[3.8] For Scion - Bloody Explosive Cyclone With Disfavour + Haemophilia (Not a Vaal Pact Build)

After achieving 40/40 challenges and 126/126 atlas completion in SSF Harbinger league, I decided to test out a pure physical Cyclone setup as Scion using Disfavour + Haemophilia for bleed explosion and without relying on Vaal Pact.

The map clearing speed is amazing. The higher the density, the faster it gets cleared.

I was also able to do Hydra Guardian deathless with sub-optimal 5L setup on Belly chest (the correct gem setup of Cyclone should be in Disfavour but I have yet to 6L it).

As such, even though my gears are not complete, I feel that the build is ready.

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Shaper (3 Careless Mistake Deaths)

T16 Hydra Guardian (Deathless)

T16 Phoenix Guardian (2 deaths)

T16 Minotaur Guardian (2 deaths)

T16 Chimera Guardian (2 deaths)

Required Gears

For it's 25% bleed chance, +2 level to support gems and +2 range.

If you do not have the currency for Disfavour, there are several axes that you can start off with the build:
- Kaom's Primacy
- Hezmana's Bloodlust
- Uul-Netol's Embrace (very slow attack speed)
- Kingmaker
- Kitava's Feast


For it's 25% bleed chance and 5% max life as physical explosion.

Shaper Kill Gears
The following are the gears I used to kill Shaper using this build. Dream Fragments ring is really good against Shaper because you are immune to his chill and you can just cyclone in his vortexes.

Recommended Gears

Immune to bleed and +1 Endurance charge makes it really good for the build. And because of it as a Str + Int based item, it makes coloring it with BBB G really easy.


Provides attack speed, movement speed, dexterity and chaos resistance.


Huge life pool and very easy to obtain RRRR G B


Huge life pool.


Daresso's Salute provide +2 range (which is very good for Cyclone), good resistance, more movement and damage when on full life.

Carnage Heart gives you stats, resist, extra damage and extra life leech.


Up to 50% increased Cyclone damage, 25% increased attack speed, 10% increased movement speed. Main drawback is the lack of defense stats.

P.S.: You can use 4L + 2L with Bronn and don't have to go for 5L or 6L.
P.S.S.: You don't have to follow exact gem setup for Chest if you are using Bronn. You just need to have Ancestral Protector + Culling Strike linked in your Bronn. The rest of the open sockets are up to your own mix and match.

Recommended Rares

Belt - Rustic or Vanguard Belt Preferred
- At least 75 life
- At least 30% Fire / Cold / Lightning Resist
- At least 300 armor (optional but highly recommended)

Rings - Steel Rings Preferred
- At least 40 life (60+ preferred)
- Flat physical damage roll (optional but recommended)
- At least 30% Fire / Cold / Lightning Resist (or any number that can get resistance capped)
- Int (if you need to reach the int requirement on gems)

Boots - Titan Greaves Preferred
- At least 75 life (can roll over 100 life in patch 3.0)
- At least 30% Fire / Cold / Lightning Resist (or any number that can get resistance capped)
- At least 15% movement

Gems Setup

Gems Setup for Disfavour (5/6L)

6th Gem

Gems Setup for Chest (4/5/6L)

5th Gem

6th Gem

4L Boots

4L Helm

Get Blood Rage to level 14 so that the dex requirement is kept within 130.

4L Gloves

You will self-cast Steelskin.

Flasks Setup

If you are not using Death's Door boots, you will need:

Lion's Roar gives huge damage boost and you can use it for Uber Lab and bosses that are immuned to knock back.

Stats to look out for:

- Max life %
- Physical damage %
- Increased attack speed %
- Increased melee damage %
- Increased damage %
- Increased bleeding damage %
- % chance to bleed
- Resistance (if you are missing)
- Intelligence (if you are missing)

Pros & Cons

- High leech from physical damage makes it possible to drop Vaal Pact
- Because you don't run Vaal Pact, traps in Uber Lab becomes no concern (especially if you wear Death's Door boots)
- The only unique flask that you will really need is Lion's Roar

- Physical reflect can 1 shot you if you are not using Sibyl's lament + Soul of Yugul
- Can't do no leech map
- Need int and dex on rings / amulet

Leveling Skill Trees

Note: Check FAQ for comparison.

Slayer is preferred but you will need to link Fortify gem with Leap Slam and use Leap Slam to gain fortify effect.

@djnat convinced me that Slayer is better option with mention of Soul of Arakaali.

Skill Tree - Level 25

Skill Tree - Level 50

Skill Tree - Level 75
Upon completing Uber Lab, you will pick Path of Marauder so that you can connect the nodes leading to Marauder start point and disconnect the nodes from Scion start node.


Skill Tree - Level 95
Upon completing Uber Lab, you will pick Path of Duelist so that you can connect the nodes leading to Duelist start point and disconnect the nodes from Scion start node.


Instead of Berserker, you can also choose Raider as your second ascendancy.

Berserker + Slayer
Duelist Ascendancy (Slayer) -> Marauder Ascendancy (Berserker) -> Path of Duelist (3 Passives)

Raider + Slayer
Duelist Ascendancy (Slayer) -> Ranger Ascendancy (Raider) -> Path of Duelist (3 Passives)

Note: Check FAQ for comparison.

Pantheon System
The powers provided by the major and minor gods are situation based. You can switch them in your hideout before engaging boss of certain map.

For Uber Lab:
Soul of Solaris (Major God) - 20% chance to take 50% less area damage, 8% reduced Elemental Damage taken if you haven't been Hit Recently

Soul of Ryslatha (Minor God) - Life flask gain 3 charges every 3 seconds

For general mapping:
Soul of Solaris (Major God) - 20% chance to take 50% less area damage, 8% reduced Elemental Damage taken if you haven't been Hit Recently


Soul of Arakaali (Major God) - 50% increased Recovery of Life and Energy Shield if you've stopped taking Damage Over Time Recently. Perfect for Blood Rage + Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call setup. Especially good if you went for Slayer.

Soul of Yugul (Minor God) - 25% reduced reflected damage taken, 5% reduced cold damage taken if you have been hit recently

Lab Enchantments
- 15% increased Cyclone Attack Speed
- 40% increased Cyclone Damage
- Ancestral Protector Totem grants 18% increased Attack Speed while Active
- Blood Rage grants additional 12% increased Attack Speed

- 16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently
- 0.6% of Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently
- Regenerate 2% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently
- 80% chance to Avoid being Stunned if you've Killed Recently

Kill all for 2 passives.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Slayer vs Champion
Pick Slayer if you want overleech and be able to tank physical reflect without relying on Sibyl's Lament. You will however need to link Fortify gem to Leap Slam for extra damage reduction.

Pick Champion if you want permanent fortify. You will need Sibyl's Lament to handle physical reflect. Alternatively, let your Ancestral totem handle the physical reflect mob.

Q: Berserker vs Raider
Pick Berserker if you want more leech and more burst damage for faster general mapping from Blood Rage and Silver flask. Berserker has higher attack and movement speed for general mapping when you take a savage hit.

Pick Raider if you want more consistent damage with frenzy charges and onslaught vs rare and unique monsters.

Change Logs

EDIT 1: Added Raider + Champion (or Slayer) variant into the build. Special thanks to @djnat for his contribution!
EDIT 2: @djnat convinced me to pick Slayer over Champion with mentioning Soul of Arakaali.
EDIT 3: Updated skill tree to patch 3.1
EDIT 4: Updated skill tree to patch 3.4
EDIT 5: Updated skill tree to patch 3.7
EDIT 6: Updated skill tree to patch 3.8
Last edited by kira1414 on Mar 11, 2020, 2:06:32 AM
Last bumped on Jun 7, 2019, 8:39:50 AM
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I like the build idea. There are only two things which I'd probably change if I had to play this one myself.

1. Ascendancy choice: I'd go for Slayer + Raider. This would allow me to have always full frenzy charges (even at bosses) and 10% movement speed plus Onslaught from the Raider, so the clearspeed would be even faster, and reflect protection + map stunning + the overleech mechanics from the Slayer. I would then go for path of the duelist and take the damage nodes to go for Master of the Arena instead of the Marauder starting ones. The fortify loss from the Champion would be compensated by linking it to Leap slam.

2. Crimson dance. Cyclone's bleeds are honestly very low in terms of damage even when using a beast like Disfavour. I would save those two points to get an extra frenzy charge instead.

Last edited by djnat on Nov 7, 2017, 11:53:18 AM
djnat wrote:
I like the build idea. There are only two things which I'd probably change if I had to play this one myself.

1. Ascendancy choice: I'd go for Slayer + Raider. This would allow me to have always full frenzy charges (even at bosses) and 10% movement speed plus Onslaught from the Raider, so the clearspeed would be even faster, and reflect protection + map stunning + the overleech mechanics from the Slayer. I would then go for path of the duelist and take the damage nodes to go for Master of the Arena instead of the Marauder starting ones. The fortify loss from the Champion would be compensated by linking it to Leap slam.

2. Crimson dance. Cyclone's bleeds are honestly very low in terms of damage even when using a beast like Disfavour. I would save those two points to get an extra frenzy charge instead.


Agreed on the Raider part for the permanent frenzy on boss fights.

On Slayer vs Champion, the main advantage will be what you stated, reflect immunity and over leech. The main disadvantage will be keeping track of fortify using Leap Slam. Tough call there but I guess I will leave that to players adapting the build.

I will update the skill tree accordingly based on your input later when I wake up. Feeling really sleepy now.

Thanks again. :)

EDIT: Based on POB, for general mapping, Champion + Berserker (or Slayer + Berserker) have better clear speed. On bosses like Shaper (without Minions), Raider + Slayer (or Raider + Champion) has the edge.
Last edited by kira1414 on Nov 7, 2017, 12:39:11 PM
When your damage is enough to delete map monsters, your clearspeed is a function of your movement speed. The onslaught on full charges provides 20% movement speed and the raider provides an additional 10%. 30% extra speed is huge while mapping. I have a cyclone slayer (full physical) who is level 98.5 and every single bit of movement speed you can get is amazing for map clearing. That's why I actually use Bronn's Lithe and Daresso's Salute.
djnat wrote:
When your damage is enough to delete map monsters, your clearspeed is a function of your movement speed. The onslaught on full charges provides 20% movement speed and the raider provides an additional 10%. 30% extra speed is huge while mapping. I have a cyclone slayer (full physical) who is level 98.5 and every single bit of movement speed you can get is amazing for map clearing. That's why I actually use Bronn's Lithe and Daresso's Salute.

Bronn and Daresso is definitely great with this build. Main drawback for Bronn will be getting off colors on it is a big pain and the lose in toughness.

But in this case, since Cyclone will give more damage in Disfavour (instead of Bronn), it will not be of much concern. Bronn can be used for utility gem setup.

Btw, I have include your input into the guide. :)
Another thing you can consider is the fact that if you go for the Slayer ascendancy you gain the overleech mechanics which are huge for this character. They allow to make full use of Arakaali's Pantheon which brings the max life leeched per second from 33% to 49.5% when it procs (and since you use Blood Rage + a CWDT IC setup, it will proc very easily).

djnat wrote:
Another thing you can consider is the fact that if you go for the Slayer ascendancy you gain the overleech mechanics which are huge for this character. They allow to make full use of Arakaali's Pantheon which brings the max life leeched per second from 33% to 49.5% when it procs (and since you use Blood Rage + a CWDT IC setup, it will proc very easily).


I forgot about Arakaali. With that, you have convinced me that Slayer is better as the main Duelist choice.

Guide is updated. :)
Shaper down with 2 careless mistake deaths + 1 glitched death (got 1 shot right after I enter his room).

The following are the gears I used to kill Shaper using this build. Dream Fragments ring is really good against Shaper because you are immune to his chill and you can just cyclone in his vortexes.

thinking of running this build for abyss HC as league start... torn between SLA/RAI and just pure slayer..

I feel SLA/RAI is better over all because we get over leech, and frenzy charges for boss.. but lose AOE from slayer, am i missing anything ?

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