Show of hands - your input requested
^ COMMUNITY. But scanning through any recent thread no matter how many times someone points out the easy to fix crap nothing happens. PvP needs a bigger voice. I legitimately could not believe they took the time to add extra values to ray (which is purge-able 10 times for a single flask slot) while ignoring blight knowing damn well the patch was forcing a major life meta shift. Gotta gotta gotta get more people than are here to harass ggg a bit.
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" I think an organized email campaign of all us saying the same thing to GGG might be a start. My whole friends list is pvp. So lets pool our friend lists and break their inbox for a few days. Your right the forums are not the answer. God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth Last edited by ripnburn69#0202 on Oct 28, 2017, 1:10:16 PM
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" Ya i like it, I'll add my voice just pm me when to give it a go, I'll ask whoever is online to do the same |
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You have no idea how often I PM a dev about T-value and stuff like that. I even PM Chris few time but he only say " no time, maybe once patch is out blabla"
I know for fact few poeple here also harassed the Devs about pvp, Afhak was big time talking to chris about it and nothing came from it. Big famous streamer ProjectPT did pvp nights and wanted to talk about pvp to GGG but nothing came. Imo, even asking for newvalue on all skills is like asking for miracle. The last time a skill got changed was when Afhak created a pve build and rekt everything with Vortex while also posting broken pvp videos about it. Tho, I am for an organized PM campaign too why not. BTw, I am surprised not a lot of pvp people complained in normal feedback that 60+ leo don t have town zone anymore. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Oct 28, 2017, 1:26:56 PM
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Agreed it's ridiculous they couldn't have at least stuck him in oriath at the end somewhere. I've seen people say "lets make a list we agree on" and then all hell breaks loose, but a show of hands thread might be the best place to try again. Some basic things for both hld and lld. Give leo a home, blight needs addressed, aoe overlap skills need addressed, zerphi on attack builds needs addressed (I'm a bit biased here I really don't wanna see it get the same wording change as scolds for the sake of using it for sustain on a caster, but 8+ aps on 8-10k life starts to pull up on immortality so idk how the rest of you feel). Idk enough about lld but those are a few things off the top of my head to start
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" Just HLD in general. Just think about this scenario. We have a huge game with thousands of players with lots of min-maxed characters. We get this brilliant idea about allowing all the players fight each other. How should we move forward? Well I'll tell you if the result of this equation is "fuck all the min-maxed characters, lets limit the playing field to lvl 28!", the guys who came up with the idea, didn't exactly think things through properly. Now we all know diablo 2 affected the group who came up with the idea a lot, but objectively this doesn't make the decision any more sound. It was dumb. |
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LLD the same broken skills, as hld. And even with Crimson Dance fixed, bleed is very strong. I took the same tree I always take, and found myself accidentally playing a broken bleed build.
God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth
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" Did you completely miss what I typed intentionally or unintentionally? |
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I wanna add one last thing since i decided to show up today. For me, it'll always be enjoyable. I'm older, I've even got a pair of tiny humans i get to boss around. The casual aspect is appreciated. We get a few ctf matches going and I'll try really hard in a game or 2, let the adrenaline go for a bit, then win or lose its fine. We'll play a few more and who cares if im way outta position, meh teams are half balanced on this que, maybe i thought they were and the whole match just ended in 2 minutes because we were totally out of position for the first play and they had a dedicated runner. It's fine, "LoL" bullshit a bit and play some more. Chat with the dudes in 9000 while the league is brand new and no ones ready. For me it's a good time and I learned more about the game getting into pvp than anywhere else. This is coming from someone that's played games like this since I was 6 years old on warcraft 1, diablo 1. Zonfire editor for open d2 is where i learned there's more to the game than getting the socially accepted best items. Making phys immune dopplezons was kinda cool, guess that would have been around 7th grade for me.. So idk it was only recently i really got back into it but I've been around, I'll keep playing and pushing for decent balance. I hope we can get more people interested and get the direly needed balance changes but even if they don't happen I'll probably keep playing it into oblivion. I feel safe saying that since ggg seems to pay no attention here
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I know this guy who called GGG and Greenturd's mistakes over the course of this games development. How fucked up PvP would become in almost the exact way it ended up based on early observations and predictions of where it'd go. Here we are lazy and casual friendly, PvP fucked beyond repair.
That same guy says......fuck you all These guys never PvP'd and if they did they were just the scrubby fuck sitting at the entrance to Blood Moor that would run out and back in right away infinitely. While I shat on the other 6 kids at once. Here's your balance team... ![]() ![]() IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Oct 28, 2017, 8:28:47 PM
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