[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

SJoselito wrote:
First of all thank you for the build. Its look like really fun.
I want some help tho since im dying a lot.
Idk if its just because im low level or Im missing something in defense. (or maybe im just bad)
Anyway I would apreciate if someone could take a look at my char and see if I miss something or something is wrong.
Just to be clear im dying on T9+ maps.
T7 or T8 im doing fine, but even on that when I open an abyss with all that crowd I usually die.

Another question would be if the VP build is better than the non VP one.

Thank you

Missing life on a lot of gear, not many jewels yet also, which is where a good chunk of life comes from. I assume you know this part.

Aside from low life total, your claw is a problem, particularly for using the non-VP tree. You really want a life on hit claw. Imperial or Gemini base, preferably imperial unless you have mana issues for some reason. Sell that one, buy a similar one on a life on hit base.

For gems, I guess you have your bossing gem setup in? I trust you've seen the OP's outline of what gems to use, but I just want to make sure you have ancestral call in when mapping.

I could outline what's wrong with each other piece, but the OP has already provided a whole gearing section in his post that tells you what to do. Your jewelry is your worst gear (all of it), so look there first. I assume that's self found stuff, since none of it is even worth a chaos. Gotta get to fixing it all.

You've got two jewel sockets that you're already next to, so your next two levels should obviously be those jewel sockets.
Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Jan 26, 2018, 10:19:01 PM
been wrecking some t13-14 with this build its so good and simple. gg
Whats with the wildstrike build in PoB for OP? is it better?

Hi, working on this build now so my gear is kind of shitty.

I'm trying to get a claw upgrade but I don't know how to weigh the stats (eg. some claws have slightly more attack speed/ crit but much lower ele damage). I know attack speed > crit > ele damage but I'm still having a hard time picking a claw to buy. I don't want to blow a huge amount of currency on a claw only to find out I could have gotten something better for less.

Would love if someone could give me some tips thanks alot!

With 16 exalts to spend, what to upgrade first? I'm thinking additional projectiles helm enchant and 6L belly, any ideas?
Wanna try Inpulsa's Broken Heart until Abyss league end(Have around 70EX unspend,not enough for mirror claw purchase anyway)
It was mentioned many pages ago but i can't find it.
PoB says that im gonna miss around ~500 total HP with removing Belly,but the Inpulsa's Bonuses seems really strong also compared to it - Unnafected By shock (Freeing shock removal life flask for Vinktar,50% increased dmg if shocked enemy recently(Vinktar) works good for both mapping/bosses,increased effect of shock - 40%,shocked enemy's explode and deals 10% of their max health as light. dmg).
Also how explosion would work with HoI?
Works both at same time or one replaces another?

Any suggestions?
Last edited by FreshMeat93#0508 on Jan 27, 2018, 3:12:33 AM

ok guys so im 100% noob when it comes to crafting so got a question. Should i craft crit multi and exalt this ?

Getting 1 shotted, can't beat uber lab (died to argus)
Best build i have played in any league. Did everything except the grindy challenges. Farmed guardians like a madman. Now done with the league and sold/donated all my gear. Thanks GornoDD for amazing build, hope it doesn't get nerfed :D

Made a video of some of my fastest guardian and shaper kills. There were few better ones but didn't record everything:
I tried Vaal Temple Map and get my ass kicked really hard...

Killed all but one boss and he oneshottet me...

Any hints about doing Vaal Temple Boss?

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