[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

First off I want to say thank you a ton for making this guide. I am actually quite ill and using guides like makes it so I can actually play this game and do well. That being said.. it is hard on me to read through many many forums pages so I am really sorry if I'm asking a question that has been answered recently.

Is infused channeling bugged to the point that I should just reroll a red socket and put in melee phys? I am still using a 5 link.

Which pantheons to take now that cwdt was reworked?
I've been using lunaris on the theory that it will add movement speed in legion encounters, and shakari to help blood rage hurt less.
What Stance we use? I mean i played only with Blood and Sand in Blood Stance. But now we use both skills. Blood Stance gives Maim and then maim link? oder sand stance?
im a solo self found player and was wondering if this build would be good for SSF and viable?
Do you need enlighten 4 to squeeze the Vuln curse in? Can 3 work?
So with 2 stance gems what stance do you use? Do you use the blind if your in trouble as like a defensive skill and stay in blood all other times?
Generally speaking if you use Flesh and Stone, along with Blood and Sand which is linked with Maim Support ---- then you stay in Blood stance and Maim is increased.
Ahfack wrote:
Townerrr wrote:
Hey mate loving the build so far but as you update the guide i'm a little confused with gem links.
You mention both banners but we can only use 1, which are we taking?

Thanks in advance :)

I changed a few things today and will hopefully have time to do more on the thread tomorrow

Here are all my current links for mapping:

For single target/bossing swap Pulverize with Impale and swap dread banner to war banner

If you don't have a fortify axe then swap dmg on full life with fortify

This confuses me, so for single target you only then socket impale in weapon? Whats the impale support do then when impale isnt socketed which would be like 95% of the time if you only use it on the boss.
What do you think about using close combat over infused channeling?
Thx for your Work =)

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