in the west. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Oct 29, 2018, 3:32:20 PM
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