[3.2] Frost Blades, VARUNASTRA STILL AMAZING, 6.9k hp, 3mln dps

Varunyasha :3

3mln+ dps
1.2mln+ dps vs Shaper (without the Abyssus, shock etc.)
~7k hp
hight clear speed
Budget ~15 ex

Unique items core

HP > attack speed > multicrit
http://poe.trade/search/sirimamiyamein (abyss)

For lvling variants:

Main skill
Priority for link                     4L         5L          6L

Priority for leveling 1-38lvl

    1lvl      1lvl       18lvl      18lvl      18lvl      31lvl

After taking 38lvl kick off "faster attacks support" and use "multistrike support". Or "Cold Penetration support" if you have a low attack speed.

Support skills
Damage buff, I recommend put them in gloves or in a helmet

Setup for gain Power Charge on the area with bosses

"Frost Bomb" grant -20% cold res while active, link it with "CWDT"!

Movement skill


"Blood Rage" for gain Frenzy charges. I recommend put it into the weapon. Cause you can swop your weapons(button "X") and "Blood Rage" will be disable. "Vaal Haste" also for buff your attack speed. And... "Shock Nova" for destruction barrels and boxes :D cause "Frost Blades" and "Whirling Blades" are unable to do so

Shaper run:

easy power charges:

Path of Builder

Scion MapCleaner: https://pastebin.com/uFmLjLd0
Scion Bosskiller: https://pastebin.com/zB7qxvj9 (easy gain power and frenzy charge)
Berserk MapCleaner: https://pastebin.com/Ts2ghke0 (4.5mln dps, 5.5k hp)
bandit: alira (res and multicrit)

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Last edited by TauOrigin on Apr 14, 2018, 5:44:51 AM
Last bumped on Apr 30, 2018, 5:20:59 AM
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Have you cleared everything with this build good sir?
Great graphic to sum everything up, i almost spit my drink out when i clicked on the thread.
Lildenjin wrote:
Have you cleared everything with this build good sir?

Yep, but for uber Atziri you will need more chaos resistance.
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Is this build good for mapping or only bosses? Video not working here.
drigomf wrote:
Video not working here.

What do you mean? you can not click on a hyperlink?
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If it has 1.2M Shaper DPS, how come Mino kill took so damn long..?
Jezie wrote:
If it has 1.2M Shaper DPS, how come Mino kill took so damn long..?

Mino Health 12kk+
my dps 1.2k
So, use calculator!
Also, as you can see - I didn't use the flasks on time ;) and my totem as the orb of curse.. they were not active. I just record dis video for demonstration - mino kill is possible.
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Hi, I try your build atm. I`m in Leveling progress at lvl69. I wonder that i get instakilled from various mobs. I dont know if its phys or ele refect or just a hard hit. Maybe you could bring some light into your defense setup.

Last edited by Nilat on Oct 14, 2017, 10:44:04 AM
Nilat wrote:
Hi, I try your build atm. I`m in Leveling progress at lvl69. I wonder that i get instakilled from various mobs. I dont know if its phys or ele refect or just a hard hit. Maybe you could bring some light into your defense setup.

Yes, elemental reflect is biggest problem.
1. You will have to learn how to define such mobs

2. Redused reflect damage:
- "Soul of Yugul" (25% redused reflect dmg), the panteon passive;
- "Sibyl's Lament" (40% redused elemental reflect), just unique ring for 1 alch;
- "Fortify support" grant to you 30% red reflect;
- Elementalist ascendancy (50% redused elemental reflect);
- Taste of Hate will be save you(+6% max cold res);
- any unique shield with mod "+#% to all maximum Resistances".

If I accidentally run the map with elemental reflect, I just use "Sibyl's Lament","Fortify support" and "Soul of Yugul" everytime is active ..this is enough to survive.

Thank you for the question and the interest shown.
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Last edited by TauOrigin on Oct 19, 2017, 5:32:10 AM

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