[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

This is what I have so far.

I don't have any of the 1EX ias or +2 level socketed gems in my bench. So I plan on putting in the Str/qual hybrid and flat phys damage ones that are 4c each.

Is it possible to keep rerolling the flat phys dmg to max out the stats? Let's say I start off with flat phys dmg. If I keep rerolling it, will it only roll the flat phys dmg stat?

Let's say I'm satisfied with the flat phys dmg and move onto str/qual. If I keep rerolling str/qual, will it only affect the rerolled str/qual stat and not touch the flat phys dmg stat?

What lvl enlighten do we need? Im using dread banner, pride and blood/sand. Cant really afford a lvl 4 enlighten. I feel like i have way too much mana not reserved..
I've been hearing from multiple streamers that Crit is way better than RT this season. Is this true? Is there a way to make this build better using crit? I'm just curious, or are all of the streamers sleeping on RT? Someone please give me a little more insight on this if you can. Thanks :)
holdat wrote:
This is what I have so far.

I don't have any of the 1EX ias or +2 level socketed gems in my bench. So I plan on putting in the Str/qual hybrid and flat phys damage ones that are 4c each.

Is it possible to keep rerolling the flat phys dmg to max out the stats? Let's say I start off with flat phys dmg. If I keep rerolling it, will it only roll the flat phys dmg stat?

Let's say I'm satisfied with the flat phys dmg and move onto str/qual. If I keep rerolling str/qual, will it only affect the rerolled str/qual stat and not touch the flat phys dmg stat?


no. you can just craft each mod once and then you have to divine them at the end. browse the communities tab and find a crafting service with a lot of vouches. i paid 30c for all of the crafts on my axe. the mod range isn't huge so it should only take a couple of divines to get something near max rolls

Shock3r19711 wrote:
What lvl enlighten do we need? Im using dread banner, pride and blood/sand. Cant really afford a lvl 4 enlighten. I feel like i have way too much mana not reserved..

none if you have -mana cost on rings. my cyclone and leap slam are free atm and i have only 13 mana left only. a level 3 enlighten will leave you with somewhere around 55 mana which works if you are careful with your useage.

Zwyfty wrote:
I've been hearing from multiple streamers that Crit is way better than RT this season. Is this true? Is there a way to make this build better using crit? I'm just curious, or are all of the streamers sleeping on RT? Someone please give me a little more insight on this if you can. Thanks :)

they are both good. problem with dual weild is you lose a ton of HP because you can't use kaoms and then you lose a ton of survivability because you don't normally take the overleech. this build does plenty of damage as it is (guardians with %hp mods are dying in a couple of seconds) so i'd rather keep what survivability we have.

Hi, i'd like input on this as I am fairly new to the game.

How good is the +1 roll if at all? I'm not wealthy by any means and hit the 20 fortify in about 900 Alts. I would have enough currency for another round of about 1000 Ats if my annul fails.

Is this worth imprinting at all, and what is the process without my own beastcraft?

I understand if I multimod I can craft the IAS -- and...whatever else here, feel free to provide input if you could.

Aside from running pale court to get my multimod craft I am at a loss as to what i'm looking for now :) I don't mind crafting IAS with 1x Exalt since that seems to be a sure fire thing.

EDIT: Upon doing some research I think that the +1 melee mod is a terrible terrible roll, and it can even go up to +2 therefore I would probably need to Annul and risk losing my fortify?
Last edited by thekryptkeeper1200 on Jun 15, 2019, 4:35:59 AM
Xerept wrote:
Been running this build since league start. Killing all content easily T16+. However legion mobs are kinda rippy, can you recommend a way to scale more defense? I got all the uniques, but my rares can't even come close to yours.

Lv 90, not quite at 5k life yet. Was hoping to fit in a steelskin somehow for some more effective hp. Thoughts??


Try running a CWDT Enfeeble + Steelskin/Molten Shell setup, it's what i'm doing.

Hi, i'd like input on this as I am fairly new to the game.

How good is the +1 roll if at all? I'm not wealthy by any means and hit the 20 fortify in about 900 Alts. I would have enough currency for another round of about 1000 Ats if my annul fails.

it's not as good as +2 support gems so it's up to you. if you are on a super budget and not planning on playing a ton and raising a lot of funds then you could do it. +2 support gems is about a 2.5%ish more dps increase over +1 to melee gems but the craft is 2ex and it will also require you to hit the annul and maybe have to alt spam and repeat the whole process over.

so yeah, i wouldn't personally use it, but you could if you know you will never farm enough currency to do it the 'proper' way
Last edited by crazypearce on Jun 15, 2019, 4:42:47 AM
crazypearce wrote:

Zwyfty wrote:
I've been hearing from multiple streamers that Crit is way better than RT this season. Is this true? Is there a way to make this build better using crit? I'm just curious, or are all of the streamers sleeping on RT? Someone please give me a little more insight on this if you can. Thanks :)

they are both good. problem with dual weild is you lose a ton of HP because you can't use kaoms and then you lose a ton of survivability because you don't normally take the overleech. this build does plenty of damage as it is (guardians with %hp mods are dying in a couple of seconds) so i'd rather keep what survivability we have.

I went into my PoB and removed RT and still had 100% chance to hit. Why is this happening? I have no accuracy in my tree or gear.
Why no vaal ancenstral warchief? Seems better than having to stop to use the regular one more often..
Thanks for your input, since I have enough currency to do another round or so of alterations I think I will do it the right way - Since this will be an endgame weapon and I am currently happy with my setup, no reason not to dump into this and have it done correctly.

Can you tell me what i'm looking for on the regal? If I understand correctly, I can craft things like IAS after I do the multimod so couldn't I theoretically craft everything one at a time, or is this incorrect?

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