" That's natural selection. Natural selection does not 'select' winners. It selects losers. Anyone whose genes do not pass to the next generation is a loser and is out of the game. Anyone who passes their genes on is in the game. If idiots manage to find themselves partners and produce idiotic children, then they're clearly not idiotic enough for the world to eliminate them from the gene pool. They have achieved the only success natural selection cares about - that of passing their genetics forward. Humanity valuing things other than continuance of the bloodline is irrelevant to the process of natural selection and evolution. We are absolutely still undergoing that process, though understanding that requires the understanding that evolution is not a process of refinement - there's no 'improvement', or any Final End Goal, for evolution - but instead a process of gradual acclimation and adaptation to the environment a species finds itself in. As our environment changes with a rapidity the conventional models of evolution cannot possibly cope with, trying to figure out what the selection process is favoring or disfavoring in modern human society can be an interesting thought experiment. That said? Technology is a factor of our environment, and I would be very much shocked to learn that variations in the Code which produce individuals better able to cope with technology are not favored over, say, Amish folks or Templar_G's or such. Cultural factors are likely a driver as well, especially with declining birthrates in just about any major country these days. Raising children is more difficult and expensive than ever, there's less help than ever for doing it, so otherwise talented and 'successful' bloodlines end up dying off simply because the value proposition for kids is skewed massively these days. But yeah. Tangent aside, no. We're not even slightly immune to natural selection. We're not subject to the same environmental influences as many other species, no, but our environment still shapes us and selects genetic Losers to purge from the pool. | |
" You should read up on what natural selection and survival of the fittest actually mean. The terms absolutely do apply to humans. Also, it's probably not worth arguing with someone who doesn't believe in evolution. He's either a troll or will not understand anything you have to say. |
" You definitions of "intelligent" and "strongest" are subjective. Objectively, the strongest and smartest are those who thrive and survive. So according to nature: the self proclaimed superior geniuses, who are wiping themselves out with birth control/sterilization/abortion Are actually the stupid & weak ones. | |
Trump is going to get to replace the supreme court swing vote this summer/fall.
I am hoping for Ted Cruz, or someone like him. The 2 oldest judges left are liberals; the elections in the next 4 years will shape the USA for decades to come. If Trump wins reelection there will be 6 or 7 conservative supreme court judges. This is the main reason for Trump Derangement Syndrome btw Last edited by Khoranth on Jun 27, 2018, 4:12:33 PM
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This was supposed to be a reply to another post ignore me.
Last edited by j33bus on Jun 27, 2018, 4:17:22 PM
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Salt overflow on Reddit. Feels good man.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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Everyone, avoid social media. People are willfully ignorant enough to actually think that Trumps Temporary Travel ban is a "Muslim ban"
(Only 1 of the top 15 countries with the highest muslim populations are on the list) Also, North Korea and Venezuela are 2 of the 7 countries on the list. anything is everything Last edited by Manocean on Jun 27, 2018, 4:55:56 PM
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TRUMP IS ABOUT TO GET ANOTHER CONSERVATIVE JUDGE ON THE BENCH FOR A SOLID 5 OF 9 CONSERVATIVES... America is slowly but surely being made great again !!!! :) † | |
The God Emperor is on a roll with an unstoppable series of victories. One after the other, after the other, etc. He just can't stop winning.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Jun 27, 2018, 9:29:32 PM
I'm actually feeling how Trump described we would feel in this video. Even though at the time it was obviously just hilarious pandering it's actually getting unbearable winning so much. I don't think I'm gonna check the news every day anymore, just a weekly recap somewhere.
One of the best parts of this is the Democrats entire platform is incitement of violence, salt, fake news, russian collusion conspiracy and "impeach fascist dictator drumpf". anything is everything Last edited by Manocean on Jun 27, 2018, 11:01:35 PM