[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

amazing build,thank you.
Are any of the new battle of the 5 armies unique jewels worth using in this build?



if you decide to play the above version you drop brutal fevor and take impact. that gives you MASSIVE aoe. in return you can drop pulvarise gem (and keep the same AoE as before) for a dps gem like dmg on full life or play as is with the big AoE. i opted to drop the AoE for more dps so i don't have to worry about gem swapping on bosses and do good dmg on legion mobs.

lethal pride jewel is another good option. if you socket it below RT you gain a lot more dps than a regular jewel. the one i have adds somewhere around 10% more tooltip dps than my normal jewel. not really sure how divining affects them but with a better seed of jewel you can probably get a lot more out of it
Last edited by crazypearce on Jun 19, 2019, 1:28:24 AM
Tried to glance through the hundreds of pages here, but does anyone have an answer for going +2 socketed support gems over something like 10% to deal double damage?

PoB has support gems at around 65K more damage, while double damage is at around 90K (even the 8% roll is better). Just curious to see if I've missed something?
arospl wrote:
got new gloves today
i hate myself for that life
insanity atk speed
t1 phys dmg
t1 atk speed
t1 lightning res
perf life leech dmg first try
but that t5 life its scares me ^^

Nice gloves. I don't leap slam much so I had a different goal for my gloves, wanted +2 range, life, and damage. Just finished these tonight.

NSUCK wrote:

Nice gloves. I don't leap slam much so I had a different goal for my gloves, wanted +2 range, life, and damage. Just finished these tonight.

now you just gotta vaal them for that vulnerability on hit :D
Is this worth working on?
Deivid wrote:
Is this worth working on?

yes. saves you 1ex on the attack speed craft and has the killed recently affix as well
Last one bricked, no I have this one:

Culling strike is kinda useless, so im not sure
Deivid wrote:
Last one bricked, no I have this one:

Culling strike is kinda useless, so im not sure

doesnt matter. the culling is a hybrid phys% roll. the phys% is much better than the quality suffix craft. keep it for sure

Ok I've decided I'll modde the weapon a lot.

Because I think that it will help me

The question is now what are the best mods?

Phys %
Phys Flat
Attack Speed
+2 Support Gems

or do other things make more sense?

Thx for Help

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