" 1) So all the talk about CHik filet not serving/hiring homosexuals was false? I thought so, but figured I may have missed something. 2) I agree, where should be no tax breaks for marriage. That was just an excuse for the gov't to raise taxes on single people. We need a new low, flat tax for everyone, and abolish the IRS and April 15 and all that insanity. I'd say 3% to federal and 2% to state/local flat tax per paycheck for everyone, then NO MORE IRS. And I want the choice to opt out of social security/medicare and just save and have my own retirement fund. Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Apr 25, 2018, 7:11:35 AM
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2 bonuspoints for the one who can answer me this:
How high is the IQ of a spermwhale ?
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" Unscientific claim. It would be possible to estimate the IQ of a future child two people get with that number. Not to mention super geniuses show up all over the world, not in any concentrated area. I would never want to get an edge for a job application based on an IQ test; that test will not be indicative in the least of whether I'm suitable or qualified for the job or company itself. " Yes. It evidences how much environmental factors affect IQ values. " IQ doesn't include social abilities, work ethics, knowledge, adaptability... I could go on and on. IQ is a very limited concept, not to mention the meaning of "intelligence" is changeable as well. IQ tests only measure a small part of a person's intelligence; those who score poorly in IQ tests aren't destined to be less successful than those who score high and vice versa. Super low IQ makes a difference, yes. The people who drop into that category are roughly as numerous as those who go into genius territory. |
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" Your entire premise is absurd. You think Europe is civilized and Africa is not? In most of Europe(and USA) they think it's a good to slaughter their children, sterilize themselves, kill people with disabilities ect. These countries are slowly committing suicide, and will die out, mostly, in a few hundred years. I think western countries are savage, barbaric and have stupid ideas about what makes a good "civilized" society. At least African countries are smart enough not to slowly wipe out their populations. |
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"That's pretty close to what's going on. They've done studies of identical twins who get separated at birth, and the results tend towards three situations: either they both have a lowish IQ, they both have a highish IQ, or the one from a bad environment has a lowish IQ while the one in a better environment has a highish IQ. The data fits the hypothesis that genetics determine your maximum potential and only failure to develop that potential can prevent it from happening; it's like with height, where genetics determine how tall you can be but malnourishment could make one artificially shorter. Apparently there's not full consensus on how heritable IQ is - studies suggest between 58% and 86%, while I was previously familiar with the 80% study (oft cited by Stefan Molyneux). However, most notably "studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores; however, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects." This shouldn't be surprising. If we're basically organic computers, it stands to reason that we can improve upon our software but that our hardware is something we're born with that is mostly immutable thereafter. Why do you have no problem recognizing that some artificial computers have different processing capability based on physical characteristics, but natural computers do not? "Citation needed. Keep in mind that because IQ is largely but not completely genetic we would expect some random geniuses; also, I think most areas have at least some high-IQ population even if average IQ for those regions is relatively low. But how about an actual genius density map showing the hotspots? You could even do it per capita. " ![]() I mean, technically they're both civilized, but Africa has more area (by percentage of total area) that isn't despite being inhabited by humans. I'm not saying Europe or America is perfect here; as a former resident of Detroit, I'm fully aware such things also happen here. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Apr 25, 2018, 1:05:31 PM
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" The suicidal disease you are describing is called affluenza, I believe, and is only a recent thing (50 years or so). The West needs a good shake up in form of an economic collapse or major war, and everything will turn back to its natural normality. Bye bye feminism, degeneracy, nihilism... welcome patriarchy, religion and families. I believe that western debt-driven economies & ponzi scheme social systems will go to the shitter way before the last European disappears. I agree that some less accomplished and more primitive cultures are evolutionary superior to the current situation in the West, but Western and east Asian countries are still far more civilized than anyone else. When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Apr 25, 2018, 1:02:40 PM
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"To continue my organic computer argument from my last post, how is this controversial? morbo is basically saying certain social systems, like software, have system (hardware) requirements to run properly. Ever try running software on a device well under the system recommendations? Sometimes it still kinda works, albeit much more slowly; sometimes it crashes. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Apr 25, 2018, 1:13:11 PM
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" Well, I guess it is good to be optimistic, but if nothing changes, people of European descent are going to wipe themselves out soon enough, with their progressive liberal eugenics and sterilization. I mean, I'm still optimistic for the world, but for a different reason. Catholicism, and overall Christianity, are exploding in Africa and Asia, and is doing well in Latin America. So I think the world will be just fine if all the western countries continue to suicide themselves. |
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" That's a good analogy. Europeans were forced to evolve in a certain way, because of the harsher environment we lived in. This gave us specific biological advantages that resulted in technological superiority, vs say, Africans. The question is: do we really need to project our own systems (highly urbanized, capitalism, liberal democracy...) to everyone else? Are Africans better off in a never-ending catch-up game, where we take upon ourselves to bring the "savages" to enlightenment and run over their culture with our religion, political ideologies, etc.. Or, would it be better to leave them to evolve on their own? (I guess the counter argument would be: if we don't mess with it, someone else will) I'm an anti-globalist, so I'm for the lest amount of interference as possible (highly unlikely, due to "realpolitics"). That goes for both, exploiting natural resources and giving them help in form of medicine, tech... Because the current African population explosion (and future overpopulation / pollution / resource crisis) is in no small part due to western help. " If the most important thing to you is Christianity, then you need not worry. But for me Christianity, though a big and important part, is only an element of European culture(s). At least as important elements are nationality, historical heritage, languages, traditions... and finally kin (you could call it "blood" or race). You can spread Christianity around, but it wont automatically make an "european" society out of the targeted people, because the other elements are missing. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" Ho we seen very well when they took by force the land from white farmers in zimbabwe what would happen in the EU once the natives are all gone. high IQ was never necessary in society controlled by hunting and physical labors. This is why in africa IQ is lower than in europe. It is natural adaptation to environment. There is no shame to that as Africans in the other side got stronger physical attributes. I am black and not ashamed to say this because it is the truth. Europeans and asians have higher IQ in their genetics because the laws of success by reproduction favorized the smart asses able to build ships and irrigation systems. Africans needed the physical aspect because the laws of success by repoduction was for them to run-hunt-kill and avoid getting snapped by crocs and lions. It is natural selection. I am not saying it can t be inversed but for sure the natural selection favorized higher IQ type in europeans and asians more than in africans. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 25, 2018, 2:38:48 PM
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