[3.2] Elemental Crit Cyclone Raider - Fast, fun, deadly! - Ready for Bestiary league
" Alright thanks a lot for the advices, will try it out and most porbably will be my starter build in the upcoming expansion. Really enjoying this build. thanks for the guide! IGN: POEnoob
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Chimera test run with no instant leech, 3.1 viability confirmed
Did some testing on my character without acuity or VP. This is just the first of more tests I will try but using blasphemy enfeeble you basically just don't take any damage in maps so VP isn't needed. I ran a few maps with no life flask and it was fine, but for Chimera I had one just in case. I've also been looking at the new passive tree to try to figure out better pathing now that you don't need to path to where VP used to be but so far I haven't been able to improve the layout, meaning it is exactly the same with Vitality Void replacing the point in VP. Taking the new VP will cost 3 points with the current pathing, so that's what I'm trying to fix but at this point I'm not even convinced that it is worth taking at all. |
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Will belt of the deceiver still work in 3.1 with how it gives 10% damage to attack skills? does that still apply to elemental cyclone?
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" Yes, that change has no effect on cyclone. Cyclone is an attack skill, so all of its damage, whether elemental or physical, is attack damage. This change will affect the secondary effects of Heralds though, meaning shatter damage from HoI and lightning bolts from HoT. That is not significant. Last edited by Euploid#7589 on Dec 7, 2017, 7:28:35 PM
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" Fantastic, I was going to go with hyaoms cyclone until i can afford a 6L and decent foil and ofc lycoside. Being that lycoside will probably triple in price in abyss. Hyaoms is still viable for t10 speeds. Thanks for the build looks great |
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Slayer seems better (45% inc aoe, 20% cull, perma onslaught, Endless Hunger etc.)
Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/nW1f8gHB |
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" Won't this cause us to lose significant portion of our dmg? Besides, HoI itself is a great defense layer. Also Wrath has great synergy with a vinktar flask. Last edited by Satko147#3432 on Dec 8, 2017, 7:28:32 AM
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" That build looks pretty good but I just don't agree that it is "better" than this raider build at all, since it's just a different approach. You're scaling phys damage instead of elemental and not using frenzy charges. You have almost 100% less movement speed with slayer and you have no ailment immunity if you choose Impact over Brutal Fervour. That build might do better at killing bosses but the raider build will always have faster clearspeed. I tried a phys gladiator version of 1h crit cyclone at the end of harbinger and it just didn't feel good to play compared to my raider. I kept getting fucked by chill and shock and it just felt weaker overall, and was of course a lot slower. In my experience it's also much harder to get good phys foils with crit than it is to get decent ele foils with crit. Phys builds will always depend heavily on the weapon while ele builds can just scale off auras, gems and jewellery. That's just me defending my build though, yours actually looks great. I'm gonna start Abyss with a sunder gladiator, might respec it to slayer using something like your PoB later on to give it a try :) " What I meant is that HoI+HoT+Enfeeble will probably be the recommended default setup rather than wrath+HoI. Dropping Wrath in favor of HoT is around an 8-10% DPS loss, which is definitely significant but for my own character it has been more than enough for mapping. You can still swap in Wrath for bossing since Enfeeble won't do anything there anyway. Also, Vinktar doesn't really have any synergy with Wrath anymore for this build, due to leech cap. Vinktar+VP was ridiculously strong because VP had no leech cap. According to PoB, my character with legacy Acuity goes from 2k life leeched per hit to 12k just by activating Vinktar. That interaction isn't an option anymore outside of Standard league. With normal leech rules you will hit leech cap very quickly while in combat. Most likely my recommended flask setup for 3.1 will not even include Vinktar but instead be: Diamond of staunching - Atziri's Promise - Stibnite of Warding - Instant life flask - Quicksilver of adrenaline, and then you can swap in a Silver or Vinktar over the Stibnite if you want for non-curse maps. |
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Can i start with this build in 3.1 ?
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