[3.1] Quill Poison Raider | ALL map mods | Fast | "Tanky" | 3M DPS | Facetank | 100+ arrows/second

What Is the Ascendancy Points?
Made my first Abyss League character (my witch hardcore died). Playing normal Abyss. Following this guide. Level 34 at the moment. I used to hit hard at low level but now it takes forever to kill anything. Any advice?
mark for the next charactor
It be nice if this guide has a step by step leveling guide on the passive points so that I know I am not heading to the wrong path, is reaching to MoM a priority first?

I want to try this build all the way to end-game but I don't know if this guide here is beginner friendly for someone who don't know much on Path of Exiles.
Last edited by darkedone02 on Feb 8, 2018, 6:45:37 AM
darkedone02 wrote:
It be nice if this guide has a step by step leveling guide on the passive points so that I know I am not heading to the wrong path, is reaching to MoM a priority first?

I want to try this build all the way to end-game but I don't know if this guide here is beginner friendly for someone who don't know much on Path of Exiles.

- Either you level
a) until ~lvl 70 with a classical elemental build or
b) you switch to Quill+Thief+some poison chance at approx. mid game (earliest I'd suggest would be lvl 31).

- for a) feel free to alter the skill tree a bit. (like picking Primeval Force, Deadly Draw when you have phys to ele conversion etc.)

- for b) get chance to poison (tree, skill gem mainly) and pick those poison / shadow nodes! Note that Added Chaos gem is lvl31.

- Get typical early uniques like Goldrim, Tabula, Storm Cloud, Roths Reach etc.

- Things you focus early on with tree: Life increase (Constitution, Bravery, Herbalism etc.), Acrobatics, Fangs of the Viper / Nullification.
Leveling with poison? Get poison / chaos nodes. Leveling classical ele build? Get stuff like mentioned above.

- Got some juicy jewels? Grab jewel sockets.

- Grab MoM once you are lvl 70ish and got at approx 1/3 of your max life as max mana. (That requires you to pick some mana nodes first.)

- Ascendancy order: Poacher --> Avatar of the Veil --> Avatar of the Slaughter
(I just find it convenient to have ele ailments immunity a bit earlier rather than some more damage.)

PS: Interesting unique being worth to mention: Volkuurs Guidance. Might help with mid game leveling, haven't tried it though.
Sweet so I've been going into the right path all along, nice. MoM should be the last tree I've should gone!
For poor people with only 5 Links, what are the recommended gems for 5L setup?
byakuya44 wrote:
I change other little change for upgrade damage and stop depend frenzy for poison (for boss it's better)
I go Pathfinder (now 153% poison with flask active, 65% no active flask)
I change gloves (we generate no frenzy :
is useless) for this little, more DOT, bleeding ennemy explode (this is awesome in map + damage up vs bleeding ennemy) :

Upgrade stuff :

Pastebin for POB : https://pastebin.com/tbkLBDwx

Why run Unbound Ailments when you could run Vile Toxins. It gives more damage.
We're all just walkin' through this darkness on our own.
can anyone share a map video? for clear speed ?!
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
Am I missing something? Where do you guys get all the int needed for the blue gems? Looking at OP's POB, the int required is massive at 155.. so what gives?


now I see where I was wrong, *facepalm*
Last edited by Nicotine_Man_Returns on Feb 10, 2018, 8:28:07 AM

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