Harbinger Content Integration

Placido_Penitente wrote:
So wait what happens to the harbinger equipment i have on my character/stash? They get deleted? If so that kinda sucks. My build is pretty reliant on the tempest's binding/Rippling thoughts combo I made. :(

Nothing gets deleted. At the end of the league it will all transfer to Standard, and still be usable.

Shaboom wrote:
So is Beachhead going away?

There won't be a way to access it after Harbinger league. If you have the map you can still run them in standard. If you have Harbinger's Orbs you can use them in Standard to try get Beachheads. And when the Harbinger League is available (say, from future Zana options), then you would be able to get Harbinger's Orbs.

Kinda bummed about the bigger currency items no longer having shards. It was nice getting exalted shards from something other than Vault maps...
Horizon orbs helped SSF fill atlas and made mapping fun, so we removed them.

Harbinger orbs allowd players to get to endgame faster and have more fun, so we removed them.

Players liked the new harbinger uniques and found new endgame builds with them and had fun with them, so we removed them.

Players who were unable to farm up currency to get GG items like kaoms or headhunter enjoyed ancients, so we removed them.

Players were too stupid to figure out that engineers orbs were OP, so we removed them.

Players were too stupid to use Bindings as alchs and for leveling, so we are removing them.

Streamers have figured out how to make even more GG items using annulments as eternals so they can continue to run mirror servies to hoard massive quantities of currencies for their RMT sales so they never have to work a day in their life, so becuase of streamer pressure we are keeping them in, and making sure to point out very publicly how they are in fact just eternals, but only for streamers, who RMT, and we know it, but do nothign about it, becuase they pay us lots of money to make 'custom uniques', and not bribe us to continue their illegal practices.
Goodbye Beachhead to 100 rotas. Thank you vaal.
So with harbinger league Zana mods not being added right away, the Harbinger Unique items will be worth a lot... Well, glad I got my shield while I did. :)

EDIT: Also, I noticed they didn't even mention how insanely OP this shield is, considering the harbinger from this one makes any channeling skill based build insanely tanky every 8 seconds for 4 seconds... ._.
Please reply to your whispers for items... Even if you are mapping, in a rotation, in uber lab, or if its sold. Thank you. :D
Last edited by mattislouie#4796 on Nov 1, 2017, 11:09:25 PM

good read; cool choices; poe chubby engage
trolled Fox News in an interview... wound up famous. thx for the virility humans!
"...I'm one of the heroes." lol
So glad Harbinger is coming to an end, what a terrible un for filling league.

Always having to pick up a million little pieces sucks, and wastes game play time.
To Die Is Not An Option, To Fight Until DIESync Is The Only Answer. ☺☻☺

Happy Hunting Exiles.
GrumpyBear5043 wrote:
un for filling
AManWithACloak wrote:
Honestly, the Orb of Binding was an amazing addition. Being able to get a rare, four link item for a new character out of the gate made it a lot easier to run through the early game for those that are on their 10th+ character, and a good way to keep level-relevant, 4 linked rares flowing to a newer player, even if they weren't all that great overall, rather than eating into Jewellers and Fusing orbs.

Edit: And to be frank, filling the Atlas is god damn aggravating without those orbs. Getting the same or lower tier maps is basically losing time invested if that's your goal. Having to run maybe 20+ of the same map to jump a tier is not fun. Especially if you run out of maps of a tier you've unlocked and need to farm just to get back to where you were. Biting the bullet on an orb to get another shot at jumping a tier is an excellent trade off.

So much this. I can't believe GGG thinks we didn't like the Orb of Binding when all my friends adored it. Maybe vets don't like it and are the only ones to post, but new/intermediate players like us like it a whole bunch, especially people who roll a ton of new characters because we love trying new builds.

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