[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

juntar wrote:
Any thoughts on Illuminated Devotion over getting Divine Guidance for Ascendancy?? Doesn't seem bad upkeeping arcane surge with a increase duration gem. you'd have to cast every 8-9 secs or so.
It is an option, but IMHO not a very good one. 40% increased damage translates to maybe a 10% actual increase in your damage output (depending on how many increased modifiers you have, of course, could be more, could be less).

That much damage isn't hard to get elsewhere, and the defensive strength of Divine Guidance is pretty significant.

I suppose the AoE isn't nothing, but we don't really have problems with our AoE if we run long winter. Heck half the time I leave conc in while mapping because I'm too lazy to swap inc for conc on the boss. Besides increasing the AoE doesn't actually increase the totem's aggro range, and GC with conc and long winter already reaches well beyond the totem's actual aggro range.
Is it possible totem Swap GC with frostbolt for faster Map clearing?
Would someone mind explaining how Hiero's get full Physical -> Cold damage conversion? I understand Watcher's Eye (hatred) and the helmet enchant, but that gets you to a max of 80%. Is there a third way to complete it?
PeopleReady wrote:
Would someone mind explaining how Hiero's get full Physical -> Cold damage conversion? I understand Watcher's Eye (hatred) and the helmet enchant, but that gets you to a max of 80%. Is there a third way to complete it?

Threshold jewels are 20% a piece. Use two of them, which is the most popular way atm of achieveing full conversion.
PeopleReady wrote:
Would someone mind explaining how Hiero's get full Physical -> Cold damage conversion? I understand Watcher's Eye (hatred) and the helmet enchant, but that gets you to a max of 80%. Is there a third way to complete it?

Glacial cascade itself already gives you 60 % conversion, so you need an addtional 40 % from somewhere. Watcher's eye, enchant or 2x long winter.
When do you guys take out Inc.Crit from the setup and switch to something else? Currently at 30% in HO, and honestly feel like throwing Faster Casting in there is better, since I'm dualwielding shaped/elder without any cast speed.
obalan wrote:
PeopleReady wrote:
Would someone mind explaining how Hiero's get full Physical -> Cold damage conversion? I understand Watcher's Eye (hatred) and the helmet enchant, but that gets you to a max of 80%. Is there a third way to complete it?

Glacial cascade itself already gives you 60 % conversion, so you need an addtional 40 % from somewhere. Watcher's eye, enchant or 2x long winter.

thank you very much, to both you and Sephy - my Watcher's Eye from an old build is only 37%: will the lack of 3% be a loss which makes selling the Eye and acquiring the an enchant or threshold jewels worthwhile? Or is 3% in the grand scheme no problem?
PeopleReady wrote:
obalan wrote:
PeopleReady wrote:
Would someone mind explaining how Hiero's get full Physical -> Cold damage conversion? I understand Watcher's Eye (hatred) and the helmet enchant, but that gets you to a max of 80%. Is there a third way to complete it?

Glacial cascade itself already gives you 60 % conversion, so you need an addtional 40 % from somewhere. Watcher's eye, enchant or 2x long winter.

thank you very much, to both you and Sephy - my Watcher's Eye from an old build is only 37%: will the lack of 3% be a loss which makes selling the Eye and acquiring the an enchant or threshold jewels worthwhile? Or is 3% in the grand scheme no problem?

3% isn't a big deal at all, but the threshold jewels are also pretty nice for map clearing speed because of the extra burst, so if you can afford them I suggest trying them out anyway.

For bossing they're somewhat less awesome, as they don't have any life, but quite nice for mapping.
What is the consensus on the best way to maximize your damage and achieve full conversion? Helm enchant, 2x winter jewels or watcher's eye?

Also thoughts on the best helm if going with enchant?

obalan wrote:
PeopleReady wrote:
Would someone mind explaining how Hiero's get full Physical -> Cold damage conversion? I understand Watcher's Eye (hatred) and the helmet enchant, but that gets you to a max of 80%. Is there a third way to complete it?

Glacial cascade itself already gives you 60 % conversion, so you need an addtional 40 % from somewhere. Watcher's eye, enchant or 2x long winter.

I thought we don't count 60% GC conversion and have to get full 100% with items and hatred :(

Btw can somebody help me with what I should aim for (except for 6l sould mantle, trying to 6link it).My pob atm - https://pastebin.com/gCbs48Mr
Last edited by SuperElectric#6704 on Mar 12, 2018, 1:26:33 PM

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