What's there for the FBI to even investigate? Everyone supposedly involved in this story already said their piece under oath. This is just an attempt to delay the process further and come up with new fantastical stories in the meantime.
Hopefully the american people are paying attention and learning. Especially right-wingers. The lefties might suck at almost everything, but they are pros in political warfare and subversion. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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A week. LOL. If you have confidence in the democrat FBI (like almost all gov employees BTW) wrapping up in a week you're nuts. They will sabotage this way past elections.
Of course that was democrats intent wanting this farcical investigation where they learn nothing new nor have jurisdiction over. Flake is a democrat at this point. Oh and Ms. Ford will probably be on vacation recovering from her "traumatic testimony" for exactly 39 days so FBI can't even interview her for weeks. Kavanaugh is cooked IMO. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Sep 29, 2018, 6:24:32 AM
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Trump plans to nominate Hillary clinton as the supreme court judge, if Kavanaugh doesnt work out.
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They need to put it to a vote asap so if he gets turned down we can move on. Hopefully Trump will next nominate some teetotaling whacked out right winger like Pence and the Dems can congratulate themselves for blocking the nomination of what will be the relatively moderate Kavanaugh. They are real morons.
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"I laughed out loud at how uncomfortable Kavanaugh looked as Graham was gushing in front of him. Then Graham stops his monologue for an actual question and it's, I shit you not, "Are you a gang rapist?" Graham was all like "I love you so much" and Kavanaugh's body language was like "plz no" and Graham keeps going anyway. At a hearing about rape. Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds that hilarious. "I have heard this "moderate" stuff recently about Kavanaugh but it's BS. My small-sample analysis of Kavanaugh's large body of work is that he'd basically be a second Clarence Thomas on the bench. In a way this whole circus is very predictable: something like this happened the last time a President nominated a Clarence Thomas. It's not right, of course, but there's a kind of logic to the Dem's behavior: Kavanaugh is definitely more threatening than Gorsuch was, despite the "moderate" meme. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 2, 2018, 10:46:22 PM
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" Not like people didn't know Republicans pick Kavanaugh because he is overtly conservative. An job interview? This job interview have only 1 job applicant. Republicans want their guy on the supreme court. If not they can try Merrick Garland. The federal government has three parts; Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The system of checks and balances is used to keep the government from getting too powerful in one branch. How would they maintain independence? They don't. If branches of government aren't free from political influence, and moneyed interests, they could all fail. Check and balance each other when they are all cronies? Which bunch of cronies do you prefer? The left or the right? |
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" I agree with you, but consider that he is reliably conservative rather than ultra. He is not even conservative compared to some of the other judges out there. The dems could stop Kavanaugh only to get someone worse from their perspective is my point. That is generally what they do. Jump from the frying pan to the fire. That seems to be their main talent. Censored.
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" They will sabotage anyone from Federalist society which are judges who follow constitution and not legislate from bench like judges Democrats like. This battle goes back to before FDR but accelerated during FDRs term when the judges were slapping down all his unconsitutional bills. FDR threatened them, pass it or I'll appoint more judges than 9 (like 13 or 15) to the court for a majority who will rule in my favor. The sc judges capitulated and rest is history about 99% of what gov does today is unconstitutional. Judges from Federalist society will correct this error. No way dems can allow this will totally destroy the welfare/spoils state they rely on for votes. Per Federalist society opinion all congress can do is enumerated powers rest is up to the people or state. About 99% of what they do is not listed. Disaster relief, SS, disability, Affirmative action, Welfare in all forms, education, labor regs, and so on democrats rely on to "buy" votes So no anyone Trump appoints from there is gonna get heavy heat and be sabotaged or "Borked" Edit dems will never say real reason because they would look retarded - following Constitution too closely - but make up shit. Bork was racist. Thomas sexual harassment. Kavanaugh gang rape parties. That catholic chick too catholic and so on. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Oct 3, 2018, 8:41:02 AM
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"Not that many months ago we were going over "the short list" of potential nominees Trump was allegedly considering. Kavanaugh was the most conservative of that group of six or so. Hands down. If Trump has a "long list" of 20 or 25 judges (ex: the Federalist Society list), maybe one or two is more conservative than Kavanaugh. Maybe zero. That's pretty fucking ultra if you ask me. The whole reason I favored Kavanaugh during the short-list process was because he was an ultraconservative. I considered him best-case scenario, but I thought Trump might be more pragmatic. When I heard Trump was going with Kavanaugh I thought "the absolute madman is going to try to get him through," in a good way. I knew the Dems would fight him and fight him hard, although I didn't imagine the absurdity of "Kavanaugh is moderate" propaganda ever working, or the Dems dodging that talking point completely and going pure SJW against him. Your entire argument is invalid. Kavanaugh IS the Big Ask. Any replacement will be more moderate than Brett, not less. I mean for fucks sake John Oliver is more right about this situation than you are. At least he points to how obviously biased Kavanaugh is against "libtard cucks" — a major error letting that slip in the hearings, BTW. Now that Kavanaugh has blown up his own propaganda win, Oliver and his ilk are going to start pointing to it, rightly and opportunistically so. Soon they'll probably pivot to how ultra he truly is and save the "rapist" stuff as punctuation between sentences. I think the Dem's big problem was, before the hearings, they couldn't point out how Kavanaugh's judicial conservative was "bad" without looking worse themselves. As Aim pointed out, when judges do the right thing Democrats lose, and those right things sound right to normal people. After the hearings, they can use Kavanaugh's words against him to finally use Kavanaugh's conservativism against him. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 3, 2018, 11:17:43 PM
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Yup Kav is toast I think. Way to emotional and bias in hearings. I was just watching how Thomas handled the lynching on Fox, totally under control so they let him psss. I think it will be very hard to get all the RINOs on board this time.
RINOs dont understand we are in a non shooting civil war in this country yet. Do we go full top down statist like EU making every decision for 350 million people from Washington DC and 100% dems want or have individual liberty, limited fed powers, and states rights as the laboratories for Democracy that the Constitution calls for? We can't get conservative shit even passed with both houses and Trump (like not forced to buy HC). No way will Kav get through. RINOs need to wake up. Appears Graham did but that's not enough. If they don't wake up and pick our side in this ideological war they will turn our once great county into EU 2.0 because once dems get power next time it's gloves are off. I read op eds about stacking court. Full blown socialism like national HC. Speech Codes. etc. We may never get in power again because anything we say is hateful similar to EU where conservative voices are muffled out. Limiting immigration hateful/xenophobic. Limiting welfare hateful to mothers. Cutting education hateful to children. etc. Getting Kav in there is a must for republicans and our republics survival IMO. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Oct 4, 2018, 10:42:47 AM
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