[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

What should the ascendancy order be?
Apparently the Impale wheels are the last points taken when reaching level 100. Is Impale worth using without these skill tree points? Is just the Impale support gem worth using without the support of the skill tree?
Quintessence wrote:
What should the ascendancy order be?

Ascendancy Points
Endless Hunger -> Brutal Fervour -> Headsman -> Bane of Legends
thoughts on this gem setup?

Axe 6L Mapping:
Cyclone | Fortify | Melee Physical | Infused Channeling | Brutality | Pulverize

enlighten lv 3 | Pride | Blasphemy | Enfeeble/Vul

Leap Slam | Endurance Charge On Melee Stun | Faster Attacks | blood magic

CWDT | Molten Shell | Blood Rage | dread banner
i might swap molten shell out for Immortal call and have cwdt at a low level

Unset ring- socket blood and sand

gonna need -7 or -8 mana cost ring craft

98.2% mana reserved
Last edited by galandord on Jun 7, 2019, 11:02:40 PM
Probably going to try going

Endless Hunter > Brutal Fervour > Impact > Overwhelm (after I get Starforge and move points to crit)
knyfito wrote:
Anyone tested Rage+berserk suport with cyclone?

I have. It's good. I don't do number crunching so I have no idea HOW good or if it's worth it, but it does feel better vs Legion encounters to zerg/burst dps them yellows down.
Why use maim in main skill setup? why not use main support linked to flesh and stone as it does stack over there. Dev confirmed it.
Why use maim in main skill setup? why not use main support linked to flesh and stone as it does stack over there. Dev confirmed it.

nice guide.
What is the order of the support gems?

For example if I have a 4 Link.
Is it from left to right or is it unordered?

Whats the point in taking bleed nodes (crimson dance etc)? Bleed dmg doesnt seem to be that high and should i take them early or later?

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